Kamstrup MULTICAL® 6M2 Installation and User Guide

Installation and User Guide
Installation and User Guide
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
2 Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
Permissible opering condiions / mesuring rnges
Clculor q: -40 °C..…140 °C : 3K…170K
Temperure sensor pir q: -40 °C..…140 °C : 3K…140K
Mechnicl environmen
M1 (fixed insllion wih minimum vibrion).
M2 (significn or high level of vibrion nd shock).
Elecromgneic environmen
E1 nd E2 (domesic/ligh indusry nd indusry). The meer’s signl cbles mus be drwn  min.
25 cm disnce o oher insllions.
Climic environmen
Mus be inslled in environmens wih non-condensing humidiy s well s in closed locions
(indoors). The mbien emperure mus be wihin 5…55 °C.
Minennce nd repir
The disric heing supplier cn replce communicion module, bery nd emperure sensor
pir. The flow sensor my lso be replced, bu mus be suible for mixed fluid pplicions nd
possible sub-zero emperures.
MULTICAL® 6M2, ype 6M2-G/H mus be conneced o  emperure sensor pir ype P500.
MULTICAL® 6M2, ype 6M2-G cn be conneced o flow sensor ype elecronic pick-up or flow
sensors wih reed swich oupu.
MULTICAL® 6M2, ype 6M2-H mus be conneced o  flow sensor wih 24 V cive pulse oupu.
Irrespecive of flow sensor ype, “pulses/lire” mus be idenicl in flow sensor nd clculor.
Bery for replcemen
Kmsrup ype 1606064.
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
Installation Guide
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
4 Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
1 Generl informion 4
2 Mouning of emperure sensors 5
2.1 Pocke sensor (PL) 5
2.3 Temperure sensor pir in cooling
pplicions 6
2.2 Shor direc sensor (DS) 6
3 Flow sensor 7
3.1 Flow sensor posiion 7
3.2 GWF flow sensor 8
4 Mouning of clculor 9
4.1 Sepre/wll mouning 9
4.2 Pnel mouning 9
5 Fluid ype 10
5.1 Fluid ype code 10
6 Elecricl connecion, MULTICAL® 6M2 11
6.1 Connecion of elecronic pick up or
reed swich unis 11
6.2 Connecion of unis wih cive pulses 11
6.3 Connecion exmple 12
7 Volge supply of clculor 14
7.1 Bery supply 14
7.2 Mins modules 14
8 Tesing of funcion 15
9 Informion codes ”INFO” 15
10 Plug-in modules 16
10.1 Module overview 16
10.2 Communicion op module 16
10.3 Communicion bse modules 17
11 Seup vi fron keys 18
1 Generl informion
Red his guide before inslling he meer.
Kmsrup’s wrrny obligions do no pply in cse of incorrec mouning.
Plese noe h he following insllion condiions mus be obeyed:
- Pressure sge Kmsrup
sensor pir ype DS: PN16
- Pressure sge Kmsrup
sinless seel pockes: PN25/PN40 - depending on ype
Noe: Plese be wre h depending on he flow pr i my be recommended o use  flnge
meer  high medium emperures.
5Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
2 Mouning of emperure sensors
The emperure sensors used for mesuring inle nd oule emperures respecively,
consiue  mched sensor pir, which mus never be sepred. According o EN 1434/OIML
R75, he cble lengh mus no be chnged. Should replcemen be necessry, boh sensors mus
be replced.
The sensor mrked wih  red sign is o be inslled in he inle pipe. The oher sensor, mrked wih
 blue sign, is o be inslled in he oule pipe. For mouning in he clculor, see he prgrph
”Elecricl connecion”.
Noe: The sensor cbles mus neiher be exposed o jerking nor pulling. Plese be wre of his
when binding he cbles, nd be creful no o pull he binders unnecessrily igh s his
my dmge he cbles. Plese lso noe h emperure sensors mus be mouned from
below in cooling nd he/cooling insllions.
2.1 Pocke sensor (PL)
The sensor pockes cn be mouned in e.g.  welding sleeve or in  45° lerl Y-piece. The ip
of he sensor pocke mus be plced in he middle of he flow. Push he emperure sensors s
deep s possible ino he pockes. If  shor response ime is required, “non-hrdening” hermlly
conducive pse cn be used. Push he plsic sleeve on he sensor cble ino he sensor pocke
nd secure he cble by mens of he enclosed M4 seling screw. Fsen he screw wih your
fingers only. Sel he pockes using sel nd locking wire.
