Parameter Type Range Unit Description
Src_Addr U8 0 to 253 ——
Source address used by the message.
Default: 250
Tx_Rate U16 2*Loop_Tm to
How often the message is sent.
Default: 50
Learn how the outputs of the function block work.
Parameter Type Range Unit Description
OR BOOL T/F —— CAN Tx OverRun flag.
T: A new request to send a message is made before the last one is sent.
F: No overrun condition.
Pend BOOL T/F —— CAN Tx Pending flag.
T: The last message requested is waiting to be transmitted on the bus.
F: No message is waiting to be sent.
Bus —— —— This bus provides diagnostic values for troubleshooting. In addition, all inputs,
parameters, and output signals are contained inside of the bus.
U16 0, 0x8008 ——
This signal indicates if a parameter fault is declared. It is a bitwise code, so
multiple items can be reported at a time. The following status codes are provided:
0x0000: No fault.
0x8008: At least one parameter is out of range.
Fault U16 0, 0x8002 ——
This signal indicates if an input fault is declared. It is a bitwise code, so multiple
items can be reported at a time. The following fault codes are provided:
0x0000: No fault.
0x8002: An input value is too high.
Diagnostic Signals
Enter the Checkpoints page on the second level of the PVED_CLS_WAS function block to access the
function block’s signals.
The page contains checkpoints on input, parameter, and output signals. Other topics in this book
describe input, parameter, and output signals.
Status Logic
This topic describes how status logic is indicated for the function block.
The status code indicates whether the parameters used in the function are within their valid range.
Condition Hex Binary Cause Response Correction
Invalid setup. 0x8008
At least one parameter is out
of range.
Message transmission is
Correct the out of range
Position of set bit in a 16 bit fault or status code. Bit 1 is the least significant bit. Bit 16 set to 1 indicates a standard Danfoss status code or fault code.
Fault Logic
Fault logic can indicate problems, causes of problems, and solutions.
Condition Hex
Binary Cause Response Correction
Input value is too
An input is too high. Message transmission is
Correct the out of range
Position of set bit in a 16 bit fault or status code. Bit 1 is the least significant bit. Bit 16 set to 1 indicates a standard Danfoss status code or fault code.
User Manual
PLUS+1® Compliant PVED_CLS_WAS Function Block
PVED_CLS_WAS Function Block
Danfoss | November 2018 AQ00000271en-000101 | 7