Kamstrup MULTICAL® 402 Installation and User Guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Installation and User Guide for the Kamstrup MULTICAL 402 energy meter. This document provides instructions for installing, operating, and troubleshooting the device, including information about its features and measurement capabilities. I'm familiar with topics such as mounting, electrical connections, error codes, and how to use the device’s display. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about this meter or the content of the manual.
  • How does the MULTICAL 402 calculate consumed energy?
    What do the front keys on the MULTICAL 402 do?
    What should I do if an "INFO" code is displayed?
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
Installation and User Guide
2 Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
Energy Mesurement
MULTICAL® 402 functions in the following wy:
The flow meter registers the mount of district heting wter in m³ (cubic
metres) circulting through the heting system.
The temperture sensors plced in inlet nd outlet pipes register the
cooling, i.e. the difference between input nd output tempertures.
MULTICAL® 402 clcultes consumed energy bsed on volume of district
heting wter nd cooling.
When the top front key is ctivted,  new reding ppers.
The lower front key displys historicl redings nd verge vlues.
Four min. fter the ltest ctivtion of the front key the meter utomticlly
switches to consumed energy.
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
Installation Guide
4 Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
MID designtions
Permissible operting conditions / mesuring rnges
Clcultor q: 2 °C…160 °C : 3K…150K
Temperture sensor set q: 10 °C…150 °C : 3K…140K
Flow sensor (het meter) q: 15 °C…130 °C
Also vilble s cooling meter with temperture rnge 2...50 °C or s
combined het/cooling meter with temperture rnge 2...130 °C, without MID
pprovl however.
Mechnicl environment
M1 (fixed instlltion with minimum vibrtion).
Electromgnetic environment
E1 (housing/light industry). The meter’s control cbles must be drwn t min.
25 cm distnce to other instlltions.
Climtic environment
Must be instlled in environments with non-condensing humidity s well
s in closed loctions (indoors). The mbient temperture must be within
5…55 °C.
Mintennce nd repir
The district heting supplier cn replce communiction module, bttery
nd temperture sensor set. The flow sensor must not be seprted from the
Other repirs require subsequent reverifiction in n ccredited lbortory.
MULTICAL® 402, type 402-W nd 402-T must be connected to  temperture
sensor set type Pt500.
MULTICAL® 402, type 402-V must be connected to  temperture sensor set
type Pt100.
Bttery for replcement
Kmstrup type 402-000-2000-000 (D-cell) or 402-000-1000-000
(2 x AA-cells).
5Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
1 Generl informtion 6
2 Mounting of temperture
sensors 6
2.1 Pocket sensor set 7
2.2 Short direct sensor set 8
3 Informtion codes ”INFO” 8
4 Mounting of flow sensor 9
4.1 Mounting of glnds nd
short direct sensor mounted
in MULTICAL® 402 flow prt 9
4.2 Mounting of MULTICAL® 402 11
4.3 Instlltion exmples 12
5 Mounting the clcultor 13
5.1 Compct mounting 13
5.2 Wll mounting 14
5.3 Mounting position of
clcultor 15
6 Power supply 15
6.1 Bttery supply 16
6.2 Mins modules 16
7 Testing the function 17
8 Electricl connection 17
9 Plug-in modules 18
9.1 Pulse inputs 18
9.2 Pulse outputs 18
9.3 Dt + pulse inputs,
type 402-0-10 19
9.4 Dt + pulse outputs,
type 402-0-11 19
9.5 M-Bus + pulse inputs,
type 402-0-20 20
9.6 M-Bus + pulse outputs,
type 402-0-21 20
9.7 M-Bus module with
pckge + pulse inputs,
type 402-0-29 21
9.8 Wireless M-Bus,
type 402-0-30 nd
402-0-35 21
9.9 Wireless M-Bus,
type 402-0-31 22
9.10 Wireless M-Bus,
type 402-0-37 23
9.11 Wireless M-Bus,
type 402-0-38 24
9.12 Rdio, type 402-0-40
nd 402-0-41 25
9.13 Rdio+ pulse inputs,
type 402-0-42 nd
402-0-44 25
9.14 Rdio+ pulse outputs, type
402-0-43 nd 402-0-45 26
9.15 Module overview 27
10 Setup vi front keys 28
6 Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
1 Generl informtion
Red this guide before instlling the meter.
In cse of incorrect mounting Kmstrup’s gurntee obligtions no longer
Plese note tht the following instlltion conditions must be obeyed:
- Pressure stge: PN16/PN25, see mrking. The flow
sensor mrking does not pply to
enclosed ccessories
- Pressure stge, Kmstrup
sensor set type DS: PN16
- Pressure stge, Kmstrup
stinless steel pockets: PN25
At medium tempertures bove 90 °C in flow sensor, use of flnge meters is
recommended, nd the clcultor should be wll-mounted.
