ROBOTIQ FT 300 User manual

  • Hello! I'm a chat assistant and I've analyzed this Robotiq Instruction Manual. I'm ready to help you with information about the FT 300 Force Torque Sensor and its associated Copilot licenses, including Force, Finishing, and Machine Tending Copilots. This document includes details on installation, safety, and software functionalities. Feel free to ask me any questions about the features, usage, or specifications.
  • What is the Robotiq FT 300 Force Torque Sensor designed for?
    What are Robotiq Copilot licenses used for?
    Where can I find the latest version of this manual?
    What kind of safety measures should I consider while using the force torque sensor?
Robotiq Copilot InstructionManual
InstructionManual |
Original Notice
© 2020Robotiq Inc.
Revisions 4
1. GeneralPresentation 6
1.1. Copilot controlwithUniversalRobots 7
1.2. Robotiq FT 300Force Torque Sensor 8
1.3. Robotiq Force, Finishing and Machine Tending Copilot 11
2. Safety 12
2.1. Warning 12
2.2. IntendedUse 13
3. Installation 14
3.1. Scope of delivery 14
3.2. Environmentaland Operating Conditionsof the FT Sensor 16
3.3. Mechanicalconnectionsof the FT 300Force Torque Sensor 16
3.4. Software InstallationforUniversalRobots 20
3.5. StatusLED 37
3.6. License Agreement 39
4. Software 43
4.1. Force and torque script functions 43
4.2. ActiveDrive Toolbar 44
4.3. ApplyContact Offset node 47
4.4. Find Contact Offset node 48
4.5. CollisionDetectionnode 54
4.6. Find Surface Node 55
4.7. Finishing ToolControlnode 57
4.8. Force Event node 59
4.9. Force Controlnode 62
4.10. Insertionnodes 70
4.11. Multipoint pathnode 76
4.12. PathRecording node 80
4.13. PathGeneratornode 84
5. VisualDemo Software 93
5.1. Software Package Installation 93
6. SerialCommunication 95
Copilot -Instruction Manual
6.1. ModbusRTU 95
7. Specifications 100
7.1. TechnicalDimensions 100
7.2. MechanicalSpecifications 102
7.3. SignalSpecifications 105
7.4. ElectricalRatings 106
7.5. Couplings 106
8. Maintenance 108
8.1. Maintenance Intervals 108
9. Spare Parts, Kitsand Accessories 109
10. Troubleshooting 110
10.1. Generaltroubleshooting 110
10.2. Troubleshooting onUniversalRobots 111
10.3. Troubleshooting onotherplatforms 114
11. Warranty 115
11.1. Exclusions 116
11. Appendix 117
11.2. AppendixA-Translationof OriginalECDeclarationof Incorporation 117
11.3. AppendixB- Applied Standards 118
12. Contact 119
Robotiq may modify this product without notice, when necessary, due to product improvements, modifications or changes in
specifications. If such modification is made, the manual will also be revised, see revision information. See the latest version of this
lUpdateof thesoftwaresection.
lUpdateof theInstallationsection.
lUpdateof thePathGeneratornode section
lAdd of theAppendixsection.
lInitialrelease:ThisnewInstructionManual includestheRobotiq FT 300ForceTorqueSensorand ForceCopilot Manuals,and details
thevariousRobotiq licensesavailable.
Copilot -Instruction Manual
© 2016-2020Robotiq Inc.All rightsreserved.
Thismanualand theproduct it describesareprotected bytheCopyright Act of Canada,bylawsof other countries,and byinternational
treaties,and thereforemaynot be reproduced in whole or inpart,whether for saleor not,without prior writtenconsent from Robotiq.
Under copyright law,copying includestranslationinto anotherlanguageorformat.
Informationprovided byRobotiq inthisdocument isbelieved to beaccurateand reliable.However,no responsibilityisassumed by
Robotiq foritsuse.There maybe somedifferencesbetweenthemanualand the product if theproduct hasbeenmodified afterthe
The informationcontained inthisdocument issubject to changewithout notice.
1.General Presentation
This Manual presents all the Robotiq products and their associated license. The license types depend on the Robotiq products or
applicationsand containtheirown nodes.Thelicensetypesare:
lFT Sensor license
lForceCopilot license
lMachineTending Copilot license
lFinishing Copilot license
The terms ''Sensor'', ''Robotiq Sensor'', '' Force Torque Sensor'', '' Force Sensor'', used in the following manual refer to the Robotiq
FT 300 Force Torque Sensor unless specified.The Robotiq FT 300 Force Torque Sensor is a robotic peripheral designed for force and
The terms''Force Copilot'',''Finishing Copilot'' and ''Machine Tending Copilot'' used inthefollowing manual referto a Robotiq Copilot
license unless otherwise specified. Those Robotiq software packages are designed for using the force and torque values read by a
force torque sensor in the framework of robotic applications. The software interface provides force and torque feedback that can be
used forrobot hand guiding,forcecontrol processes,assemblytasks,product testing, and much more.
