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12. Fine sand the balsa wood laser-cut
sheets using 200 and then 400 grit sand-
paper before removing the ns. Carefully
remove all the pieces from the sheet by free-
ing the edges with a sharp hobby knife.
For higher ights, round the edges of the
ns with sandpaper – or better yet – sand an
airfoil shape into them. Test t the ns into
the slots on the n alignment xture. If they
are too tight, you will need to sand down the
thickness slightly.
13. Sealing the surface of the balsa with
sanding sealer reduces the skin friction drag
on the rocket, allowing it to y higher. It also
improves the rocket’s appearance. Apply the
sealer with a paintbrush. When dry, sand it
with 400 grit sandpaper. Repeat the proce-
dure until the balsa grain is lled and the ns
look and feel smooth.
14. Slide the n alignment xture onto the
long body tube over the end that is etched
with the n lines. Test t the smaller set of
ns into the xture. Position the trailing edge
of the ns on the tick-marks that are etched
onto the n lines. When you know how the
ns are attached, you can remove them from
the n alignment xture and apply wood glue
to the root edge and then put them back into
the n alignment xture. Allow the glue time
to dry before removing the n xture.
15. Repeat the process of attaching the
ns, but this time use the larger ns and at-
tach them to the short booster stage tube.
OPTIONAL: For competition ights, it is
recommended that you launch the rocket
from a piston launcher or from a launch
tower. But if you do not have one, you’ll
need to use a standard launch rod. In that
case, install the launch lug as follows.
16. Glue the balsa wood standoff to the
front end of the body tube in the position
marked on the tube. When the glue is dry,
glue the launch lug to the stand-off using
wood glue. Make sure the lug is parallel to
the length of body tube.
17. Add wood glue llets to the ns and
the launch lug (if added). Lay the rocket
horizontally to let the glue dry.
Sustainer (upper stage)
Larger ns used
in booster stage
Fin location
Fin location