Kamstrup MULTICAL® 402 Installation and User Guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Installation and User Guide for the Kamstrup MULTICAL 402 cooling meter. This document covers everything from initial setup and mounting of the device to more specific configuration details, such as using plug-in modules for advanced communication. I am familiar with its features, like various power supply options or the info codes for troubleshooting, and I'm ready to answer your questions about it.
  • Can the temperature sensors be separated?
    What type of temperature sensors does MULTICAL® 402-T require?
    What are the mounting options for the flow sensor?
    What kind of power supply does the device use?
Cooling meer
Kmstrup A/S · Industrivej 28, Stilling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmstrup.com · kmstrup.com
Insllion nd User Guide
2 Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
Allowed operation conditions/measuring ranges
Complee cooling meer wih nionl Dnish cooling pprovl
(TS 27.02 005):
Clculor q: 2 °C…50 °C DΘ: 3K…40K
Flow meer (medium emperure) q: 2 °C…50 °C
Combined he/cooling meer wih nionl Dnish cooling nd MID pprovl
(TS 27.02 005 nd DK-0200-MI004-013):
Clculor q: 2 °C…160 °C DΘ: 3K…150K
Flow meer (medium emperure) q: 2 °C…130 °C
Mechanical environment
M1 (fixed insllion wih minimum vibrion).
Electromagnetic environment
E1 (housing/ligh indusry). The meer’s conrol cbles mus be drwn 
min. 25 cm disnce o oher insllions.
Climatic environment
Mus be inslled in environmens wih non-condensing humidiy s well
s in closed locions (indoors). The mbien emperure mus be wihin
5…55 °C.
Maintenance and repair
The energy supplier cn replce communicion module, bery nd
emperure sensors. Flow sensor nd clculor mus no be sepr-ed.
Oher repirs require subsequen reverificion in n ccredied lborory.
MULTICAL® 402-T requires connecion of emperure sensors ype P500.
Battery for replacement
Kmsrup ype 402-000-2000-000 (D-cell) or 402-000-1000-000
(2 x AA-cells).
Cooling meer
Insllion nd User Guide
Kmstrup A/S · Industrivej 28, Stilling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmstrup.com · kmstrup.com
4 Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
5Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
1 General information 6
2 Mounting of temperature
sensors 6
2.1 Pocke sensor pir 7
2.2 Shor direc emperure
sensor se 8
3 Information Codes ”INFO” 9
4 Mounting of flow sensor 10
4.1 Mouning of couplings s
well s shor direc sensor
mouned in MULTICAL®402
flow sensor 10
4.2 Mouning of flow sensor 12
5 Mounting the calculator 13
5.1 Wll mouning 13
5.2 Mouning posiion of
clculor 14
5.3 Cbling 15
5.4 Applicion  medium
emperure, which is less
hn 5 °C lower hn he
mbien emperure 16
6 Power supply 17
6.1 Bery supply 17
6.2 Mins modules 18
7 Testing the function 18
8 Electrical connection 19
9 Plug-in modules 19
9.1 Pulse inpus 19
9.2 Pulse oupus 20
9.3 D + pulse inpus,
ype 402-0-10 20
9.4 D + pulse inpus,
ype 402-0-11 21
9.5 M-Bus + pulse inpus,
ype 402-0-20 21
9.6 M-Bus + pulse oupus,
ype 402-0-21 21
9.7 M-Bus module wih
MULTICAL® III d pcke +
pulse inpus,
ype 402-0-29 22
9.8 Wireless M-Bus,
ype 402-0-30,
402-0-35 + 402-0-37 22
9.9 Rdio, ype 402-0-40
nd 402-0-41 22
9.10 Rdio, ype 402-0-42
nd 402-0-44 23
9.11 Rdio, ype 402-0-43
nd 402-0-45 23
9.12 Module overview 24
10 Setup via front keys 25
6 Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
1 General information
Read these instructions before you install the meter.
In case of incorrect mounting Kamstrup’s guarantee obligations no longer
Plese noe h he following insllion condiions mus be obeyed:
- Pressure sge: PN16/PN25, see mrking. The flow
sensor mrking does no pply o
enclosed ccessories.
