Kamstrup MULTICAL® 6M2 Installation and User Guide

  • Hello! I'm a chat assistant and I've analyzed the Installation and User Guide for the Kamstrup MULTICAL 6M2 energy meter. This document describes how to install and use the device including details on mounting procedures for sensors, connection guides for different types of flow sensors, and setup instructions for using modules, power options and various communications protocols. I'm ready to help you with your questions regarding this document or the MULTICAL 6M2 meter.
  • Can the temperature sensor cable length be changed?
    What type of fluid is the MULTICAL® 6M2 compatible with?
    What voltage options are available for powering the calculator?
    What kind of communication modules are compatible with this meter?
Installation and User Guide
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
2 Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
Permissible opering condiions / mesuring rnges
Clculor q: -40 °C..…140 °C : 3K…170K
Temperure sensor pir q: -40 °C..…140 °C : 3K…140K
Mechnicl environmen
M1 (fixed insllion wih minimum vibrion).
M2 (significn or high level of vibrion nd shock).
Elecromgneic environmen
E1 nd E2 (domesic/ligh indusry nd indusry). The meer’s signl cbles mus be drwn  min.
25 cm disnce o oher insllions.
Climic environmen
Mus be inslled in environmens wih non-condensing humidiy s well s in closed locions
(indoors). The mbien emperure mus be wihin 5…55 °C.
Minennce nd repir
The disric heing supplier cn replce communicion module, bery nd emperure sensor
pir. The flow sensor my lso be replced, bu mus be suible for mixed fluid pplicions nd
possible sub-zero emperures.
MULTICAL® 6M2, ype 6M2-G/H mus be conneced o  emperure sensor pir ype P500.
MULTICAL® 6M2, ype 6M2-G cn be conneced o flow sensor ype elecronic pick-up or flow
sensors wih reed swich oupu.
MULTICAL® 6M2, ype 6M2-H mus be conneced o  flow sensor wih 24 V cive pulse oupu.
Irrespecive of flow sensor ype, “pulses/lire” mus be idenicl in flow sensor nd clculor.
Bery for replcemen
Kmsrup ype 1606064.
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
Installation Guide
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
4 Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
1 Generl informion 4
2 Mouning of emperure sensors 5
2.1 Pocke sensor (PL) 5
2.3 Temperure sensor pir in cooling
pplicions 6
2.2 Shor direc sensor (DS) 6
3 Flow sensor 7
3.1 Flow sensor posiion 7
3.2 GWF flow sensor 8
4 Mouning of clculor 9
4.1 Sepre/wll mouning 9
4.2 Pnel mouning 9
5 Fluid ype 10
5.1 Fluid ype code 10
6 Elecricl connecion, MULTICAL® 6M2 11
6.1 Connecion of elecronic pick up or
reed swich unis 11
6.2 Connecion of unis wih cive pulses 11
6.3 Connecion exmple 12
7 Volge supply of clculor 14
7.1 Bery supply 14
7.2 Mins modules 14
8 Tesing of funcion 15
9 Informion codes ”INFO” 15
10 Plug-in modules 16
10.1 Module overview 16
10.2 Communicion op module 16
10.3 Communicion bse modules 17
11 Seup vi fron keys 18
1 Generl informion
Red his guide before inslling he meer.
Kmsrup’s wrrny obligions do no pply in cse of incorrec mouning.
Plese noe h he following insllion condiions mus be obeyed:
- Pressure sge Kmsrup
sensor pir ype DS: PN16
- Pressure sge Kmsrup
sinless seel pockes: PN25/PN40 - depending on ype
Noe: Plese be wre h depending on he flow pr i my be recommended o use  flnge
meer  high medium emperures.
5Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
2 Mouning of emperure sensors
The emperure sensors used for mesuring inle nd oule emperures respecively,
consiue  mched sensor pir, which mus never be sepred. According o EN 1434/OIML
R75, he cble lengh mus no be chnged. Should replcemen be necessry, boh sensors mus
be replced.
The sensor mrked wih  red sign is o be inslled in he inle pipe. The oher sensor, mrked wih
 blue sign, is o be inslled in he oule pipe. For mouning in he clculor, see he prgrph
”Elecricl connecion”.
Noe: The sensor cbles mus neiher be exposed o jerking nor pulling. Plese be wre of his
when binding he cbles, nd be creful no o pull he binders unnecessrily igh s his
my dmge he cbles. Plese lso noe h emperure sensors mus be mouned from
below in cooling nd he/cooling insllions.
