Kamstrup ULTRAFLOW® 14 & MULTICAL® 602 Cooling Installation and User Guide

  • Hello! I am a chat assistant and I've read the Installation and User Guide for Kamstrup's MULTICAL 602 cooling meter and ULTRAFLOW 14 flow sensor. I understand the document covers installation, electrical connections, troubleshooting, and a variety of plug-in modules that extend functionality. I'm ready to answer your questions about these devices. How can I assist you today?
  • Where should the red-marked temperature sensor be installed?
    Can the sensor cables be pulled or jerked during installation?
    Is a straight inlet required for the ULTRAFLOW® flow sensor?
    What does the 'INFO' code in the display mean?
Installation and User Guide
Cooling meter
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
2 Kamstrup A/S • 55121077_DDD510_C2_GB_07.2020
Operion condiions
Operion condiions/mesuring rnges
Clculor q: 2 °C…180 °C : 3K…170K
Temperure sensor pir q: 2 °C…50 °C : 3K…30K
Flow sensor q: 2 °C…50 °C
Mechnicl environmen
M1 (fixed insllion wih minimum vibrion).
Elecromgneic environmen
E1 (Domesic nd ligh indusril). Signl cbles from he meer mus be sepred by  les
25 cm disnce o oher insllions.
Climic environmen
The insllion of MULTICAL® shll be mde in non-condensing environmens nd in closed
locion (indoor). The mbien emperure mus be wihin 5…55°C.
Minennce nd repir
The energy supplier is llowed o chnge communicion module, bery nd emperure sensor
pir. The flow sensor mus no be sepred from he bse uni h conins he flow sensor
elecronics. All repirs require  following clibrion on n ccredied lborory.
MULTICAL® 602, ype 602-C is suible for emperure sensors ype P500.
Bery for replcemen
Kmsrup ype 1606-064.
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
Installation and User Guide
Cooling meter
Kmsrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
4 Kamstrup A/S • 55121077_DDD510_C2_GB_07.2020
1 Generl informion 4
2 Mouning of emperure sensors 5
2.1 Pocke sensor (PL) 5
2.2 Shor direc sensor (DS) 5
3 Mouning of flow sensor 6
3.1 Mouning of ULTRAFLOW® 7
4 Mouning of he clculor/Pulse
Trnsmier (66-99-617) 7
4.1 In cooling pplicions 7
4.2 In pplicions wih medium
emperure higher hn he mbien
emperure 9
5 Insllion s compc meer 9
5.1 Power supply 10
5.2 Mins supply 11
5.3 Operionl check 11
5.4 Elecricl connecion 12
6 Informion codes ”INFO” 13
7 Plug-in modules 14
7.1 Bse modules 14
7.2 Top modules 17
7.3 Module overview 19
8 Insllion of flow sensor s sepre
meer 20
8.1 Elecric connecion 20
9 Seup vi fron keys 21
1 Generl informion
Red his guide before inslling he energy meer. If he meer is inslled incorrecly,
Kmsrup’s gurnee obligions will no longer pply.
Plese noe h he following insllion condiions mus be obeyed:
- Pressure sge ULTRAFLOW®: PN16/PN25, see mrking. Mrking of flow sensor does no
cover included ccessories.
- Pressure sge Kmsrup
sensor se ype DS: PN16/PN25
- Pressure sge Kmsrup
sinless seel pockes: PN25
5Kamstrup A/S • 55121077_DDD510_C2_GB_07.2020
2 Mouning of emperure sensors
The emperure sensors used for mesuring inle nd oule emperures respecively,
consiue  mched sensor pir, which mus never be sepred. According o EN 1434/OIML
R75, he cble lengh mus no be chnged. Should replcemen be necessry, boh sensors mus
be replced.
The sensor mrked wih  red sign is o be inslled in he inle pipe. The oher sensor, mrked wih
 blue sign, is o be inslled in he oule pipe. For mouning in he clculor, see he prgrph
”Elecricl connecion”.
