Parameter Type Range Unit Description
CoilSupply_SW BOOL T/F ——
Actual state of the coil's supply switch.
T: Supply on.
F: Supply off.
DigOut_SW BOOL T/F ——
Status of the digital output.
T: In good condition.
F: Reserved.
WA_SetPoint_Src U8 0 to 3 ——
Source of the closed loop wheel angle setpoint.
0: Reserved.
1: AUX.
2: Reserved.
3: GPS.
CutOffPWM U8 0 to 5000 ——
AD3 U16 0 to 6000 mV Data from the external analog input 3. Measured value at the external AD3
CutOffCurr U16 0 to 5000 mA Measure current sourced by the digital output.
WA_SetPoint S16 -10000 to
Wheel angle setpoint used in close loop algorithms.
Negative values correspond to spool movement to the left.
Positive values correspond to spool movement to the right.
Updated BOOL T/F ——
Pulses TRUE for one loop when new data is available.
T: Received new data.
F: Did not receive new data.
CAN_RawData ARRAY[8]U8 —— —— Data passed directly from the CAN receiver.
NoMsgReceived BOOL T/F ——
No message has been received yet from the device.
T: No message received since power on.
F: A message has been received since power on.
MsgTimedOut BOOL T/F ——
True if the time since the last status message has exceeded the value
determined by Timeout.
T: The status message has timed out, block outputs set to zero/false. NA
signals set true.
F: No error.
CoilSupply_SW_NA BOOL T/F ——
Indicates if the related signal is available.
T: Signal is not available.
F: Signal available.
CoilSupply_SW_Flt BOOL T/F ——
Indicates if the related signal is faulted.
T: Signal is faulted.
F: Signal ok.
DigOut_SW_NA BOOL T/F ——
Indicates if the related signal is available.
T: Signal is not available.
F: Signal available.
DigOut_SW_Flt BOOL T/F ——
Indicates if the related signal is faulted.
T: Signal is faulted.
F: Signal ok.
Indicates if the related signal is available.
T: Signal is not available.
F: Signal available.
CutOffCurr_NA BOOL T/F ——
Indicates if the related signal is available.
T: Signal is not available.
F: Signal available.
WA_SetPoint_NA BOOL T/F ——
Indicates if the related signal is available.
T: Signal is not available.
F: Signal available.
User Manual
PLUS+1® Compliant PVED_CLS_STAT_MSG_2 Function Block
PVED_CLS_STAT_MSG_2 Function Block
Danfoss | November 2018 AQ00000262en-000101 | 7