2.1 Pocke sensor (PL)
The sensor pockes cn be mouned in e.g.  welding sleeve or in  45° lerl Y-piece. The ip
of he sensor pocke mus be plced in he middle of he flow. Push he emperure sensors s
deep s possible ino he pockes. If  shor response ime is required, “non-hrdening” hermlly
conducive pse cn be used. Push he plsic sleeve on he sensor cble ino he sensor pocke
nd secure he cble by mens of he enclosed M4 seling screw. Fsen he screw wih your
fingers only. Sel he pockes using sel nd locking wire.
1 : 1
6 Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
2.2 Shor direc sensor (DS)
The shor, direc sensors up o DN25 cn be mouned in specil bll vlves wih buil-in M 10
socke for he shor direc sensor. They cn lso be mouned in insllions wih sndrd
ee-pieces. Kmsrup A/S cn supply R½ nd R¾ brss nipples h fi he shor direc sensors.
The shor direc sensor cn lso be mouned direcly in seleced flow sensors from Kmsrup A/S.
Fsen he sensors’ brss unions lighly (pprox. 4 Nm) using  12 mm fce wrench, nd sel he
sensors wih sel nd locking wire.
2.3 Temperure sensor pir in cooling pplicions
Temperure sensors in cooling pplicions mus be mouned
from below s shown in he figure.
7Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
3 Flow sensor
The MULTICAL® 6M2 mus be used in connecion wih flow prs compible wih mixed fluids. Flow
prs suible for mixed fluids re e.g. mechnicl nd mgneic inducive.
3.1 Flow sensor posiion
Kmsrup flow sensors require neiher srigh inle nor srigh oule o mee he Mesuring
Insrumens Direcive (MID) 2014/32/EU, OIML R75:2002 nd EN 1434:2015. A srigh inle secion
will only be necessry in cse of hevy flow disurbnces before he meer. I is recommended o
follow he guidelines of CEN CR 13582.
A Recommended posiion.
B Recommended posiion.
C Unccepble posiion due o risk of ir
D Accepble posiion in closed sysems.
E Ough no o be plced immediely fer
 vlve, wih he excepion of block vlves
(bll vlve ype) which mus be fully open
when no used for blocking.
F Ough no o be plced immediely before
or fer  pump.
G Ough no o be plced immediely fer 
double bend in wo plnes.
In order o void cviion, he bck pressure  he flow sensor (he pressure  he flow sensor
oule) mus be minimum 1.5 br  qp (nominl flow) nd minimum 2.5 br  qs (mximum flow).
This pplies o emperures up o pprox. 80 °C. The flow sensor mus no be exposed o pressure
lower hn he mbien pressure (vcuum).
8 Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
3.2 GWF flow sensor
GWF volume mesuring meers cn wihsnd insllions where nifreeze gens re presen.
The mesuring dynmics re, however, influenced depending on he concenrion. Wih n
nifreeze concenrion:
1 Below 5 % here is no influence on he mesuring dynmics
2 A 30 % he qi vlue is doubled.
Noe: The qi increses beween 5-30 %. This degrdion kes plce proporionlly.
3 Above 30 % we do no recommend hese meers.
3.2.1 Mouning of GWF flow sensor
Single je meers (Unico®) cn be inslled
in horizonl or vericl pipelines. Horizonl
insllion is preferred since i offers superior
mesuring dynmics.
Muli je meers (MTH) cn only be inslled in
horizonl pipelines. The meer ype ple mus
lwys fce upwrds.
I is recommended o insll shu-off vlves
before nd fer he meer, o fcilie he
insllion nd removl of he meer for
periodic inspecion nd minennce work.
Py enion o he direcion of flow when
inslling he meer. An rrow on he meer
body indices he direcion of flow.
Noe: The meer should be proeced gins mechnicl jols or vibrion, which could be presen
in he insllion.
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4 Mouning of clculor
The MULTICAL® 6M2 clculor cn be mouned in wo differen wys:
4.1 Sepre/wll mouning
The wll fiing mkes i possible o moun
MULTICAL® 6M2 direc on n even wll. Use
he fiing s  emple o mrk nd drill wo
6 mm holes in he wll.
Nurlly, wll mouning is idel when
mouning in condensing environmens.
52 mm
4.2 Pnel mouning
MULTICAL® 6M2 cn be mouned direc in pnels nd conrol pnels, vi Kmsrup’s pnel
mouning ki, No. 66-99-104 (192 x 144 mm).