Noe: The sensor cbles mus neiher be exposed o jerking nor pulling. Plese be wre of his
when binding he cbles, nd be creful no o pull he binders unnecessrily igh s his
my dmge he cbles. Plese lso noe h emperure sensors mus be mouned from
below in cooling nd he/cooling insllions.
2.1 Pocke sensor (PL)
The sensor pockes cn be mouned in e.g. 
welding sleeve or in  45° lerl Y-piece. The
ip of he sensor pocke mus be plced in
he middle of he flow. Push he emperure
sensors s deep s possible ino he
pockes. If  shor response ime is required,
“non-hrdening” hermlly conducive pse
cn be used. Push he plsic sleeve on he
sensor cble ino he sensor pocke nd secure
he cble by mens of he enclosed M4 seling
screw. Fsen he screw wih your fingers only.
Sel he pockes using sel nd locking wire.
1 : 1
2.2 Shor direc sensor (DS)
The shor, direc sensors up o DN25 cn be
mouned in specil bll vlves wih buil-in M
10 socke for he shor direc sensor. They cn
lso be mouned in insllions wih sndrd
ee-pieces. Kmsrup A/S cn supply R½
nd R¾ brss nipples h fi he shor direc
sensors. The shor direc sensor cn lso be
mouned direcly in seleced flow sensors
from Kmsrup A/S. Fsen he sensors’ brss
unions lighly (pprox. 4 Nm) using  12 mm
fce wrench, nd sel he sensors wih sel
nd locking wire.
6 Kamstrup A/S • 55121077_DDD510_C2_GB_07.2020
3 Mouning of flow sensor
Before mouning he flow sensor, flush he
sysem horoughly nd remove proecion
plugs/plsic membrnes from he flow sensor.
Correc flow sensor posiion (inle or oule
pipe) ppers from he fron lbel plced on he
MULTICAL® 602. The flow direcion is indiced
by n rrow on he side of he flow sensor.
Glnds nd gskes mus be mouned s
shown on he bove drwing.
Srigh inle: ULTRAFLOW® requires neiher
srigh inle nor oule o mee he Mesuring
Insrumens Direcive (MID) 2014/32/EU, OIML
R75:2002 nd EN 1434:2015. Only in cse of
hevy flow disurbnces before he meer
will  srigh inle secion be necessry. We
recommend o follow he guidelines in CEN CR
Tighening pp. 4 Nm
A Recommended posiion.
B Recommended posiion.
C Unccepble posiion due o risk of ir
D Accepble posiion in closed sysems.
E Ough no o be plced immediely fer
 vlve, wih he excepion of block vlves
(bll vlve ype) which mus be fully open
when no used for blocking.
F Ough no o be plced immediely before
or fer  pump.
G Ough no o be plced immediely fer
double bend in wo plnes.
To preven cviion, he opering pressure  he ULTRAFLOW® mus be min. 1.5 br  qp nd
min. 2.5 br  qs.
ULTRAFLOW® mus no be exposed o pressures below mbien pressure (vcuum).
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3.1 Mouning of ULTRAFLOW®
ULTRAFLOW® cn be mouned vericlly,
horizonlly or  n ngle.
The elecronics/plsic box mus be plced on
he side ( horizonl mouning). 90° 90°
ULTRAFLOW® my be urned up o +45° round
o he pipe xis. Mx.45°
ULTRAFLOW® mus no be mouned wih he
plsic cse poining upwrds or downwrds.
4 Mouning of he clculor/Pulse Trnsmier (66-99-617)
4.1 In cooling pplicions
The MULTICAL® 602 clculor cn be mouned in wo differen wys:
4.1.1 Seprely/wll mouning
In connecion wih mouning in condensing
environmens s well s in order o prolong he
bery lifeime, we recommend he use of
wll fiing.
The wll fiing mkes i possible o moun
MULTICAL® 602 direc on n even wll. Use
he fiing s  emple o mrk nd drill wo
6 mm holes in he wll.
52 mm
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Insllion of clculor/Pulse Trnsmier
Fron, vericl Fron,  n ngle
beween horizonl
nd vericl
Fron, horizonl.
By mens of ngle
fiing ype 30-26-252
(ordered seprely).
