Accept All Changes to the Current Slide option, 275
action, adding, 198–215
Action Settings dialog box, 208–209
Add option, Spelling dialog box, 75
add-ins, 21
Advanced options, 21
After Previous option, animation, 204
Align to Slide option, 181
All at Once option, animation, 203
All Commands option, 43
All Outlines option, Open dialog box, 90
animation, 198–207, 247
Animation Pane, 203, 206–207
Animations tab, Ribbon, 198
annotations, 255, 295
Apply only to this picture option, compression, 227
Apply option, Header and Footer dialog box, 146
Apply to All option, 131, 144–145, 211–212
Apply to All Slides option, 124, 127
Apply to matching slides option, 123
Apply to Selected Slides option, 126
arranging objects, 177
artistic effects, 226
audio clips, 232–233, 236–237
Audio Tools Playback tab, 161
AutoCorrect feature, 20, 26–28
AutoFormat feature, 28–29
AutoRecovery feature, 20
Available Windows gallery, 238–239
axis titles, 107
background, 121, 224–225
black and white printing, 268
blank master, 149
Blank slide layout, 58
blurring effect, 226
bold attribute, 59
border, adding, 219
brightness, adjusting, 220
Broadcast Slide Show dialog box, 286–287
broadcasting presentations, 277, 286–287
Browse button drop-down list, Reuse Slides task pane, 117
Browse dialog box, 116
Browsed Pages option, Insert Hyperlink dialog box, 174
bullet points, 4, 81, 198
bullet styles, 72–73
bulleted list, 64, 94, 97
bulleted text, 64
Bullets and Numbering dialog box, 73
By Paragraph option, animation, 203
Caps Lock key, 29
Cascade button, 53
Change All option, Spelling dialog box, 74
Change File Type menu, 282, 284
chart data, 103, 106–107
Chart Tools Design tab, 104
Chart Tools Format tab, 105
charts, 97, 102–105
Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, 112–113
Choose File to Merge with Current Presentation dialog box, 274
Clear Table option, 100
Clear Timings on All Slides option, 251
Click to add text option, 65, 97
Clip Art button, Insert tab, 109
clip art, inserting, 97, 108–109
Clip Art task pane, 109, 160
Close Master View option, 140
Collapse All option, 88
Collapse option, 88
color, 173, 221, 265
Color scheme down arrow, 23
color theme, 115, 121
comments, 244–245
Comparison layout, 58, 94
Compress Pictures dialog box, 227
content placeholder, 64, 94
Content with Caption layout, 58, 94
contrast, adjusting, 220
Copy to Folder dialog box, 256
copying text, 70
Correct accidental use of cAPS Lock key option, 29
cropping picture, 222–223
crosshair pointer, 142
Current Folder option, Insert Hyperlink dialog box, 174
Current Slide Only option, Save As dialog box, 285
custom animations, 198
custom bullet style, 73
Custom Dictionaries button, Edit Word List, 25
Custom Shows dialog box, 248
custom slide layout, 156–157
Customize Quick Access Toolbar drop-down list, 38–39
Dashes option, borders, 219
data series, formatting, 107
dates, 139, 145, 153
Decrease List Level button, 86
default trigger, animation, 204
Define Custom Show dialog box, 248
Delete File dialog box, 52
destination placeholder, 71
Dialog Box Launcher, 11
Discard All Changes option, 225
display options, 21
Distribute Horizontally option, 181
Distribute Vertically option, 181
DOCX (Microsoft Word) files, 90
Don’t Use Recorded Timings and Narrations option, 278
Drawing Tools Format tab, 153, 166, 173
drawings, 160–181
Edit Hyperlink dialog box, 175
editing, 34–35, 65, 89, 106–107, 114–115
effects, 121, 171
e-mail presentation, 276
Embed fonts in the file option, 31
Embedded TrueType Fonts option, 257
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