4211-197 11/20/20
Waterproof Speakers
Installation Instructions
Refer to the fi gures at right for steps 3 to 6.
3. Connect the wires from the amplifi er to the speaker. The speaker
wires should already be run to the speaker mounting location and
the wire ends pulled out through the mounting hole. Connect
the + terminal on the amp to the + terminal on the speaker and the
- terminal on the amp to the - terminal on the speaker. When
installing two speakers, make sure the + and - wiring matches
on both speakers for the best sound.
4. Apply silicone to the backside of the speaker on the fl at mounting
surface and the fl at surfaces around the screw holes. When the
speaker is mounted in a wet location, it must be sealed against
the mounting surface in order to prevent moisture damage.
5. Mount the speaker by setting it into its mounting hole. Hold it
in place (painter’s tape may work well to hold the speaker in
place) while installing the mounting screws. If using moly bolts,
make sure the molys are in place before mounting the speaker.
Tighten the screw fi rmly and clean any excess silicone, then let
the silicone dry.
6. Test the speaker and if it is working well, carefully snap the
speaker grill in place.
For additional assistance contact
P.O. Box 2258 Woodinville, WA 98072
Fax: 425-951-1130
Speaker Wires