Noe: Cbles mus be inslled from below.
Insllion exmple wih suspension.
Noe: The suspension must no be used on condensing pipes.
Suspension kit item no. 5915-144. Not included.
9Kamstrup A/S • 55121077_DDD510_C2_GB_07.2020
4.2 In pplicions wih medium emperure higher hn he mbien emperure
In pplicions, wih medium emperure h is higher hn he mbien emperure,
clculor/Pulse Trnsmier cn lso be mouned on he flow sensor. Se examples below.
Threded meer wih MULTICAL®/Pulse Trnsmier mouned on ULTRAFLOW®
Flow Flow
Flnge meer wih MULTICAL®/Pulse Trnsmier mouned on ULTRAFLOW®
Flow from he lef Flow from he righ
5 Insllion s compc meer
MULTICAL® mouned ogeher wih flow sensor elecronic.
Flow sensor
(weed pr)
Flow sensor elecronic.
Connecion bse for
Noe: Flow sensor cble, cble beween flow sensor (weed pr) nd flow sensor elecronic,
mus no be disconneced/chnged or cu.
10 Kamstrup A/S • 55121077_DDD510_C2_GB_07.2020
5.1 Power supply
MULTICAL® 602 cn be power supplied by mens of  buil-in lihium bery, n inernl 24 VAC
mins module or n inernl 230 VAC mins module.
The wo wires from he bery or mins module re mouned in erminls 60 nd 61 of he
The polriy hs o be correc; connec he red wire o erminl no. 60 (+) nd he blck wire o
erminl no. 61 (-).
5.1.1 Bery supply
MULTICAL® 602 is conneced o  lihium bery, D-cell. The bery is mrked wih insllion
yer, e.g. 2016, s well s producion de.
Opiml bery life is obined by keeping he bery emperure below 30°C, e.g. by wll
The volge of  lihium bery is lmos consn hroughou he whole lifeime of he bery
(pprox. 3.65 V). Therefore, i is no possible o deermine he remining cpciy by mesuring he
The bery cnno nd mus no be chrged nd mus no be shor-circuied. Used beries
mus be hnded in for pproved desrucion, e.g.  Kmsrups.
11Kamstrup A/S • 55121077_DDD510_C2_GB_07.2020
5.2 Mins supply
MULTICAL® 602 is vilble wih supply
modules for eiher 24 VAC or 230 VAC.
The modules re proecion clss II nd re
conneced vi wo-wire cble (wihou erh)
hrough he big cble bush, he second one
from he righ,  he boom of he connecion
bse. Use connecing cble wih n ouer
dimeer of 5-10 mm nd ensure correc cble
sripping s well s correc mouning of cble
If connecing o 230 VAC, i is imporn o
mke sure h he whole insllion complies
wih curren regulions. The supply cble
mus no be proeced by  fuse lrger hn
he one permied for he given cble size, see
exmples below.
Supply cble Mx. Fuse
2 x 0.75 mm2
(ccessory from Kmsrup A/S)
6 A
2 x 1.0 mm210 A
In connecion wih oher ypes of insllions
or requiremens for lrger fuses hn he
ones lised bove, i is necessry o consul 
cerified elecricin for n individul evluion
of how he ype of insllion in quesion
should be crried ou.
In ddiion plese noe h work on he fixed
insllions, including ny inervenion in he
fuse box, mus be crried ou by n uhorized
60 97
24 VAC supply
24 VAC
3.6 V
24 VAC
E.g. rnsformer 230/24 V, ype 66-99-403,
cn be used.
Noe: MULTICAL® 403 cnno be powered
by 24 VDC.
230 VAC supply
230 VAC
3.6 V
230 VAC
This module is used when he meer is supplied
direcly by he mins.
Noe: Exernl supply mus only be conneced
o he supply module.
5.3 Operionl check
Crry ou n operionl check when he energy meer hs been fully mouned. Open
hermo-regulors nd vlves in order o esblish  wer flow hrough he insllion. Acive
he upper push buon on he MULTICAL® 602 nd check h he disply vlues for emperure
nd wer flow re relible.