10 Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
5 Fluid ype
MULTICAL® 6M2 is compible wih he mos commonly used nifreeze liquids, e.g. ehylene
glycol, propylene glycol, Tyfocor nd Anifrogen.
5.1 Fluid ype code
The ype of nifreeze liquid nd he
concenrion re freely progrmmble
nd hus MULTICAL® 6M2 cn compense
for he unique specific he cpciy in
ech pplicion, ensuring  high ccurcy
regrdless of he chemicl composiion or he
The fluid ype code is  4 digi code, which
ses he fluid ype nd concenrion, for
which he clculor is progrmmed. The
fluid ype code cn be viewed in he
clculor’s disply (reference number 71).
11Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
6 Elecricl connecion, MULTICAL® 6M2
MULTICAL® 6M2 cn be conneced o elecronic pick up or reed swich unis s well s unis wih
cive pulses. How o connec hese flow sensors nd he emperure sensors is described below.
6.1 Connecion of elecronic pick up or reed swich unis
Flow sensors wih reed swich oupu nd elecronic pick up unis re
conneced o erminls 11–10 nd 11–69 respecively.
The polriy of emperure sensors T1, T2 nd T3 is unimporn.
V1 V2
- 11 11
SIG 10 69
Terminl no. Sndrd he nd cooling
T1 5-6 Sensor in inle (red)
T2 7-8 Sensor in oule (blue)
V1 11-10 Flow sensor in inle or oule
V2 11-69 -
T3 51-52 -
6.2 Connecion of unis wih cive pulses
Flow sensors wih cive pulses re conneced o erminls 11B–10B nd
79B–69B respecively.
The polriy of emperure sensors T1, T2 nd T3 is unimporn.
V1 V2
- 11B 79B
SIG 10B 69B
Terminl no. Sndrd he nd cooling
T1 5-6 Sensor in inle (red)
T2 7-8 Sensor in oule (blue)
V1 11B-10B Flow sensor in inle or oule
V2 79B-69B -
T3 51-52 -
12 Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
6.3 Connecion exmple
Exmple of connecion of MULTICAL® 6M2 (ype no. 6M2-G) nd  flow sensor wih  reed swich.
The pssive conc oupu of he flow sensor is conneced direcly o he flow sensor inpu which
is no glvniclly sepred. This permis  cble lengh of mx. 10-20 m beween flow meer nd
Exmple of connecion of MULTICAL® 6M2 (ype no. 6M2-G) nd  flow sensor GWF UNICO2 (IPG 14)
wih  reed swich. The connecion exmple cn lso be used for he flow sensor GWF MTH.
The whie nd he brown wire cn be inerchnged.
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Exmple of connecion of MULTICAL® 6M2 (ype no. 6M2-H) nd  flow sensor wih cive pulses.
The cive pulse oupu of he flow sensor is conneced o he glvniclly sepred flow sensor
inpu direcly. This permis  cble lengh of up o 100 m beween flow sensor nd clculor.
10B (69B)
11B (79B)
Exmple of connecion of MULTICAL® 6M2 (ype no. 6M2-G) nd  flow sensor GWF WSDH
(Reed RD 022) wih  reed swich.
The blck nd he brown wire cn be inerchnged. The yellow shielding wire is no used.
14 Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
7 Volge supply of clculor
MULTICAL® 6M2 cn be powered by  buil-in lihium bery or n inegrl 24 VAC or 230 VAC
mins module.
The cble from bery or mins module is mouned in he clculor’s connecor by  wo-pole
7.1 Bery supply
MULTICAL® 6M2 is conneced o  lihium bery, D-cell. The bery is mrked wih insllion
yer, e.g. 2015, s well s producion de.
Opiml bery lifeime is obined by keeping he bery emperure below 30 °C.
The volge of  lihium bery is lmos consn hroughou he lifeime of he bery (pprox.
3.65 V). Therefore, i is no possible o deermine he remining cpciy of he bery by
mesuring he volge.
The bery cnno nd mus no be chrged nd mus no be shor-circuied for more hn 2 sec.
Used beries mus be hnded in for pproved desrucion, e.g.  Kmsrup A/S.
7.2 Mins modules
The modules re proecion clss II. They re conneced by mens of  wo-wire cble (wihou
ground) hrough he cble enry of he clculor plced in he righ side of he connecing bse.
Use connecing cble wih 5-10 mm ouer dimeer nd ensure correc sripping s well s correc
mouning of cble relief.
Mx. permied fuse: 6 A.