- Pressure sge, Kmsrup
sensor se ype DS: PN16
- Pressure sge, Kmsrup
sinless seel sensor pockes: PN25
A  medium emperure bove 90 °C we recommend he use of flnge
sensors s well s wll mouning of he clculor.
2 Mounting of temperature sensors
The emperure sensors used for mesuring forwrd nd reurn
emperures respecively, consiue  mched sensor pir, which mus
never be sepred. Temperure sensors re usully mouned in he
clculor from he fcory. According o EN 1434/OIML R75 he cble lengh
mus no be chnged. Should replcemen be necessry, boh sensors mus
be replced.
The sensor mrked wih  red sign is o be inslled in he flow pipe. The
oher sensor, mrked wih  blue sign, is o be inslled in he reurn pipe.
For mouning in he clculor, see he prgrph ”Elecricl connecion”.
Note: The sensor cbles mus neiher be exposed o jerking nor pulling.
Plese be wre of his when binding he cbles, nd be creful no o
pull he binders unnecessrily igh s his my dmge he cbles.
Plese lso noe h emperure sensors mus be mouned from
below in cooling or he/cooling insllions.
7Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
2.1 Direct sensors
The shor, direc sensors up o DN25
cn be mouned in specil bll
vlves wih buil-in M 10 socke for
he shor direc sensor. They cn
lso be mouned in insllions
wih sndrd ngle ee-pipes.
Kmsrup supply R½ nd R¾ brss
nipples, which fi our shor, direc
sensor. The shor direc sensor
cn lso be direc mouned in ll
Kmsrup flow sensors wih G¾B
nd G1B hred on he meer cse.
Fsen he sensors’ brss unions
lighly (pprox. 4 Nm) using  12 mm
fce wrench nd sel he sensors
wih sel nd locking wire.
8 Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
2.2 Pocket sensors
The sensor pockes cn be
mouned in e.g.  welding sleeve
or in  45° lerl Y-piece. The ip
of he sensor pocke mus  les
rech he cener of he flow pipe.
Push he emperure sensors
s deep s possible ino he
pockes. If  shor response ime is
required, “nonhrdening” hermlly
conducive pse cn be used. Push
he plsic sleeve on he sensor
cble ino he sensor pocke nd
secure he cble by mens of he
enclosed M4 seling screw. Fsen
he screw wih your fingers only.
Sel he pockes using sel nd
locking wire.
1 : 1
9Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
3 Information Codes ”INFO”
MULTICAL® 402 consnly moniors  number of imporn funcions. In
cse of  serious error in mesuring sysem or insllion, “INFO” flshes
in he disply nd n info-code cn be red by civing he op fron key
unil „INFO“ is displys . The info code disppers when he error hs been
remedied, unless he meer hs been specilly configured for “mnul rese
of info codes”. When he error condiion hs exised for more hn n hour,
he error code is sved in he info log.
Info code Description Response time
0 No irregulriies -
1 Supply volge hs been inerruped -
8 Temperure sensor T1 ouside mesuring rnge < 30 s.
4 Temperure sensor T2 ouside mesuring rnge < 30 s.
4096 Flow sensor V1, signl oo wek (ir) < 30 s.
16384 Flow sensor wih wrong flow direcion < 30 s.
If vrious info codes pper  he sme ime, he sum of info codes is displyed.
E.g. he info code will be 12 if boh emperure sensors re ouside mesuring
10 Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
4 Mounting of flow sensor
Prior o insllion of he flow sensor, he sysem should be flushed nd
proecion plugs/plsic diphrgms removed from he flow sensor.
Correc flow sensor posiion (inle or oule) ppers from he fron lbel of
MULTICAL® 402. The flow direcion is indiced by n rrow on he side of he
flow sensor.
4.1 Mounting of couplings as well as short direct sensor mounted in
MULTICAL®402 flow sensor
The shor direc sensor from
Kmsrup my be mouned in
PN16 insllions only, wheres
he blind plug which is mouned
in he MULTICAL® 402 flow sensor
from he fcory my be used in
connecion wih boh PN16 nd
PN25 insllions.