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5.4 Elecricl connecion
The polriy of he emperure sensors T1 nd T2 is unimporn.
Terminl No. Sndrd mesuremen of he nd cooling
T1 5–6 Sensor in inle pipe (red)
T2 7–8 Sensor in oule pipe (blue)
13Kamstrup A/S • 55121077_DDD510_C2_GB_07.2020
6 Informion codes ”INFO”
MULTICAL® 602 consnly moniors  series of imporn funcions. If  serious error occurs in
he mesuring sysem or in he insllion, n “INFO” ppers in he disply nd n info code cn
be red by civing he upper fron ple buon unil he mesuring uni shows n “INFO” in he
disply. The info code is only visible while he error exiss.
Info code Descripion Response ime
0 No irregulriies -
1 Supply volge hs been cu off -
8 Temperure sensor T1 ouside mesuring rnge 1…10 min.
4 Temperure sensor T2 ouside mesuring rnge 1…10 min.
ULTRAFLOW® 14 info (if cived CCC=4XX)
16 Flow sensor V1, Dcomm error, signl oo low or wrong flow
Afer rese nd 1 dy (00:00)
2048 Flow sensor V1, Wrong meer fcor Afer rese nd 1 dy (00:00)
4096 Flow sensor V1, Signl oo low (Air) Afer rese nd 1 dy (00:00)
16384 Flow sensor V1, Wrong flow direcion Afer rese nd 1 dy (00:00)
If severl info codes pper  he sme ime he sum of he info codes is shown. E.g. if boh
emperure sensors re ouside mesuring rnge, info code 12 will pper.
14 Kamstrup A/S • 55121077_DDD510_C2_GB_07.2020
7 Plug-in modules
MULTICAL® 602 cn be exended by  wide rnge of exr funcions by mens of plug-in modules.
The individul modules re briefly described below.
7.1 Bse modules
7.1.1 D + pulse inpus, ype 67-00-10
The d erminls re used for connecion of e.g.  PC. The
signl is pssive nd glvniclly sepred by mens of
opocouplers. Conversion ino RS232 level requires connecion
of d cble 66-99-106 (D-Sub 9F) or 66-99-098 (USB) using
he following connecions:
62 Brown (DAT)
63 Whie (REQ)
64 Green (GND)
The pulse inpus cn be used for connecion of elecriciy nd wer meers.
Plese py enion o mximum pulse frequency s well s correc pulse coding (l/imp. nd
Wh/imp.), which is seleced by mens of he FF nd GG configurion.
65 - 66 Inpu A
67 - 68 Inpu B
7.1.2 M-Bus + pulse inpus, ype 67-00-20/27/28/29
M-Bus cn be mouned in sr, ring or bus opology. Up o 250 meers cn be conneced
depending on he M-Bus Mser’s power supply nd he ol cble resisnce.
Cble resisnce < 29 Ohm
Cble cpciy < 180 nF
The M-Bus nework is conneced on erminls 24 nd 25. The
polriy is unimporn.
M-Bus comes wih pulse inpus.
Inpu A Inpu B
65 66 67 68
25 24
0.1 µ
0.1 µ
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7.1.3 Rdio + pulse inpus, 67-00-21/25/26
The rdio module is used for wireless communicion vi
licence-free rdio frequency nd cn be supplied wih inernl
nenn or wih connecion for exernl nenn.
For furher informion on rdio we refer o
Technicl descripion for rdio (5512-013).
The pulse inpus of his module re idenicl wih he previously
described pulse inpus.
Noe: Type 67-00-21 includes rdio nd rouer funcions.
The RdioRouer module (67-00-21) mus be used wih
mins supply.
7.1.4 Prog. d logger + RTC + 4…20 mA inpus + pulse inpus, ype 67-00-22
The module hs connecion possibiliy for wo pressure rnsmiers on erminls 57, 58 nd 59
nd cn be djused for curren reding or pressure rnge 6, 10 or 16 br.
The module is prepred for remoe reding, d from meer/module being rnsferred o he
sysem sofwre vi he exernl GSM/GPRS modem conneced on erminls 62, 63 nd 64.