The following manual usesthemetricsystem.Unlessspecified,alldimensionsareinmillimeters.
The following tablerepresentsthenodesand featuresincluded in each Copilot licensesused intheirrespectiveRobotiq product orkit
on Universal Robots.
Copilot -Instruction Manual
1.1.Copilot control withUniversal Robots
CB-SeriesUniversalRobots e-SeriesUniversalRobots
License Type
FT 300 Force
Copilot Machine Tending Copilot Finishing
Active Drive X X X X
ApplyContact Offset X X X
Find Contact Offset X X X
CollisionDetection X X X X
Find Surface X X X X
Finishing ToolControl X X
ForceEvent X X X X
ForceControl X X X X
Insertionnode X X X X
MultipointPath X X X X
Path X X X X
Path(withExternalTCPoption) X X
PathGenerator X X
Zero FT Sensor X X X X
Table1-1:Nodesand Features,based onLicenseType
Copilot -Instruction Manual
1.2.Robotiq FT300 Force Torque Sensor
The following sectionpresentskeyfeaturesof the Sensor,and must not be considered asbeing related to Sensoroperation.
Everyfeatureisdetailed intheapplicablesectionof themanual.Safetyguidelinesmust beread and understood beforeany
operation isattempted with the Sensor.
The Force TorqueSensorisaroboticperipheral designed for force and torquedata acquisition onCB-Seriesrobot.
Fig.1-1:General presentation of theRobotiq Force TorqueSensorswithmainfeatures.
lThe end-of-arm tool contact surface (ingreen)isthe onlypoint of contact allowed between theSensorand thetool to ensurecorrect
forceand torque feedback.
lThe robot contact surface(inblue)istheonlycontact point allowed betweentheSensor and therobot forfastening thesensorto the
robot.Note that theinsidering must not touchtherobot.
Detailsonthebolt patternand indexing pinforthetool side and therobot side canbefound in the Specificationssection.
lThe screwpositioning forthecoupling and therobot mountingsareshowninorange.See the Spare Parts,Kitsand Accessoriessec-
tionforalist of availableCouplings.
lM12connector (pigtail ormounted)allowsfor bothpowerand datatransferfor theSensor.
lStatusLED providesvisual informationonthestatusof theSensor,seeStatusLED section
Fig.1-2:FT 300 Force Torque Sensor force and torquediagrams.
The figure above representsthe variousforce and torquesthat theFT 300 Force Torque Sensor canmeasure.Reference frame is
centered on theSensorasshown above and visual inscriptionsarealso represented on it.
lThe Zaxispassesthroughthecenterof thedepression withpositivedirectioninthetool direction.
lThe Xaxis tracesa symmetriclinecentered on the connector;the positive direction pointstheopposite wayawayfrom theconnector.
lThe Yaxisusesthe right hand thumb ruleaccording to X-Z.
Copilot -Instruction Manual
Fig.1-3:FT 300 Force Torque Sensor options.
The figureabove representsvariousoptionsavailable.Theycanbefound intheSpare Parts,Kitsand Accessoriessection.
lCouplingsare meant to install the FT 300 Force TorqueSensor on variousrobot models,seeavailable models.
lSensorCableisused forpowerand communicationswith theFT 300Force TorqueSensorand isavailableindifferent lengths.
lMechanicalProtectorismeant to protect the cableconnector from collisionsthat canoccurwhen operating therobot (especiallyuse-
ful wheninteach mode).
lToolPlate isnot shown,but might be required when certainend-of-arm toolsare mounted ontheFT 300ForceTorqueSensor.
Pleasereferto theInstallationsectionfor detailsonvariousinstallationoptions.
It isimportant to understand that theFT 300 Force TorqueSensor canbe used either asa ModbusRTU slave or as a
streaming device.Whenuseasaslaveunit youwill send statusrequests(read function)to get theforce & moment values,
whilewhen indata stream mode theSensor will continuously stream data without responding to a masterrequest.Please
referto the SerialCommunicationsection fordetails.
1.3.Robotiq Force, Finishingand Machine TendingCopilot
Robotiq Copilot licensesaresoftwareproductsthat unlockforce control featuresand functionalities.
The hardware counterpart of Copilot isthelicensedongle,whichisaUSB storagedevicehosting theproduct license.
The Copilot softwareisused for theimplementation of a force torque sensor operational commandsin auserinterface.
Fig.1-4:Copilot LicenseDongle
The operatormust haveread and understood all theinstructionsinthismanual beforehandling theRobotiq Force Torque
Sensorand using oneof the licensesmentioned inthismanual.
