ROBOTIQ Vacuum Grippers User manual

  • Hello! I've analyzed the Robotiq PowerPick Instruction Manual. This document presents a vacuum gripper designed for industrial applications for picking, placing, and handling objects with the help of multiple suction cups and a venturi system. The manual covers everything from installation to operation. I am ready to answer your questions about the PowerPick!
  • What is the PowerPick vacuum gripper designed for?
    What is the maximum weight the gripper can handle?
    What is the optimal pressure for compressed air consumption?
    What kind of air is required for operation?
    Does the PowerPick need a coupling interface to be installed on the wrist of the robot?
Robotiq PowerPickVacuum Gripper
for Universal Robots
Instruction Manual
Original Notice
© 2023Robotiq Inc.
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
Tableof Contents
Revisions 5
1. General Presentation 7
1.1. Disclaimer 7
1.2. Nomenclature 7
2. Safety 11
2.1. Disclaimer 11
2.2. Intended Use 12
2.3. RiskAssessment 12
3. Installation 14
3.1. Scope of Delivery 15
3.2. Environmental and Operating Conditions 16
3.3. AirSupply 17
3.4. Receptionof the Product 17
3.5. Mechanical Installation 18
3.6. Electrical Installation 29
3.7. ConfigurationsStepsand Tips 30
4. Software 36
4.1. Grip Check 36
5. Specifications 38
5.1. Technical dimensions 38
5.2. Mechanical Specifications 43
5.3. Tool Center Point and Center of Mass 44
5.4. Electrical specifications 46
5.5. Control specifications 46
6. Maintenance 47
6.1. SafetyMeasures 47
6.2. Maintenance 48
7. Spare Parts, Kitsand Accessories 50
8. Troubleshooting 51
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
9. Warranty 52
9.1. Conditions 52
9.2. Warranty 52
9.3. WarrantyVoid and Exclusions 52
10. Harmonized Standards 54
11. Appendix 55
12. Contact 56
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
Robotiq maymodify thisproduct without notice, when necessary, due to product improvements, modificationsor changesin
specifications. If such modification ismade, the manual will also be revised, see revision information. See the latest version of this
manual online at:
Updated Tool Center Point and Center of Masssection
Initial release
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
© 2023 Robotiq Inc. All rightsreserved.
Thismanual and the product it describesare protected bythe Copyright Act of Canada, by lawsof other countries, and by
international treaties, and therefore may not be reproduced in whole or in part, whether for sale or not, without prior written
consent from Robotiq. Under copyright law, copying includestranslation into another language or format.
Information provided by Robotiq in thisdocument isbelieved to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility isassumed
byRobotiq for itsuse. There maybe some differencesbetween the manual and the product if the product hasbeen modified after
the edition date.
The information contained in thisdocument issubject to change without notice.
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
The termsGripper,PowerPick Gripper,PowerPick Vacuum Gripper and PowerPick used in the following manual all refer to the
Robotiq PowerPick Vacuum Gripper. The Robotiq PowerPick Vacuum Gripper isa robotic peripheral designed for industrial
applications. The vacuum isgenerated with a venturi system that usescompressed air asan energy source. Itsdesign makesit a
unique robotic end-of-arm tool to quicklypick,place and handle alarge range of parts(typically boxes)of varying sizesand
The following section presentsthe key featuresof the Robotiq PowerPick Vacuum Gripper and must not be considered
asappropriate to the operation of the Gripper. Each feature isdetailed in the appropriate section.
The PowerPick Gripper isa mechanical assembly equipped with multiple suction cupsand interchangeable components. It isthe
end-effector of the robot. It usesthe negative pressure generated bythe PowerPickController to create avacuum and, through
the multiple suction cups, lifts, holdsand movesboxesand other objectsweighting up to 13kg (28lb). The PowerPick Gripper is
directly installed on the wrist of the robot, without a coupling interface.
Fig. 1-1: PowerPick Gripper with 200 mm offset tube
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
The PowerPick Controller isan electrical and pneumatic device composed of two solenoid valves, a pressure sensor and a vacuum
generator. It is an intermediate controller, connected to the robot controller and the PowerPick Gripper via I/O terminal blocks
and air tubes. The PowerPick Controller createsand releasesthe vacuum for the PowerPick Gripper.
Fig. 1-2: PowerPick Controller
In order to adapt to almost anyapplication, manycomponentsare offered in variousformatsand dimensions.
Offset Components
Three (3)offset componentsare offered: one of them must be installed. All the suction cup bracketscan be installed with any of
the offset components.
Component Typical use
(onUR10e robot)
Standard or
0mmoffset plate1Itemsup to 11.5kg (25lb)
100 mm offset tube Itemsup to 11.5kg (25lb)
200mmoffset tube2Itemsup to 8.5kg (18lb)
1Requiresthe use of the wrist extension.
2Installed on the default configuration. Table 1-1: Offset components
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
Three (3)setsof suction cupsand two (2)setsof suction cup bracketsare offered. All the suction cupscan be installed on anyof
the suction cup brackets.