Furhermore, he module hs wo exr pulse inpus, VA nd VB.
The module mus be powered by 24 VAC.
7.1.5 Anlog oupus, ype 67-00-23
See installaon instrucons 5512-369 (DK-GB-DE).
7.1.6 LonWorks + pulse inpus, ype 67-00-24
See installaon instrucons 5512-396 (DK) or 5512-403 (GB).
7.1.7 Wireless M-Bus, ype 67-00-30
The rdio module hs been designed o form pr of he hnd-held Wireless M-Bus Reder
sysems of Kmsrup A/S  license-free rdio frequency (868 MHz).
The module fulfils he C-mode specificions of prEN13757-4 nd cn hus form pr of oher
sysems using Wireless M-Bus C-mode communicion.
The rdio module comes wih inernl nenn nd exernl nenn connecion s well s wo
pulse inpus, which re idenicl wih he previously described pulse inpus.
The Wireless M-Bus rdio rnsmier is swiched off on dispch from he fcory. I urns on
uomiclly when one lire of wer hs run hrough he meer. The rdio rnsmier cn lso be
swiched on by mens of  forced dil-up o he meer (keep boh fron keys pressed for pprox. 5
s. unil CALL is displyed).
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7.1.8 ZigBee® + pulse inpus, ype 67-00-60
The ZigBee® module is used for wireless communicion nd cn form pr of  remoe reding
sysem, in which severl unis cn communice wih ech oher.
The pulse inpus of his module re idenicl wih he previously described pulse inpus.
The ZigBee® module requires mins supply.
7.1.9 Mesys N2 + pulse inpus, ype 67-00-62
The N2 module is used for d communicion beween meer nd N2 Mser in  Johnson
Conrols Sysem.
The RS485 por is glvniclly sepred from he meer.
The pulse inpus of his module re idenicl wih he previously described pulse inpus.
The N2 module requires mins supply.
7.1.10 SIOX module (Auo deec Bud re), ype 602-00-64
SIOX is used for d reding of smll nd medium-sized groups of meers vi cble, he d
redings being presened by he min sysem, e.g. MCom, Fix or Telefrng. Furher informion on
hese sysems cn be ordered from he supplier in quesion. Furhermore,  configurion ool is
vilble from Telefrng.
The wo-wire seril SIOX bus connecion is opoisoled from he meer nd is conneced wihou
regrd o polriy (i.e. he polriy is unimporn). The module is powered by he SIOX bus.
Communicion speed beween 300 nd 19,200 bud. The module uomiclly uses he highes
possible communicion speed. The module convers d from KMP proocol o SIOX proocol.
7.1.11 GSM/GPRS module (GSM6H), ype 602-00-80
The GSM/GPRS module funcions s rnspren communicion ph beween reding sofwre
nd MULTICAL® 602 nd is used for d reding. The module includes n exernl dul-bnd
GSM nenn which mus be used. The module iself includes  number of ligh emiing diodes
indicing he signl level, which re very useful during insllion. The GSM/GPRS module
mus be used ogeher wih high-power mins supply (230 VAC: 602-00-00-2 nd 24 VAC:
7.1.12 Eherne/IP module (IP201), ype 602-00-82
The IP module funcions s rnspren communicion beween reding sofwre nd
MULTICAL® 602 nd is used for d reding. The Module suppors boh dynmic nd sic
ddressing. This is specified in he order or seleced during subsequen configurion. The module
hs no buil-in securiy nd mus, herefore, lwys be used in connecion wih  firewll or
NAT. The Eherne/IP module mus be used ogeher wih high-power mins supply (230 VAC:
602-00-00-3 nd 24 VAC: 602-00-00-4).
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7.1.13 High-Power RdioRouer + pulse inpus, ype 602-00-84
The High-Power RdioRouer module hs buil-in rouer funcionliy nd is hus opimized
o form pr of  Kmsrup rdio nework, he red d being uomiclly rnsferred o
sysem sofwre vi he nework uni RF Concenror. Furhermore, he module cn be red by
Kmsrup’s hnd-held reding sysems, e.g. USB Meer Reder nd MULTITERM Pro.