Nionl regulions for elecric insllions mus be observed.
7.2.1 Isoled liner supply modules
60 97
24 VAC supply
24 VAC
3.6 V
60 27
230 VAC supply
230 VAC
3.6 V
24 VAC
For insnce 230/24 V rnsformer,
ype 66-99-403, cn be used.
Noe: MULTICAL® 6M2 cnno be
powered by 24 VDC.
230 VAC
This module is used in connecion wih direc
mins connecion.
Noe: Exernl supply mus be conneced o
he supply module.
15Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
8 Tesing of funcion
Crry ou n operionl check when he energy meer hs been fully mouned. Open
hermo regulors nd vlves o esblish flow hrough he sysem. Acive he min key of
MULTICAL® 6M2 nd check h he displyed vlues for emperures nd flow re relevn vlues.
9 Informion codes ”INFO”
MULTICAL® 6M2 consnly moniors  number of imporn funcions. In cse of  serious error in
mesuring sysem or insllion, ”INFO” is displyed nd n info-code cn be red by civing
he min key unil he mesuring uni sys ”INFO”. The info code is only displyed when he error is
Info code Descripion Response ime
0 No irregulriies -
1 Supply volge hs been inerruped -
8 Temperure sensor T1 ouside mesuring rnge 1…10 min.
4 Temperure sensor T2 ouside mesuring rnge 1…10 min.
32 Temperure sensor T3 ouside mesuring rnge 1…10 min.
If  number of info codes pper   ime, he sum of info codes is displyed. If e.g. boh
emperure sensors re ouside mesuring rnge, info code 12 is displyed.
16 Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
10 Plug-in modules
MULTICAL® 6M2 cn be exended by  rnge of exr funcions by mens of plug-in modules. The
individul modules re briefly described below.
10.1 Module overview
MULTICAL® 6M2 Communicion op module
Type No. Descripion Module No.
602-0C 2 pulse oupus for CE nd CV 5550-1163
MULTICAL® 6M2 Communicion bse modules
Type No. Descripion Module No.
67-00-20 M-Bus + pulse inpus (VA, VB) 5550-831
67-00-24 LonWorks, FTT-10A + pulse inpus (VA, VB) 5550-1128
67-00-66 BACne MS/TP (B-ASC) RS-485 + 2 pulse inpus 5550-1240
67-00-67 Modbus RTU + 2 pulse inpus 5550-1277
10.2 Communicion op module
10.2.1 Type 602-0C: 2 pulse oupus for CE nd CV
This op module hs wo configurble pulse oupus, which
re suible for volume nd energy pulses for he meers,
cooling meers nd combined he/cooling meers.
The pulse resoluion follows he disply (deermined by he
CCC code).
E.g. CCC=119 (qp 1,5): 1 pulse/kWh nd 1 pulse/0.01 m3.
The pulse oupus re opoisoled nd wihsnd 30 VDC nd
10 mA.
Normlly energy (CE) is conneced o 16-17 nd volume (CV)
o 18-19, bu oher combinions cn be seleced by mens
of he PC progrm METERTOOL HCW, which is lso used for
selecing he pulse durion  eiher 32 or 100 ms.
17Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
10.3 Communicion bse modules
10.3.1 M-Bus + pulse inpus, ype 67-00-20/27/28/29
M-Bus cn be mouned in sr, ring or bus opology. Up o 250 meers cn be conneced
depending on he M-Bus Mser’s power supply nd he ol cble resisnce.
Cble resisnce < 29 Ohm
Cble cpciy < 180 nF
The M-Bus nework is conneced on erminls
24 nd 25. The polriy is unimporn.
M-Bus comes wih pulse inpus.
10.3.2 LonWorks + pulse inpus, ype 67-00-24
See installation instructions 5512-396 (DK) or 5512-403 (GB).
10.3.3 BACne® + pulse inpus, ype 67-00-66
The BACne® module communices wih BACne® on MS/TP vi RS-485 s  mser/slve or
slve device.
The BACne® module rnsfers  number of boh cul d s well s ccumuled d.
Furhermore, info codes for generl lrm, flow error, emperure error, wer lekge, pipe burs,
ir in sysem, nd wrong flow direcion cn be rnsmied o he BACne® Conroller.
The wo pulse inpus llow connecion nd reding of wo ddiionl meers for e.g. wer nd
elecriciy wih pulse oupu.