2 Mounting of temperture sensors
The temperture sensors used to mesure inlet nd outlet tempertures re
 mtched sensor set tht must never be seprted.
MULTICAL® 402 is by defult supplied with mounted temperture sensors.
According to EN 1434 the cble length must not be chnged. If necessry,
sensors must lwys be replced in pirs.
One sensor is mrked with  red sign nd must be instlled in the inlet pipe.
The other sensor is mrked with  blue sign nd must be instlled in the
outlet pipe (see prgrph 8, pge 17).
Note: The sensor cbles must not be pulled. Be wre of this in cse of
binding the cbles.
7Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
2.1 Pocket sensor set
Preferbly, sensor pockets must
be mounted in tee-pieces or in
45° lterl Y-pieces. The tip of the
sensor pocket must point ginst
the flow direction nd be plced in
the middle of the wter flow.
Temperture sensors should be
inserted to the bottom of the
pockets. If  short response time
is required, “non-hrdening” het
conducting pste cn be used.
Push the plstic sleeve on the
sensor cble into the sensor pocket
nd secure the cble with the
enclosed M4 seling screw. Fsten
the screw with your fingers only.
Sel the pockets using sel nd
locking wire.
* Pakning
1 : 1
8 Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
2.2 Short direct sensor set
Short direct sensors cn be mounted
in specil bll vlves or in specil tee-
pipes, both with threds up to R1 nd
built-in M10 union for the short direct
For mounting in existing heting
instlltions with stndrd ngle tees
Kmstrup A/S cn supply R½ nd R¾
brss nipples fitting the short direct
Short direct sensors cn lso be
fitted directly into ll Kmstrups
ULTRAFLOW® vrints with G¾ nd
G1 threds on the meter cse. Fsten
the brss unions of the sensors lightly
(pprox. 4 Nm) using  12 mm fce
wrench nd sel the sensors with sel
nd locking wire.
3 Informtion codes ”INFO”
MULTICAL® 402 constntly monitors  number of importnt functions. If
there is  serious error in the mesuring system or instlltion,  flshing
“INFO” is displyed, nd n info code cn be red by ctivting the top front
key until the mesuring unit displys “INFO”. The info code is visible s
long s the error exists, unless the meter hs been specilly configured for
”mnul reset of info codes”. When n info code hs existed for n hour, it is
sved in the info log.
9Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
Info Code Description Response time
0 No irregulrities -
1 Supply voltge hs been interrupted -
8 Temperture sensor T1 outside mesuring
< 30 sec.
4 Temperture sensor T2 outside mesuring
< 30 sec.
4096 Flow sensor V1, signl too wek (ir) < 30 sec.
16384 Flow sensor with wrong flow direction < 30 sec.
If severl info codes pper t  time, the sum of the info codes is displyed.
If e.g. both temperture sensors re outside mesuring rnge, info code 12 is
4 Mounting of flow sensor
Prior to instlltion of the flow sensor, the system should be flushed nd
protection plugs/plstic diphrgms removed from the flow sensor.
Correct flow sensor position (inlet or outlet pipe) ppers from the front lbel
of the MULTICAL® 402. The flow direction is indicted by n rrow on the side
of the flow sensor.
4.1 Mounting of glnds nd short direct sensor mounted in
MULTICAL® 402 flow prt
The short direct sensor from
Kmstrup cn only be mounted in
PN16 instlltions. The blind plug
mounted in the MULITCAL® 402 flow
prt cn be used in connection with
both PN16 nd PN25.
The flow meter cn be used in both
PN16 nd PN25 nd cn be supplied
mrked either PN16 or PN25 s
pprox. 4 Nm
10 mm
10 Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
Possibly supplied glnds cn
only be used for PN16. For PN25
instlltions shll be used suitble
PN25 glnds.
In connection with G¾ x
110 mm nd G1 x 110 mm it shll be
checked tht 10 mm thred run-out
is sufficient. See the figure to the
pprox. 4 Nm
Stright inlet: MULTICAL® 402 requires neither stright inlet nor stright
outlet to meet the Mesuring Instruments Directive (MID) 2014/32/EU nd
EN 1434:2007. A stright inlet section will only be necessry in cse of hevy
flow disturbnces before the meter. We recommend to follow the guidelines
of CEN CR 13582.
A Recommended flow sensor position.
B Recommended flow sensor position.
C Uncceptble position due to risk of
ir build-up.
D Acceptble in closed systems.
Uncceptble position in open
systems due to risk of ir build-up in
the system.
E A flow sensor ought not to be plced
immeditely fter  vlve, with the
exception of block vlves (bll vlve
type) which must be fully open when
not used for blocking.