The term "operator" refersto anyoneresponsible for anyof the following operations, associated robot or tools,with the
Robotiq productsand licensesmentioned inthisinstructionmanual:
This documentation explains the various components of the Force Torque Sensor, Force Copilot, Machine Tending Copilot and
Finishing Copilot licenses, as well asgeneral operations regarding the whole life-cycle of the product from installation to operation and
The drawingsand picturesinthisdocumentation arerepresentativeexamplesand differencesmayexist betweenthem and
thedelivered product.
Anyuse of theForceTorqueSensorortheForce,MachineTending orFinishing Copilot licensesinnoncomplianceof these
warningsisinappropriateand maycauseinjuryor damage.
A force torquesensor used inhuman-robot collaborationmust not be considered a completesafetymeasure,additional
dedicated safetydevice(s)must beconsidered.Sensorfailure canoccurand result indangerforworkersor machinery.See
local orinternational safetymeasurefor human-robot collaboration.
Copilot -Instruction Manual
lThe Sensorneedsto be properlysecured beforeoperating therobot.
lDo not install oroperatea Sensorthat isdamaged orlacking parts.
lNeversupplytheSensorwithanalternativecurrent source.
lMakesureall cord setsarealwayssecured at bothends,at theSensorand at therobot.
lAlwaysmeet therecommended keying forelectrical connections.
lMakesureno oneisintherobot and/orSensorpath beforeinitializing therobot'sroutine.
lAlwaysmeet the Sensorpayload specifications.
lAll local safetymeasuresand/orlawson robot operation must be applied to theSensor.
lAnyuse of theSensorinnoncompliancewiththese warningsisinappropriateand maycauseinjuryordamage.
2.2.Intended Use
lThe Sensor isdesigned for data acquisition (force and torquesensing)for an end-of-arm tool on a robot.
lThe Sensorisintended forinstallationonarobot or otherautomated machineryorequipment.
lThe softwareisused for theimplementationof a force torque sensor'soperational commandsina userinterface.
Alwayscomplywithlocaland/ornational laws,regulationsand directivesonautomationsafetyand generalmachinesafety.
The unit may be used only within the range of its technical specifications. Any other use of the product is deemed improper and
unintended use.Robotiq will not be liableforanydamagesresulting from anyimproperorunintended use.
The following subsectionswill guide you through theinstallation and general setup of yourRobotiq FT 300 Force TorqueSensor and
yourCopilot license.
3.1.Scope of delivery
3.1.1.FT300 ForceTorqueSensor
Standard deliveryforanFT SensorKit (FTS-300-KIT-001)
FT-300BasicSensorUnit (FTS-300-SEN-001)
10m High-FlexCable (straight connector)(CBL-COM-2065-10-HF)
USBto RS485Adapter(ACC-ADT-USB-RS485)
Coupling ismandatoryfor theFT 300.
lTool plates
lDifferent cablelengths
The following are not included in deliveryunlessspecified inthepurchase:
lOptionssuch ascouplingsand adaptersfor mounting ondiversindustrial robots.
lHardware required for options; accessoriesor fixtures for theFT Sensor unlessspecified.
lPowersupplyunits,powersupplywiring orfuses.
Pleasereferto theSpare Parts, Kitsand Accessoriessection foralist of availableparts.
Copilot -Instruction Manual
Standard deliveryforaForce CopilotKit (CP-FORCE-ES-UR-KIT)
ForceCopilot License dongle(W-A03)
Teach pendant stylus(X-990032-B)
URWrist axissticker(X-990031-B)
3.1.3.Machine TendingCopilot
Standard deliveryforthe Machine Tending Copilot(CNC-ES-UR-KIT)*
MachineTending Copilot LicenseDongle(W-A14)
Teach pendant stylus(X-990032-B)
URWrist axissticker(X-990031-B)
*For more details about the complete CNC Machine Tending Kit, please refer to its instruction manual.
Standard deliveryforthe Finishing Copilot (CP-FIN-ES-UR-KIT)
Application Copilot LicenseDongle(W-A05)
Teach pendant stylus(X-990032-B)
URWrist axissticker(X-990031-B)
Copilot -Instruction Manual
3.2.Environmental and OperatingConditionsof the FTSensor
The FT Sensor isdesigned for industrial applications.Always respect the following specified storage,transport and operating
environmental conditions:
Conditions Values
Minimum storage / transit temperature -30°C
Maximum storage / transit temperature 70°C
Minimum operating temperature15°C
Maximum operating temperature14C
Humidity(non-condensing) 20-80%RH
Maximum vibration (storage / transit) 5G
Maximum vibration (operating) 2G
IPrating IP40
Other lFree from dust, soot or water
lFree from corrosive liquidsor gases
lFree from explosive liquidsor gases
lFreefrom powerful electromagnetic interference
1Referto theSignal Specificationssection for detailson temperature compensation range.
