Common Editing Methods
Using Key Commands
• To set the parameter to its default value, Ctrl/Cmd-click the value field.
• To use a fader to adjust the value, Alt-click a value field.
• To enter musical values, such as key ranges or the root key, with your MIDI keyboard,
double-click the value field, press a key on your MIDI keyboard, and press Return.
• To navigate to the next parameter, press Tab. To jump backwards to the previous
parameter, press Shift-Tab.
If no parameter is selected inside the focused view, pressing Tab always jumps to the
first parameter.
Using Key Commands
The commands are arranged in a hierarchical folder structure on the left. When you open
a category folder, the items and functions are displayed with any currently assigned key
• To set up a key command, select the function in the list, enter the key command in
the Type in Key field and click the Assign button to the right of the field. If this key
command is already used for another function, this is displayed in the field below.
• To delete a key command, select the function in the list, select the key command in the
Keys list and click the Delete button.
• To search for a specific function, enter its name in the search field at the top of the
dialog and click the search button.
You can set up several key commands for the same function.
HALion Sonic offers two types of presets: section/module presets and VST presets. Section
and module presets store and recall the setup of a specific component on the HALion Sonic
panel. VST presets contain all information necessary to restore the complete state of the
During setup, the factory presets are installed in a dedicated folder and a user folder is
created for your own presets. The handling of presets is the same throughout the program.
Factory presets are write-protected, but may be overwritten when a software update is
executed. Presets in your user folder are never changed by the software update.
For more information on VST presets, see the Operation Manual of your Steinberg DAW.
Handling Section and Module Presets
The preset controls can be found throughout the program. The handling is always the same.
• To save a preset, click Save .