F A flow sensor should not be plced
t the suction side of  pump.
G A flow sensor ought not to be plced
fter  double bend in two levels.
In order to prevent cvittion the operting pressure t MULTICAL® 402 must
be min. 1.5 br t qp nd min. 2.5 br t qs. This pplies to tempertures up
to pprox. 80 °C.
MULTICAL® 402 must not be exposed to pressure lower thn the mbient
pressure (vcuum).
11Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
4.2 Mounting of MULTICAL® 402
MULTICAL® 402 cn be mounted
verticlly, horizontlly or t n ngle.
90° 90°
MULTICAL® 402 my be turned
upwrds to mx. 45° nd
downwrds to mx. 90° compred
to the pipe xis.
Mx. 45°
MULTICAL® 402 must not be
mounted with the plstic box
pointing upwrds.
12 Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
4.3 Instlltion exmples
Threded meter:
Flow from the left Flow from the right
Flnge meter:
Flow from the left Flow from the right
4.3.1 Humidity nd condenstion
If MULTICAL® 402 is instlled in moist environments, it must be turned 45°
reltive to the pipe xis s shown in the drwing below.
If there is risk of condenstion, e.g.
in cooling systems,  condenstion
protected MULTICAL® 402 must be
13Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
5 Mounting the clcultor
The MULTICAL® 402 clcultor cn either be mounted direct on the flow
sensor (compct mounting) or on  wll (wll mounting).
5.1 Compct mounting
Compct mounting mens tht the clcultor is mounted direct on the
flow sensor. Hving been mounted, the clcultor is seled with sel nd
locking wire. In cse of strong condenstion (e.g. cooling pplictions) we
recommend wll mounting of the clcultor. Furthermore, MULTICAL® 402
must be the condenstion protected version.
By defult the fitting is plced t
the bottom of the flow sensor nd
the clcultor cn be mounted s
85 mm
If  minimum depth of instlltion is
required (G¾ nd G1), the fitting cn
be removed from the bottom of the
flow sensor A nd mounted on the
side of it. This mens tht the plstic
box on the flow sensor now points
downwrds nd tht the clcultor
is mounted on its side B.
60 mm
14 Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
Compct mounting mkes it possible
to tie the cbles to the side of the
flow sensor. First relese the cble
retiner A. Next drw two cble
retiners through two of the four
mounting rings B ech. Finlly,
fsten the cble retiners round
the flow cble C tying the cble
together with the flow sensor D.
5.2 Wll mounting
MULTICAL® 402 cn be mounted on
n even wll by mens of the fitting
which is lso used for compct
mounting. Use the fitting s 
templte to mrk nd drill two 6
mm holes in the wll nd mount the
clcultor on the fitting.
Note: The fitting must be removed
from the flow sensor s
shown in prgrph 5.1
Compct mounting.
41 mm
15Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
5.3 Mounting position of clcultor
If the flow sensor is instlled in 
humid or condensing environment,
the clcultor must be mounted
higher thn the flow sensor.
6 Power supply
MULTICAL® 402 cn be powered by  built-in lithium bttery or by n integrl
24 VAC or 230 VAC mins module.
The two wires from bttery or mins module re mounted in the clcultor
vi  two-contcts connector.
6.1 Bttery supply
MULTICAL® 402 is connected to  lithium bttery, D-cell or 2 x AA-cells.
Optiml bttery lifetime is obtined by keeping the bttery temperture
below 30 °C, e.g. by wll mounting.
The voltge of  lithium bttery is lmost constnt throughout the lifetime
of the bttery (pprox. 3.65 V). Therefore, it is not possible to determine the
remining cpcity of the bttery by mesuring the voltge.
The bttery cnnot nd must not be chrged nd must not be short-
circuited. Used btteries must be hnded in for pproved de-struction, f.inst.
t Kmstrup A/S.
16 Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
6.2 Mins modules
The modules re protection clss
II nd re connected vi  two-wire
cble (without erth) through the
cble bush of the clcultor plced
in the right side of the connecting
bse. Use connecting cble with
n outer dimeter of 5-10 mm nd
ensure correct dismntling s well
s correct mounting of cble relief.
Mx. permitted fuse: 6 A.
Ntionl instlltion regultions
must be obeyed.
24 VAC supply
24 VAC
3,6 V
24 VAC
F.inst. trnsformer 230/24 V,
type 66-99-403, cn be used.
Note: MULTICAL® 402 cnnot be
supplied by 24 VDC.
230 VAC supply
230 VAC
3,6 V
230 VAC
This module is used for direct mins
Note: Externl supply must be
connected to the supply
7 Testing the function
Crry out n opertionl check when the energy meter hs been fully
mounted. Open thermoregultors nd cocks to estblish wter flow through
the heting system. Activte the top key on MULTICAL® 402 nd check tht
the displyed vlues for tempertures nd wter flow re credible vlues.
17Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
8 Electricl connection
The two pirede 2-wire sensors must be mounted in terminls 5 nd 6
(T1), nd 7 nd 8 (T2). The polrity of temperture sensors T1 nd T2 is
See the position of the terminls below:
Terminl no. Stndrd het nd cooling
T1 5–6 Sensor in inlet pipe (red)
T2 7–8 Sensor in outlet pipe (blue)
9 Plug-in modules
A number of extr functions cn be dded to MULTICAL® 402 by mens of
plug-in modules. The individul modules re briefly described below.
9.1 Pulse inputs
Pulse inputs (VA) nd (VB) re used
for the connection of extr wter
meters with either Reed switch
output or pssive electronic pulse
output. Min. pulse durtion is 30
msec. nd mx. pulse frequency is
0.5 Hz.
65 + (VA) Pulse input
66 -
67 + (VB) Pulse input
68 -
If  module with pulse inputs is mounted in MULTICAL® 402, the meter is
utomticlly configured for pulse inputs.
Plese note tht the pulse figure (litres/pulse) must mtch between the
extr wter meters nd the configurtion of VA nd VB. After delivery the
configurtion of VA nd VB (config FF nd GG) cn be chnged by mens of
the PC progrm METERTOOL.
18 Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
9.2 Pulse outputs
Pulse outputs for energy (CE) nd
volume (CV) re designed with
drlington optocouplers nd re
vilble with mny of the plug-in
modules. Mx. voltge nd current is
30 VDC nd 10 mA.
16 + (CE) Pulse output for energy
17 -
18 + (CV) Pulse output for volume
19 -
If  module with pulse outputs is mounted in MULTICAL® 402, the meter is
utomticlly configured for pulse outputs. The pulse durtion is ordered
t 32 msec. or 0.1 sec. After delivery the pulse durtion cn be chnged by
mens of the PC progrm METERTOOL.
The resolutions of the pulse outputs lwys follow the lest significnt digits
of energy nd volume respectively in the disply.
9.3 Dt + pulse inputs, type 402-0-10
The dt terminls re used for
connection of e.g.  PC. The signl is
pssive nd glvniclly seprted
by mens of optocoup-lers.
Conversion into RS232 level requires
connection of dt cble 66-99-106
(D-Sub 9F) or
66-99-098 (USB) with the following
62 Brown (DAT)
63 White (REQ)
64 Green (GND)
19Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
9.4 Dt + pulse outputs, type 402-0-11
The dt terminls re used for
connection of e.g.  PC. The signl is
pssive nd glvniclly seprted
by mens of optocoup-lers.
Conversion into RS232 level requires
connection of dt cble 66-99-106
(D-Sub 9F) or
66-99-098 (USB) s follows:
62 Brown (DAT)
63 White (REQ)
64 Green (GND)
9.5 M-Bus + pulse inputs, type 402-0-20
M-Bus module with primry,
secondry nd enhnced secondry
The module is connected to n
M-Bus mster vi terminls 24 nd
25 using  twisted pir.
The polrity is unimportnt.
The module is powered by the connected mster.
9.6 M-Bus + pulse outputs, type 402-0-21
M-Bus module with primry,
secondry nd enhnced secondry
The module is connected to n
M-Bus mster vi terminls 24 nd
25 using  twisted pir.
The polrity is unimportnt.
The module is powered by the connected mster.
20 Kamstrup A/S • 5512772_D3_GB_03.2017
9.7 M-Bus module with MULTICAL® III dt pckge + pulse inputs, type
The M-Bus module 402029
comprises the sme dt pcket
s M-Bus module 6604 for
MULTICAL® III/66-C nd module
660S for MULTICAL® Compct/
The module cn e.g. be used together with the old M-Bus mster with
disply, old regultors nd old reding systems not supporting the newer
M-Bus modules.
9.8 Wireless M-Bus, type 402-0-30 nd 402-0-35*
The rdio module hs been
designed to form prt of Kmstrup’s
hnd-held Wireless M-Bus Reder
system, which opertes in the
licence-free frequency bnd in the
868 MHz re.
The rdio module comes fitted with internl ntenn s well s connection
for externl ntenn.
9.9 Wireless M-Bus, type 402-0-31*
The Wireless M-Bus module hs
been developed to be integrted
in n ”Open Metering System”
(OMS) solution without further
configurtion, nd opertes within
the unlicensed frequency bnd in
the 868 MHz re.
* Mounting n externl ntenn it must be secured tht the ntenn
cble does not become cught between the PCB nd the sty of the
Replcing or mounting modules the meter must be without current. The
sme pplies when mounting n externl ntenn.