1 : 1
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2.2 Shor direc sensor (DS)
The shor, direc sensors up o DN25 cn be mouned in specil bll vlves wih buil-in M 10
socke for he shor direc sensor. They cn lso be mouned in insllions wih sndrd
ee-pieces. Kmsrup A/S cn supply R½ nd R¾ brss nipples h fi he shor direc sensors.
The shor direc sensor cn lso be mouned direcly in seleced flow sensors from Kmsrup A/S.
Fsen he sensors’ brss unions lighly (pprox. 4 Nm) using  12 mm fce wrench, nd sel he
sensors wih sel nd locking wire.
2.3 Temperure sensor pir in cooling pplicions
Temperure sensors in cooling pplicions mus be mouned
from below s shown in he figure.
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3 Flow sensor
The MULTICAL® 6M2 mus be used in connecion wih flow prs compible wih mixed fluids. Flow
prs suible for mixed fluids re e.g. mechnicl nd mgneic inducive.
3.1 Flow sensor posiion
Kmsrup flow sensors require neiher srigh inle nor srigh oule o mee he Mesuring
Insrumens Direcive (MID) 2014/32/EU, OIML R75:2002 nd EN 1434:2015. A srigh inle secion
will only be necessry in cse of hevy flow disurbnces before he meer. I is recommended o
follow he guidelines of CEN CR 13582.
A Recommended posiion.
B Recommended posiion.
C Unccepble posiion due o risk of ir
D Accepble posiion in closed sysems.
E Ough no o be plced immediely fer
 vlve, wih he excepion of block vlves
(bll vlve ype) which mus be fully open
when no used for blocking.
F Ough no o be plced immediely before
or fer  pump.
G Ough no o be plced immediely fer 
double bend in wo plnes.
In order o void cviion, he bck pressure  he flow sensor (he pressure  he flow sensor
oule) mus be minimum 1.5 br  qp (nominl flow) nd minimum 2.5 br  qs (mximum flow).
This pplies o emperures up o pprox. 80 °C. The flow sensor mus no be exposed o pressure
lower hn he mbien pressure (vcuum).
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3.2 GWF flow sensor
GWF volume mesuring meers cn wihsnd insllions where nifreeze gens re presen.
The mesuring dynmics re, however, influenced depending on he concenrion. Wih n
nifreeze concenrion:
1 Below 5 % here is no influence on he mesuring dynmics
2 A 30 % he qi vlue is doubled.
Noe: The qi increses beween 5-30 %. This degrdion kes plce proporionlly.
3 Above 30 % we do no recommend hese meers.
3.2.1 Mouning of GWF flow sensor
Single je meers (Unico®) cn be inslled
in horizonl or vericl pipelines. Horizonl
insllion is preferred since i offers superior
mesuring dynmics.
Muli je meers (MTH) cn only be inslled in
horizonl pipelines. The meer ype ple mus
lwys fce upwrds.
I is recommended o insll shu-off vlves
before nd fer he meer, o fcilie he
insllion nd removl of he meer for
periodic inspecion nd minennce work.
Py enion o he direcion of flow when
inslling he meer. An rrow on he meer
body indices he direcion of flow.
Noe: The meer should be proeced gins mechnicl jols or vibrion, which could be presen
in he insllion.
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4 Mouning of clculor
The MULTICAL® 6M2 clculor cn be mouned in wo differen wys:
4.1 Sepre/wll mouning
The wll fiing mkes i possible o moun
MULTICAL® 6M2 direc on n even wll. Use
he fiing s  emple o mrk nd drill wo
6 mm holes in he wll.
Nurlly, wll mouning is idel when
mouning in condensing environmens.
52 mm
4.2 Pnel mouning
MULTICAL® 6M2 cn be mouned direc in pnels nd conrol pnels, vi Kmsrup’s pnel
mouning ki, No. 66-99-104 (192 x 144 mm).
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5 Fluid ype
MULTICAL® 6M2 is compible wih he mos commonly used nifreeze liquids, e.g. ehylene
glycol, propylene glycol, Tyfocor nd Anifrogen.