3.3.Mechanical connectionsof the FT300 Force Torque Sensor
You must use a coupling to attach the Sensor to a robot. Be sure to use the coupling related to your robot model.Our couplings are
listed according to ISO 9409-1 and this covers most bolt patterns. If there is no coupling for your robot, you can modify a blank
coupling or Robotiq can create a custom version for you.Some couplings may require an additional adapter plate. To create your own
coupling or adapter plate you can refer to the Technical Dimensions section . To see available couplings and adapter plates and for
details,referto the Spare Parts,Kitsand Accessoriessection.
The installation of theFT Sensor isnecessaryon CB-Seriesrobots for force and torquedata acquisition.
The FT 300 coupling ismandatory, you cancustomize yours from a blankprovided by Robotiq.
Hereare thestepsto followfor theinstallation of theSensor (seefigurebelow).Note that all screwsmust be locked in placeusing
medium strength threadlocker,such asLoctite248 orasimilarproduct.
1. Align theindexing dowel pinbetweenthecoupling and therobot (usuallypressfitted to therobot).
2. Screwthecoupling to therobot with therobot mounting screws(withlockwashersif provided)and threadlocker.
3. Align theSensor indexing dowel pins(prefixed to theSensor)to thecoupling.
4. ScrewtheSensor to thecoupling using the coupling mounting screws(withlockwashersif provided)and threadlocker.
Fig.3-1:Attaching theFT 300 sensor to a robot arm using themandatorycoupling.
Copilot -Instruction Manual
The Sensor needs to be supplied by a DC voltage source. This power supply is not included with the Sensor. When installing, use the
24Volt external sourceavailable on theCB-Seriescontroller.
Output voltage 5to 24VDC
Maxpowerconsumption 2 W
Overcurrent 1A Fuse (Phoenix#0916604(UT6-TMCM 1A))
Overvoltageprotection Warning
Maximum output voltage tolerance is10%,exceeding this
limit,26.4 VDCcould damagetheSensor.
Robotiq recommendstheuse of thefollowing powersupply:TDK-LambdaDPPSeries,15W Single Output DIN Rail Mount
Power and communications are established with the FT 300 Force Torque Sensor via a single device cable. The FT 300 has a pigtail
cable. The figure below represents the FT 300 Force Torque Sensor receptacle (Sensor side)and connector (cable side)with associated
pinout.TheM12-5pinA-coded connectorisused inaccordancewithIEC61076-2-101.
Usepropercabling management.Besure to haveenoughforgivenessinthecabling to allowmovement of theGripperalong
all axeswithout pulling out theconnectors.Alwaysprotect thecontrollerside of thecableconnection with astrain relief cable
Fig.3-2:Pinout of theRobotiq Force Torque Sensor FT 300 and color code for the respective cable type.
Powerpins2 & 3areconnected to thespecified powersupply.
RS-485signal pins1,4& 5areconnected directly,to aRS-485/ USBconverterorto aRS-485/ RS-232 converter.
Wiringwith USBto RS485 Converter
Whenusing aRS485to USBconverter,the wiring must respect thefigurebelowand subsequent directions.GND / 0Viswired to Sensor
pin#1asstated intheInstallationsection.
The converterwill provideyouwithastandard USB2.0 maleA connector.
Fig.3-3:Wiring diagram for theRS485to USBconverter
Powerisnot delivered via theUSB,do not plug 24Vinto theUSB.
Copilot -Instruction Manual
3.4.Software InstallationforUniversal Robots
The table belowshowswhich Robotiq softwareto usewithyourversion of Universal Robots’ controller.If youareusing a CB3 orCB3.1
controller,it isrecommended to usetheCopilot URCapsPackage.
Robotiq Software
UniversalRobots' controllerversion
CB1 CB2 CB3 CB3.1 e-Series
1.1.15) Incompatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Incompatible
ActiveDrive Toolbar(ADU-
1.0.1) Incompatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Incompatible
FT 300 Force Torque Sensor
URCap Packageup to 1.1.1
(includesActiveDrivetoolbar) Incompatible Incompatible Compatible Compatible Incompatible
CopilotURCap Package
(includesActiveDrivetoolbar) Incompatible Incompatible Incompatible Compatible Compatible
Referto the appropriatesectiondepending on yourcontrollerversion:
lThe Installing the URCap Package sectioncoverstheinstallationof theCopilot URCap Package.
lThe URPackagewithout URCaps section goesthrough the softwareinstallation procedureswhennot using URCaps.
Prior to any software installation, connect the white, green and bare wires to the Robotiq RS-485 signal converter (ACC-ADT-RS485-
USB)asshowninthefigurebelow.Also connect thered (24V)and black(0V)wiresin thecontrolleraccording to thefigure below.
Fig.3-4:FT 300 Force Torque Sensor wiring to Universal Robotscontroller.