The flow sensor my be used in
boh PN16 nd PN25 insllions
nd is vilble mrked eiher PN16
or PN25 s required.
Enclosed couplings, if ny, re only
inended for PN16. Suible PN25
couplings mus be used in PN25
In connection with G3/4x110 mm
and G1x110 mm it must be checked
that 10 mm thread run-out is
sufficient. See the figure to the
Momen pprox. 4 Nm
10 mm
11Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
Glnds nd gskes re mouned s shown in he bove drwing.
Srigh inle: MULTICAL® 402 requires neiher srigh inle nor srigh
oule o mee he Mesuring Insrumens Direcive (MID) 2014/32/EU, OIML
R75:2002 nd EN 1434:2007.
A srigh inle secion will only be necessry in cse of hevy flow
disurbnces before he meer. We recommend you o follow he guidelines
described in CEN CR 13582.
For sysems h lck emperure inermixure nd sysems wih em-
perure srificion respecively we recommend  srigh inle of
10 x DN.
A Recommended flow sensor
B Recommended flow sensor
C Unccepble posiion due o
risk of ir build-up
D Accepble in closed sysems.
Unccepble posiion in open
sysems due o risk of ir build-
up in he sysem
E A flow sensor ough no o be
plced immediely fer 
vlve, wih he excepion of
block vlves (bll vlve ype)
which mus be fully open when
no used for blocking.
F A flow sensor mus never be
plced on he inle side of
G A flow sensor ough no o be
plced fer  double bend in
wo levels.
In order o preven cviion he opering pressure 
MULTICAL® 402 mus be min. 1.5 br  qp nd min. 2.5 br  qs. This pplies
o emperures up o pprox. 80 °C.
MULTICAL® 402 mus no be exposed o pressure below he mbien
pressure (vcuum).
12 Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
4.2 Mounting of flow sensor
The flow sensor cn be mouned
horizonlly, vericlly, or  n
90° 90°
The flow sensor my be urned up
o ± 45° in relion o he horisonl
Mx. 45°
The plsic cse mus neiher poin
upwrds nor downwrds.
13Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
5 Mounting the calculator
The following insllion guidelines mus be observed.
5.1 Wall mounting
MULTICAL® 402 cn be mouned
on n even wll by mens of he
enclosed fiing. The fiing is
mouned on he flow sensor from
he fcory. Remove he fiing from
he flow sensor A, use he fiing
s  emple o mrk nd drill wo
6 mm holes in he wll, nd moun
he clculor on he fiing B.
41 mm
41 mm
14 Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
5.2 Mounting position of calculator
When MULTICAL® 402 is used
s  cooling meer nd he flow
sensor is hus inslled in humid
or condensing environmen, he
clculor mus be plced higher
hn he flow sensor.
15Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
5.3 Cabling
Becuse of he humid nd
condensing environmen correc
cbling is imporn. Below you see
exmples of correc nd incorrec
Fron, vericl.
Fron,  n ngle beween horizonl
nd vericl.
Fron, horizonl.
Note: The cble must be insered
from he boom
16 Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
5.4 Application at medium temperature, which is less than 5 °C lower
than the ambient temperature
A medium emperures below mbien emperure, MULTICAL® 402 mus
be wll mouned nd he condension-proof version, ype 402-T, mus be
Calculator mounted on threaded meter:
Flow from lef o righ Flow from righ o lef
Calculator mounted on flange meter:
Flow from lef o righ Flow from righ o lef
17Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
6 Power supply
MULTICAL® 402 cn be powered by  buil-in lihium bery or n inegrl 24
VAC or 230 VAC mins module.
The wo cbles from bery or mins module re mouned in he
clculor’s wo-pin plug.
6.1 Battery supply
MULTICAL® 402 is conneced o  lihium bery, D-cell or 2 x AA-cells.
Opiml bery lifeime is obined by keeping he bery emperure
below 30 °C, e.g. by wll mouning.