5.1 Fluid ype code
The ype of nifreeze liquid nd he
concenrion re freely progrmmble
nd hus MULTICAL® 6M2 cn compense
for he unique specific he cpciy in
ech pplicion, ensuring  high ccurcy
regrdless of he chemicl composiion or he
The fluid ype code is  4 digi code, which
ses he fluid ype nd concenrion, for
which he clculor is progrmmed. The
fluid ype code cn be viewed in he
clculor’s disply (reference number 71).
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6 Elecricl connecion, MULTICAL® 6M2
MULTICAL® 6M2 cn be conneced o elecronic pick up or reed swich unis s well s unis wih
cive pulses. How o connec hese flow sensors nd he emperure sensors is described below.
6.1 Connecion of elecronic pick up or reed swich unis
Flow sensors wih reed swich oupu nd elecronic pick up unis re
conneced o erminls 11–10 nd 11–69 respecively.
The polriy of emperure sensors T1, T2 nd T3 is unimporn.
V1 V2
- 11 11
SIG 10 69
Terminl no. Sndrd he nd cooling
T1 5-6 Sensor in inle (red)
T2 7-8 Sensor in oule (blue)
V1 11-10 Flow sensor in inle or oule
V2 11-69 -
T3 51-52 -
6.2 Connecion of unis wih cive pulses
Flow sensors wih cive pulses re conneced o erminls 11B–10B nd
79B–69B respecively.
The polriy of emperure sensors T1, T2 nd T3 is unimporn.
V1 V2
- 11B 79B
SIG 10B 69B
Terminl no. Sndrd he nd cooling
T1 5-6 Sensor in inle (red)
T2 7-8 Sensor in oule (blue)
V1 11B-10B Flow sensor in inle or oule
V2 79B-69B -
T3 51-52 -
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6.3 Connecion exmple
Exmple of connecion of MULTICAL® 6M2 (ype no. 6M2-G) nd  flow sensor wih  reed swich.
The pssive conc oupu of he flow sensor is conneced direcly o he flow sensor inpu which
is no glvniclly sepred. This permis  cble lengh of mx. 10-20 m beween flow meer nd
Exmple of connecion of MULTICAL® 6M2 (ype no. 6M2-G) nd  flow sensor GWF UNICO2 (IPG 14)
wih  reed swich. The connecion exmple cn lso be used for he flow sensor GWF MTH.
The whie nd he brown wire cn be inerchnged.
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Exmple of connecion of MULTICAL® 6M2 (ype no. 6M2-H) nd  flow sensor wih cive pulses.
The cive pulse oupu of he flow sensor is conneced o he glvniclly sepred flow sensor
inpu direcly. This permis  cble lengh of up o 100 m beween flow sensor nd clculor.
10B (69B)
11B (79B)
Exmple of connecion of MULTICAL® 6M2 (ype no. 6M2-G) nd  flow sensor GWF WSDH
(Reed RD 022) wih  reed swich.
The blck nd he brown wire cn be inerchnged. The yellow shielding wire is no used.
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7 Volge supply of clculor
MULTICAL® 6M2 cn be powered by  buil-in lihium bery or n inegrl 24 VAC or 230 VAC
mins module.
The cble from bery or mins module is mouned in he clculor’s connecor by  wo-pole
7.1 Bery supply
MULTICAL® 6M2 is conneced o  lihium bery, D-cell. The bery is mrked wih insllion
yer, e.g. 2015, s well s producion de.
Opiml bery lifeime is obined by keeping he bery emperure below 30 °C.
The volge of  lihium bery is lmos consn hroughou he lifeime of he bery (pprox.
3.65 V). Therefore, i is no possible o deermine he remining cpciy of he bery by
mesuring he volge.
The bery cnno nd mus no be chrged nd mus no be shor-circuied for more hn 2 sec.
Used beries mus be hnded in for pproved desrucion, e.g.  Kmsrup A/S.
7.2 Mins modules
The modules re proecion clss II. They re conneced by mens of  wo-wire cble (wihou
ground) hrough he cble enry of he clculor plced in he righ side of he connecing bse.
Use connecing cble wih 5-10 mm ouer dimeer nd ensure correc sripping s well s correc
mouning of cble relief.
Mx. permied fuse: 6 A.
Nionl regulions for elecric insllions mus be observed.
7.2.1 Isoled liner supply modules
60 97
24 VAC supply
24 VAC
3.6 V
60 27
230 VAC supply
230 VAC
3.6 V
24 VAC
For insnce 230/24 V rnsformer,
ype 66-99-403, cn be used.