The RdioRouer module is vilble for operion in boh licence-free nd licence demnding
frequences permiing  rnsmiing srengh of up o 500 mW. The module is by deful fied
wih inernl nenn, connecion for exernl nenn, nd wo exr pulse inpus. The High Power
RdioRouer module (602-00-84) mus be used ogeher wih he High Power mins supply (230
VAC: 602-00-00-3 nd 24 VAC: 602-00-00-4).
7.2 Top modules
Type 67-02: Energy clculion nd hourly d logger
This op module clcules he difference beween inle nd oule
energy, whereby n expression of he pped energy in open sysems
is obined.
Differenil energy dE=E4-E5.
The module lso includes n hourly d logger.
The connecion erminls of his module re no used.
Type 67-03: PQT-limier + hourly d logger
The module hs wo pulse oupus which cn be used for UP/DOWN
conrol of  low-speed hree-poin moor-opered vlve vi n
exernl solid-se rely, ype S75-90-006 nd  230/24 V
rnsformer, ype 66-99-403. The required power nd flow limis re
enered ino MULTICAL® 602 by mens of he PC-progrm METERTOOL.
Also see insrucions: 5512-498.
The module includes n hourly d logger oo.
Type 67-05: D oupu + hourly d logger
The module hs  glvniclly sepred d por which funcions
ogeher wih he KMP proocol. The d oupu cn be used for
e.g. connecion of exernl communicion unis or oher hrdwired
d communicion which i is no expedien o crry ou vi opicl
communicion on he meer’s fron.
62: DATA (brown)–63:REQ (whie)–64: GND (green). Use d cble
ype 66-99-106 wih 9-pole D-sub or ype 66-99-098 wih USB
The module includes n hourly d logger.
Only curren nd ccumuled d cn be red.
Hourly/dily/monhly/yerly d loggers cnno be red hrough he
d por of op module 67-05.
Type 67-07: M-Bus
M-Bus cn be conneced in sr, ring nd bus opology. Depending on
M-Bus Mser nd cble lengh/cross secion, up o 250 meers wih
primry ddressing cn be conneced, nd even more using secondry
Cble resisnce in nework: < 29 Ohm
Cble cpciy of nework: < 180 nF
The connecion polriy of erminls 24-25 is un-imporn.
Usully he primry ddress is idenicl wih he ls digis of he
cusomer number (000-250). However, i cn be chnged by mens of
he PC progrm, METERTOOL.
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Type 67-09: ΔVolume calculation and hourly data logger
This op module clcules he difference beween inle nd oule
volume, whereby n expression of he pped volume in open sysems
is obined.
Differenil volume dV=V1-V2.
The module lso includes n hourly d logger.
The connecion erminls re no used in his module.
Type 67-0A: 2 pulse oupus for CE nd CV + hourly d logger +
The op module hs he sme funcions s op module 602-0C.
Furhermore, he module cn simule  cold wer emperure
ccording o  progrmmed scheduler, in which T2, T3 or T4 cn be
progrmmed wih up o 12 individul des/emperures per yer.
Type 67-0B: 2 pulse oupus for CE nd CV + prog. d logger
The RTC nd pulse oupu funcions of his op module re idenicl
wih he funcions described for op module 602-0C (see below).
The op module is prepred for use in  Kmsrup rdio nework
ogeher wih High Power RdioRouer bse module 6020084, red
d being rnsferred o he sysem sofwre vi he nework uni RF
Type 602-0C: 2 pulse oupus for CE nd CV
This op module hs wo configurble pulse oupus, which re
suible for volume nd energy pulses for he meers, cooling meers
nd combined he/cooling meers.
The pulse resoluion follows he disply (deermined by he CCC code).
E.g. CCC=119 (qp 1,5): 1 pulse/kWh nd 1 pulse/0.01 m3.
The pulse oupus re opoisoled nd wihsnd 30 VDC nd 10 mA.
