10 Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
Possibly supplied glnds cn
only be used for PN16. For PN25
instlltions shll be used suitble
PN25 glnds.
In connection with G¾ x
110 mm nd G1 x 110 mm it shll be
checked tht 10 mm thred run-out
is sufficient. See the figure to the
pprox. 4 Nm
Stright inlet: MULTICAL® 402 requires neither stright inlet nor stright
outlet to meet the Mesuring Instruments Directive (MID) 2014/32/EU nd
EN 1434:2007. A stright inlet section will only be necessry in cse of hevy
flow disturbnces before the meter. We recommend to follow the guidelines
of CEN CR 13582.
A Recommended flow sensor position.
B Recommended flow sensor position.
C Uncceptble position due to risk of
ir build-up.
D Acceptble in closed systems.
Uncceptble position in open
systems due to risk of ir build-up in
the system.
E A flow sensor ought not to be plced
immeditely fter vlve, with the
exception of block vlves (bll vlve
type) which must be fully open when
not used for blocking.
F A flow sensor should not be plced
t the suction side of pump.
G A flow sensor ought not to be plced
fter double bend in two levels.
In order to prevent cvittion the operting pressure t MULTICAL® 402 must
be min. 1.5 br t qp nd min. 2.5 br t qs. This pplies to tempertures up
to pprox. 80 °C.
MULTICAL® 402 must not be exposed to pressure lower thn the mbient
pressure (vcuum).