Parameter Type Range Unit Description
ReqdSpoolPos S16 -1000 to 1000 0.01 mm
Requested spool position.
Negative values correspond to spool movement to left.
Positive values correspond to spool movement to right.
ActSpoolPos S16 -1000 to 1000 0.01 mm
Actual spool position.
Negative values correspond to spool movement to left.
Positive values correspond to spool movement to right.
AD1 U16 0 to 6000 mV Data from the external analog input 1. Measured value at the
external AD1 input.
AD2 U16 0 to 6000 mV Data from the external analog input 2. Measured value at the
external AD2 input.
Updated BOOL T/F ——
Pulses TRUE for one loop when new data is available.
T: Received new data.
F: Did not receive new data.
CAN_RawData ARRAY[8]U8 —— —— Data passed directly from the CAN receiver.
NoMsgReceived BOOL T/F ——
No message has been received yet from the device.
T: No message received since power on.
F: A message has been received since power on.
MsgTimedOut BOOL T/F ——
True if the time since the last status message has exceeded the
value determined by Timeout.
T: The status message has timed out, block outputs set to zero/false.
NA signals set true.
F: No error.
ReqdSpoolPos_NA BOOL —— T/F
Indicates if the related signal is available.
T: Signal is not available.
F: Signal available.
ActSpoolPos_NA BOOL —— T/F
Indicates if the related signal is available.
T: Signal is not available.
F: Signal available.
Indicates if the related signal is available.
T: Signal is not available.
F: Signal available.
Indicates if the related signal is available.
T: Signal is not available.
F: Signal available.
Diagnostic Signals
Enter the Checkpoints page on the second level of the PVED_CLS_STAT_MSG_1 function block to access
the function block’s signals.
The page contains checkpoints on input, parameter, and output signals. Other topics in this book
describe input, parameter, and output signals.
Name Type Range Unit Description
ReqdSpoolPos_Rsvd BOOL T/F ——
Indicates if the related signal is reserved.
T: Signal is reserved.
F: Signal available.
ActSpoolPos_Rsvd BOOL T/F
Indicates if the related signal is reserved.
T: Signal is reserved.
F: Signal available.
User Manual
PLUS+1® Compliant PVED_CLS_STAT_MSG_1 Function Block
PVED_CLS_STAT_MSG_1 Function Block
Danfoss | November 2018 AQ00000261en-000101 | 7