About Programs, Layers, Multis, Macro Pages, and Presets
Programs are combinations of up to four layers. HALion Sonic provides five different
layer types. You can choose between synth, sample, instrument, drums, and sliced
loop layers. Each layer type is based on an individual sound architecture and has a
dedicated editor.
Synth and Sample Layers
For synth and sample layers, you get access to a synthesizer editor with components
such as a highly flexible filter section, powerful multi-stage envelopes, LFOs, a step
modulator, and a modulation matrix. These layer types differ in their basic sound
source. While a synth layer provides an oscillator section with three main oscillators,
namely a sub oscillator, a noise generator, and a ring modulation stage, the sample
layer loads a specific multi-sample instead.
Drum Layers
The drum layers load a multi-sampled drum set, where you can individually adjust the
most important parameters for each drum instrument. Each drum instrument can be
set to a specific pan position or an individual output, or it can be filtered, reversed, and
so on.
Loop Layers
Loop layers load a sliced loop, which is a combination of a loop-specific MIDI phrase
and the individual slices mapped across the keyboard. You can either play the original
loop, a transposed version of it, or trigger single slices manually. Each slice can be
modified with the same parameters as the drum instruments.
Instrument Layers
Instrument layers contain several multi-samples of an instrument that can be parts of
single sounds or different articulations. These sublayers are called “expressions”. You
can modify expression parameters. By switching off an expression, you can shorten
the load time of a sound.
You can save and load all types of sounds as presets, i. e., there can be multi,
program, and layer presets.
Content Files and Folder Structure
HALion Sonic is supplied with a huge amount of ready-to-use sound content. This
content, made up of hundreds of multis, programs, and layers, is write-protected. This
means that you can edit files while they are loaded in HALion Sonic, but you cannot
overwrite the factory content files themselves to make your changes permanent.
To save any edits to the factory content, you must save the files under a new name
and to a predefined location. These files have the name extension “.vstpreset”, and are
referred to as “user content”. You can categorize and search for them in the same way
as with the factory content.
The user content is saved in a predefined folder structure on your hard disk (the exact
path depends on your operating system), but you can create subfolders within this
structure, to facilitate moving or exchanging content (see
“Creating Subfolders for
User-Defined Multis” on page 18).