17Kamstrup A/S • 55121077_DDD510_C2_GB_07.2020
7.1.13 High-Power RdioRouer + pulse inpus, ype 602-00-84
The High-Power RdioRouer module hs buil-in rouer funcionliy nd is hus opimized
o form pr of Kmsrup rdio nework, he red d being uomiclly rnsferred o
sysem sofwre vi he nework uni RF Concenror. Furhermore, he module cn be red by
Kmsrup’s hnd-held reding sysems, e.g. USB Meer Reder nd MULTITERM Pro.
The RdioRouer module is vilble for operion in boh licence-free nd licence demnding
frequences permiing rnsmiing srengh of up o 500 mW. The module is by deful fied
wih inernl nenn, connecion for exernl nenn, nd wo exr pulse inpus. The High Power
RdioRouer module (602-00-84) mus be used ogeher wih he High Power mins supply (230
VAC: 602-00-00-3 nd 24 VAC: 602-00-00-4).
7.2 Top modules
Type 67-02: Energy clculion nd hourly d logger
This op module clcules he difference beween inle nd oule
energy, whereby n expression of he pped energy in open sysems
is obined.
Differenil energy dE=E4-E5.
The module lso includes n hourly d logger.
The connecion erminls of his module re no used.
Type 67-03: PQT-limier + hourly d logger
The module hs wo pulse oupus which cn be used for UP/DOWN
conrol of low-speed hree-poin moor-opered vlve vi n
exernl solid-se rely, ype S75-90-006 nd 230/24 V
rnsformer, ype 66-99-403. The required power nd flow limis re
enered ino MULTICAL® 602 by mens of he PC-progrm METERTOOL.
Also see insrucions: 5512-498.
The module includes n hourly d logger oo.
Type 67-05: D oupu + hourly d logger
The module hs glvniclly sepred d por which funcions
ogeher wih he KMP proocol. The d oupu cn be used for
e.g. connecion of exernl communicion unis or oher hrdwired
d communicion which i is no expedien o crry ou vi opicl
communicion on he meer’s fron.
62: DATA (brown)–63:REQ (whie)–64: GND (green). Use d cble
ype 66-99-106 wih 9-pole D-sub or ype 66-99-098 wih USB
The module includes n hourly d logger.
Only curren nd ccumuled d cn be red.
Hourly/dily/monhly/yerly d loggers cnno be red hrough he
d por of op module 67-05.
Type 67-07: M-Bus
M-Bus cn be conneced in sr, ring nd bus opology. Depending on
M-Bus Mser nd cble lengh/cross secion, up o 250 meers wih
primry ddressing cn be conneced, nd even more using secondry
Cble resisnce in nework: < 29 Ohm
Cble cpciy of nework: < 180 nF
The connecion polriy of erminls 24-25 is un-imporn.
Usully he primry ddress is idenicl wih he ls digis of he
cusomer number (000-250). However, i cn be chnged by mens of
he PC progrm, METERTOOL.