10.3.4 Modbus RS485 RTU* Slve Module + pulse inpus, ype 67-00-67
The Modbus bse module for MULTICAL® ensures  simple inegrion of Kmsrups he,
cooling nd wer meers ino Modbus bsed sysems. Modbus is n open, widespred nd well
esblished seril communicion proocol used wihin building uomion.
Furher deils bou he Modbus module pper from d shee (DK: 5810-1267, GB: 5810-1253,
DE: 5810-1268, FR: 5810-1317).
*) RTU: Remoe Terminl Uni
18 Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
11 Seup vi fron keys
De, ime nd primry M-Bus ddress cn be djused by mens of he fron keys on he
clculor’s fron.
1 In he disply you selec he reding you wn o chnge
2 Lif off he clculor op
3 Wi unil he meer hs shu down (up o 2.5 minues). Do no press ny keys
4 While remouning he clculor op, keep he min key cived for pprox. 8 seconds.
5 The seup menu is now cive.
Hving cived he seup menu he reding you wn o
chnge is displyed wih he righmos digi flshing:
(in he below exmple, he ”De” hs been seleced):
The vlue of he flshing digi cn be chnged by pressing he sub-key .
The digi is incresed by one ech ime he key is pressed, nd pssing 9 you sr from 0:
When pressing he min-key he nex digi o he righ will be flshing:
The cive digi flshes nd his digi cn now be chnged by pressing he sub-key . I is
possible o reurn o he firs digi on he righ by mens of he min key .
When he vlue of he reding hs been chnged you qui by pressing he min key
coninuously for pprox. 10 seconds.
I should be checked wheher he vlue is vlid for he reding in quesion. If so, he vlue is sved
nd n “OK” symbol is displyed. If no, he old vlue is minined, no ”OK” symbol ppers, nd
he disply revers o legl reding.
User guide
Energy Mesuremen
MULTICAL® 6M2 funcions in he following wy:
The flow sensor regisers he moun of flow circuling hrough he sysem in m3 (cubic
The emperure sensors plced in inle nd oule pipes, regiser he cooling or heing,
i.e. he difference beween inpu nd oupu emperures.
MULTICAL® 6M2 clcules consumed energy bsed on volume of he nifreeze liquid nd
emperure difference.
When he min key is cived,  new reding ppers.
The sub-key displys hisoricl redings nd verge vlues.
Four minues fer he les civion of he min key he meer uomiclly swiches
o consumed energy.
Fluid ype code.
Consumed energy in kWh,
MWh or GJ. Les rge de.
Energy coun on les rge
de followed by energy coun
on ls yer’s rge de.
Followed by monhly couns.
Consumed wer. Les rge de.
Volume coun on les rge
de followed by volume coun
on ls yer’s rge de.
Followed by monhly couns.
Number of hours wih errors.
Number of opering hours.
Curren inle emperure.
Curren oule emperure.
Curren T3 emperure.
Curren wer flow.
(*) Acive o see his
yer’s mx. vlue s well s
yerly nd monhly logging
Curren he-flow re.
(*) Acive o see his
yer’s mx. vlue s well s
yerly nd monhly logging
Followed by ccumuled
wer consumpion 
inpus A nd B nd riff
regisers TA2 nd TA3.
Curren wer flow of flow
meer conneced o V2.
De of highes regisered flow
his yer
The highes regisered flow
his yer
Followed by monhly mx. nd
min. couns.
Seril number of equipmen
conneced o inpu A.
Followed by yerly nd monhly
logging vlues.
Tolized wer consumpion
on inpu A.
Seril number of equipmen
conneced o inpu B.
Followed by yerly nd monhly
logging vlues.
Tolized wer
consumpion on
inpu B.
The firs mx. 8 digis
of he cusomer
Curren informion
(Conc your disric
heing compny if he
vlue differs from ”0”).
The ls 8 digis of he cusom-
er number. This exmple
displys cusomer number
Curren de.
Followed by cul ime.
Trge de displyed s monh
nd dy. In his exmple June 1.
The clculor’s seril number.
Followed by progrm number,
config 1 nd 2, sofwre ediion
nd sofwre checksum.
Disply es.
Followed by op nd bse module
Reding of number of INFO code
D logger shows de …
… nd hen he INFO codes of he
les 36 evens.
Type of op module.
Followed by Top module
secondry ddress, bse module
ype nd primry nd secondry
(*) DDD = 401
Also see inercive user’s guides 
User Guide
Kamstrup A/S · Industrivej 28, Stilling · DK-8660 Skanderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · inf[email protected] · kamstrup.com
Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019