The volge of  lihium bery is lmos consn hroughou he lifeime
of he bery (pprox. 3.65 V). Therefore, i is no possible o deermine he
remining cpciy of he bery by mesuring he volge.
The bery mus neiher be chrged nor shorcircuied. Used beries mus
be hnded in for pproved desrucion.
18 Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
6.2 Mains modules
MULTICAL® 402 is vilble wih
supply modules for eiher 24 VAC or
230 VAC.
The modules re proecion clss
II nd re conneced vi  wo-wire
cble (wihou erh) hrough he
big cble bush, in he op lef of he
connecing bse. Use connecing
cble wih n ouer dimeer of 5-10
mm nd ensure correc sripping
of he cble s well s correc
mouning of cble relief.
If connecing o 230 VAC, i is
imporn o mke sure h he
whole insllion complies wih
curren regulions. The supply
cble o he meer mus no be
pre-fused by  bigger fuse hn
permied, see exmples below.
24 VAC supply
24 VAC
3,6 V
24 VAC
E.g. rnsformer 230/24V,
ype 66-99-403, cn be used.
Note! MULTICAL® 402 cnno be
powered by 24 VDC.
230 VAC supply
230 VAC
3,6 V
230 VAC
This module is used in connecion wih
direc mins connecion.
Note! Exernl supply my only be
conneced o he supply module.
Supply cable Max. Fuse
2 x 0,75 mm2 (ccessory from Kmsrup A/S) 6 A
2 x 1,0 mm210 A
In connecion wih oher ypes of insllions or requiremens for bigger
pre-fuses hn he ones lised bove, i is necessry o consul  cerified
elecricin for n individul evluion of how he ype of insllion in
quesion should be crried ou.
19Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
7 Testing the function
Crry ou n operionl check when he energy meer hs been fully
mouned. Open hermoregulors nd cocks o esblish wer flow hrough
he heing sysem. Acive he op key of MULTICAL® 402 nd check h
he displyed vlues for emperures nd wer flow re credible vlues.
8 Electrical connection
The wo mched 2-wire emperure sensors re mouned in erminls
nos. 5 nd 6 (T1) nd erminls nos. 7 nd 8 (T2). The polriy of emperure
sensors T1 nd T2 is unimporn.
Plese see posiion of erminls below:
Terminal no. Standard heat and cooling
T1 5-6 Sensor in inle pipe (red)
T2 7-8 Sensor in oule pipe (blue)
20 Kmsrup A/S • 5512850_D1_GB_01.2016
9 Plug-in modules
MULTICAL® 402 cn be exended by  wide rnge of exr funcions if plug-in
modules re dded. The individul modules re briefly described below.
9.1 Pulse inputs
Pulse inpus (VA) nd (VB) re used
for connecion of exr wer meers
wih eiher Reed-swich oupu or
pssive elecronic pulse oupu. Min.
pulse durion is 30 ms. nd mx.
pulse frequency is 0.5 Hz.
65 + (VA) Pulse inpu
66 -
67 + (VB) Pulse inpu
68 -
If  module wih pulse inpus is mouned in MULTICAL® 402, he meer will
uomiclly be configured for pulse inpus.
Plese noe h he pulse figure (lires/pulse) mus mch he exr wer
meers nd he configurion of VA nd VB. Afer delivery he configurion
of VA nd VB (config FF nd GG) cn be chnged by mens of he PC
progrm METERTOOL.
9.2 Pulse outputs
Pulse oupus for energy (CE)
nd volume (CV) hve Drlingon
opocouplers nd re vilble wih
mny of he plug-in modules. Mx.
volge nd curren re 30 VDC nd
10 mA.
16 + (CE) Pulse oupu for energy
17 -
18 + (CV) Pulse oupu for volume
19 -
If  module wih pulse inpus is mouned in MULTICAL® 402, he meer will
uomiclly be configured for pulse inpus. The pulse durion ws ordered
 32 msec. or 0.1 sec. Afer delivery he pulse durion cn be chnged by
mens of he PC progrm METERTOOL.
The resoluions of he pulse oupus lwys follow he les significn digi
displyed for energy nd volume respecively.