Normlly energy (CE) is conneced o 16-17 nd volume (CV) o 18-19,
bu oher combinions cn be seleced by mens of he PC progrm
METERTOOL HCW, which is lso used for selecing he pulse durion 
eiher 32 or 100 ms.
19Kamstrup A/S • 55121077_DDD510_C2_GB_07.2020
7.3 Module overview
MULTICAL® 602 Communicion modules #2
Type No. Descripion Module No.
67-02 RTC + energy clculion + hourly d logger 5550-860
67-03 RTC + P, Q or  limier + hourly d logger 5550-860
67-05 RTC + d oupu + hourly d logger 5550-904
67-07 RTC + M-Bus 5550-838
67-09 RTC + volume + hourly d logger 5550-860
67-0A RTC + 2 pulse oupus for CE nd CV + hourly d logger + scheduler 5550-860
67-0B RTC + 2 pulse oupus for CE nd CV + prog. d logger 5550-942
602-0C 2 pulse oupus for CE nd CV 5550-1163
MULTICAL® 602 Communicion modules #1
Type No. Descripion Module No.
67-00-10 D + pulse inpus 5550-369
67-00-20 M-Bus + pulse inpus 5550-831
67-00-21 RdioRouer + pulse inpus 5550-805
67-00-22 Prog. d logger + RTC + 4…20 mA inpus + pulse inpus 5550-925
67-00-23 0/4…20 mA oupus 5550-1005
67-00-24 LonWorks, FTT-10A + pulse inpus 5550-1128
67-00-25 Rdio + pulse inpus (inernl nenn) 5550-608
67-00-26 Rdio + pulse inpus (for exernl nenn) 5550-640
67-00-27 M-Bus module wih lernive regisers + pulse inpus 5550-997
67-00-28 M-Bus module wih medium d pckge + pulse inpus 5550-1104
67-00-29 M-Bus module wih MULTICAL® III d pckge + pulse inpus 5550-1125
602-00-30 Wireless M-Bus, C1, sndrd regisers, encryped, 868 MHz, inernl nd exernl
nenns, pulse inpus
602-00-35 Wireless M-Bus, C1, lernive regisers, encryped, 868 MHz, inernl nd exernl
nenns, pulse inpus
67-00-60 ZigBee® 2.4 GHz inernl nenn + pulse inpus 5550-992
67-00-62 Mesys N2 (RS-485) + pulse inpus 5550-1110
602-00-64 SIOX module (Auo deec bud re) 5920-193
67-00-66 BACne MS/TP (B-ASC) RS-485 + pulse inpus 5550-1240
602-00-80 GSM/GPRS module (GSM6H) 5550-1137
602-00-81 3G GSM/GPRS module (GSM8H) 5550-1209
602-00-82 Eherne/IP module (IP201) 5550-844
602-00-84 High Power Rdio Rouer + pulse inpus 5550-1116
20 Kamstrup A/S • 55121077_DDD510_C2_GB_07.2020
8 Insllion of flow sensor s sepre meer
Pulse Trnsmier mouned ogeher wih flow sensor elecronic.
Flow sensor
(weed pr)
Pulse Trnsmier
Flow sensor
Connecing cble o
MULTICAL® (pulse oupu nd
flow sensor supply)
Blue (GND)
Red (supply)
Yellow (signl)
Noe: Flow sensor cble, cble beween flow sensor (weed pr) nd flow sensor elecronic,
mus no be disconneced/chnged or cu.
8.1 Elecric connecion
Connecion MULTICAL® (sepre clculor) nd ULTRAFLOW® 14 incl.
Pulse Trnsmier (66-99-617). ULTRAFLOW® 14 incl. Pulse Trnsmier is supplied from MULTICAL®.
Noe: Do no moun power supply inside Pulse Trnsmier (66-99-617).
ULTRAFLOW® 14 incl.
Pulse Trnsmier, Cble.
MULTICAL® Brcke,
(sepre clculor)
Blue (GND) 11
Red (supply) 9
Yellow (signl) 10
Connecion exmple
Flow sensor
(weed pr)
Pulse Trnsmier
Flow sensor elecronic MULTICAL® connecion brcke