Noe: MULTICAL® 6M2 cnno be
powered by 24 VDC.
230 VAC
This module is used in connecion wih direc
mins connecion.
Noe: Exernl supply mus be conneced o
he supply module.
15Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
8 Tesing of funcion
Crry ou n operionl check when he energy meer hs been fully mouned. Open
hermo regulors nd vlves o esblish flow hrough he sysem. Acive he min key of
MULTICAL® 6M2 nd check h he displyed vlues for emperures nd flow re relevn vlues.
9 Informion codes ”INFO”
MULTICAL® 6M2 consnly moniors  number of imporn funcions. In cse of  serious error in
mesuring sysem or insllion, ”INFO” is displyed nd n info-code cn be red by civing
he min key unil he mesuring uni sys ”INFO”. The info code is only displyed when he error is
Info code Descripion Response ime
0 No irregulriies -
1 Supply volge hs been inerruped -
8 Temperure sensor T1 ouside mesuring rnge 1…10 min.
4 Temperure sensor T2 ouside mesuring rnge 1…10 min.
32 Temperure sensor T3 ouside mesuring rnge 1…10 min.
If  number of info codes pper   ime, he sum of info codes is displyed. If e.g. boh
emperure sensors re ouside mesuring rnge, info code 12 is displyed.
16 Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
10 Plug-in modules
MULTICAL® 6M2 cn be exended by  rnge of exr funcions by mens of plug-in modules. The
individul modules re briefly described below.
10.1 Module overview
MULTICAL® 6M2 Communicion op module
Type No. Descripion Module No.
602-0C 2 pulse oupus for CE nd CV 5550-1163
MULTICAL® 6M2 Communicion bse modules
Type No. Descripion Module No.
67-00-20 M-Bus + pulse inpus (VA, VB) 5550-831
67-00-24 LonWorks, FTT-10A + pulse inpus (VA, VB) 5550-1128
67-00-66 BACne MS/TP (B-ASC) RS-485 + 2 pulse inpus 5550-1240
67-00-67 Modbus RTU + 2 pulse inpus 5550-1277
10.2 Communicion op module
10.2.1 Type 602-0C: 2 pulse oupus for CE nd CV
This op module hs wo configurble pulse oupus, which
re suible for volume nd energy pulses for he meers,
cooling meers nd combined he/cooling meers.
The pulse resoluion follows he disply (deermined by he
CCC code).
E.g. CCC=119 (qp 1,5): 1 pulse/kWh nd 1 pulse/0.01 m3.
The pulse oupus re opoisoled nd wihsnd 30 VDC nd
10 mA.
Normlly energy (CE) is conneced o 16-17 nd volume (CV)
o 18-19, bu oher combinions cn be seleced by mens
of he PC progrm METERTOOL HCW, which is lso used for
selecing he pulse durion  eiher 32 or 100 ms.
17Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
10.3 Communicion bse modules
10.3.1 M-Bus + pulse inpus, ype 67-00-20/27/28/29
M-Bus cn be mouned in sr, ring or bus opology. Up o 250 meers cn be conneced
depending on he M-Bus Mser’s power supply nd he ol cble resisnce.
Cble resisnce < 29 Ohm
Cble cpciy < 180 nF
The M-Bus nework is conneced on erminls
24 nd 25. The polriy is unimporn.
M-Bus comes wih pulse inpus.
10.3.2 LonWorks + pulse inpus, ype 67-00-24
See installation instructions 5512-396 (DK) or 5512-403 (GB).
10.3.3 BACne® + pulse inpus, ype 67-00-66
The BACne® module communices wih BACne® on MS/TP vi RS-485 s  mser/slve or
slve device.
The BACne® module rnsfers  number of boh cul d s well s ccumuled d.
Furhermore, info codes for generl lrm, flow error, emperure error, wer lekge, pipe burs,
ir in sysem, nd wrong flow direcion cn be rnsmied o he BACne® Conroller.
The wo pulse inpus llow connecion nd reding of wo ddiionl meers for e.g. wer nd
elecriciy wih pulse oupu.
10.3.4 Modbus RS485 RTU* Slve Module + pulse inpus, ype 67-00-67
The Modbus bse module for MULTICAL® ensures  simple inegrion of Kmsrups he,
cooling nd wer meers ino Modbus bsed sysems. Modbus is n open, widespred nd well
esblished seril communicion proocol used wihin building uomion.
Furher deils bou he Modbus module pper from d shee (DK: 5810-1267, GB: 5810-1253,
DE: 5810-1268, FR: 5810-1317).
*) RTU: Remoe Terminl Uni
18 Kamstrup A/S • 55121600_B1_GB_02.2019
11 Seup vi fron keys
De, ime nd primry M-Bus ddress cn be djused by mens of he fron keys on he
clculor’s fron.
1 In he disply you selec he reding you wn o chnge
2 Lif off he clculor op
3 Wi unil he meer hs shu down (up o 2.5 minues). Do no press ny keys
4 While remouning he clculor op, keep he min key cived for pprox. 8 seconds.
5 The seup menu is now cive.
Hving cived he seup menu he reding you wn o
chnge is displyed wih he righmos digi flshing:
(in he below exmple, he ”De” hs been seleced):
The vlue of he flshing digi cn be chnged by pressing he sub-key .
The digi is incresed by one ech ime he key is pressed, nd pssing 9 you sr from 0:
When pressing he min-key he nex digi o he righ will be flshing:
The cive digi flshes nd his digi cn now be chnged by pressing he sub-key . I is
possible o reurn o he firs digi on he righ by mens of he min key .
When he vlue of he reding hs been chnged you qui by pressing he min key
coninuously for pprox. 10 seconds.
I should be checked wheher he vlue is vlid for he reding in quesion. If so, he vlue is sved
nd n “OK” symbol is displyed. If no, he old vlue is minined, no ”OK” symbol ppers, nd
he disply revers o legl reding.
User guide
Energy Mesuremen
MULTICAL® 6M2 funcions in he following wy:
The flow sensor regisers he moun of flow circuling hrough he sysem in m3 (cubic
The emperure sensors plced in inle nd oule pipes, regiser he cooling or heing,
i.e. he difference beween inpu nd oupu emperures.
MULTICAL® 6M2 clcules consumed energy bsed on volume of he nifreeze liquid nd
emperure difference.
When he min key is cived,  new reding ppers.
The sub-key displys hisoricl redings nd verge vlues.
Four minues fer he les civion of he min key he meer uomiclly swiches
o consumed energy.
Fluid ype code.
Consumed energy in kWh,
MWh or GJ. Les rge de.
Energy coun on les rge
de followed by energy coun
on ls yer’s rge de.
Followed by monhly couns.
Consumed wer. Les rge de.
Volume coun on les rge
de followed by volume coun
on ls yer’s rge de.
Followed by monhly couns.
Number of hours wih errors.
Number of opering hours.
Curren inle emperure.
Curren oule emperure.
Curren T3 emperure.
Curren wer flow.
(*) Acive o see his
yer’s mx. vlue s well s
yerly nd monhly logging
Curren he-flow re.
(*) Acive o see his
yer’s mx. vlue s well s
yerly nd monhly logging
Followed by ccumuled
wer consumpion 
inpus A nd B nd riff
regisers TA2 nd TA3.
Curren wer flow of flow
meer conneced o V2.
De of highes regisered flow
his yer
The highes regisered flow
his yer
Followed by monhly mx. nd
min. couns.
Seril number of equipmen
conneced o inpu A.
Followed by yerly nd monhly
logging vlues.
Tolized wer consumpion
on inpu A.
Seril number of equipmen
conneced o inpu B.
Followed by yerly nd monhly
logging vlues.
Tolized wer
consumpion on
inpu B.
The firs mx. 8 digis
of he cusomer
Curren informion
(Conc your disric
heing compny if he
vlue differs from ”0”).
The ls 8 digis of he cusom-
er number. This exmple
displys cusomer number
Curren de.
Followed by cul ime.
Trge de displyed s monh
nd dy. In his exmple June 1.
The clculor’s seril number.
Followed by progrm number,
config 1 nd 2, sofwre ediion
nd sofwre checksum.
Disply es.
Followed by op nd bse module
Reding of number of INFO code
D logger shows de …
… nd hen he INFO codes of he
les 36 evens.
Type of op module.
Followed by Top module
secondry ddress, bse module
ype nd primry nd secondry
(*) DDD = 401
Also see inercive user’s guides 
User Guide
Kamstrup A/S · Industrivej 28, Stilling · DK-8660 Skanderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · inf[email protected] · kamstrup.com
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Kamstrup MULTICAL® 6M2 Installation and User Guide

Installation and User Guide

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