Component Typical use Standard or
Largesuctioncup brackets Itemsup to 290 mm x485mm
Small suction cup brackets Itemsup to 220 mm x345mm
75mm suction cups Itemsbetween 6and 11kg (13
and 24 lb)
52mm suction cups Itemslessthan6kg (13lb)
78mm suction cups Recommended for heavyporous
Table 1-2: Suction cupsbracketsand suction cups
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
Wrist Extension
One (1)wrist extension isoffered.
Component Typical use 1Standard or
120 mmwrist extension When additional vertical reach is
required. Standard
1Wrist extension isalwaysnecessarywith the 0 mm offset plate.
Table 1-3: Wrist extension
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
Any user of the Robotiq PowerPick must have read and understood all of the instructionsin the following section before
operating it.
It isthe installer/operator'sresponsibilityto ensure that all local safetymeasuresand regulationsare met.
The intent of thissection isto provide general guidelinesfor safe use of the PowerPick vacuum gripper.
Alwaysfollow local regulations.
The installer isresponsible for the safe installation and commissioning of the PowerPick vacuum gripper.
Robotiq acceptsno liability for damage, injury or anylegal responsibility incurred directly or indirectly from the use of thisproduct.
The user (installer and operator)shall observe safe and lawful practicesincluding but not limited to those set forth in this
The term operator refersto anyone responsible for anyof the following operationson the Robotiq Vacuum Gripper:
Thismanual coversthe variouscomponentsof the PowerPick vacuum gripper and the general operationsregarding the whole life-
cycle of the product, from installation to operation and decommissioning.
The drawingsand photosin thismanual are representative examples. However, discrepanciesmay be observed between the
visual supportsand the actual product.
Any use of the PowerPick vacuum gripper in non-compliance with these instructionsisdeemed inappropriate and may
cause injury or damage.
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
The PowerPickvacuum gripper isspecificallydesigned for pick, place and handle objects. The product isintended for installation
on a robot or other automated machinery and equipment.
The gripper isNOT intended for applying force against objectsor surfaces.
lOnly use the PowerPick vacuum gripper:
lin itsoriginal condition;
lwithout unauthorized modification;
lin perfect technical condition.
lAlwayscomplywith local, state, province and/or federal laws, regulation and directivesautomation safety and general machine
lThe unit should be used exclusivelywithin the range of itstechnical data.Any other use of the product isdeemed improper and
unintended. Robotiq will not be liable for anydamagesresulting from any improper or unintended use.
The robot, the Gripper and anyother equipment used in the final application must go through a comprehensive risk assessment
processbefore theycan be used.
The following non-exhaustive list presentsrisksthat must be assessed during the integration process:
lRiskof contact between bodypartsand thegripper and/or suction cups;
lRiskof load ejection resultingfromlossof vacuum;
lRiskof load dropping resulting from lossof vacuum;
lRiskof pinching between thegripper and thepart(s)or theenvironment;
Depending on the application, there may be hazardsthat require additional protection and/or safety measures. For instance, the
workpiece handled by the Gripper could be inherentlydangerousto the operator.
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
A collision between a person and the PowerPick Gripper mayresult in material damage, bodilyinjury and even death.
Make sure anyone working around the working areatakesthe necessaryprecautions:
lMake sure no individual or asset are in the vicinity of the robot and/or Gripper prior to initializing the robot.
lAlwayskeep body partsand clothing away from the Gripper while the device ispowered on.
lDo not use the Gripper on people or animals.
lNever stand under suspended loadsheld by the Gripper.
lThe Gripper needsto be properly secured before operating the robot.
lAlwaysmeet the Gripper payload specifications.
Work on electrical equipment must only be carried byqualified and authorized electrical personnel. Furthermore:
lNever supply the PowerPick Controller with an alternating current source.
lMake sure that the PowerPick Controller I/O cable isalwayssecured at both ends.
lAlwaysmeet the recommended keying for electrical connections.
At the optimal pressure (see the Specificationssection), the noise level at the workstation is82dBa.Hearing protectionsare
recommended. Make sure that all local safety measuresand regulationsare met.
lThe maximum permissible pressure of all pneumatic componentsmust never be exceeded.
lPneumatic tubing must be checked at regular intervalsand, if necessary, replaced.
lLeaky connectionsmust be sealed to avoid breakage, unnecessaryor excessive noise, lossof energy, etc.
lLossof vacuum can also occur due to power failure or air supplyinterruption.
lMake sure that the air tubesare properly secured before pressurizing the PowerPick Gripper.
lMake sure that the air tubesare not pressurized before removing the air supply tube or anyother air tube from the
PowerPick Controller and Gripper.
lNever operate the PowerPick Gripper with leaking or worn parts.
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
Thissection will guide you through the installation and general setup of your Robotiq PowerPick Vacuum Gripper.
Before installing:
lRead and understand the safetyinstructionsrelated to the PowerPick.Refer to the Safetysection.
lVerifyyour package according to the scope of deliveryand your order.
lMake sure to have the required parts, equipment and toolslisted in the scope of delivery.
lBe sure to meet the recommended environmental conditions.
Thismanual usesthe metric system. Unlessspecified, all dimensionsare inmillimeters.
When installing:
lDo not operate the PowerPickVacuum Gripper or even turn on the power supply before the device isfirmly anchored
and the machine areaiscleared.
lMake sure the air supply issecured.
lFailure to properly secure and install the equipment can result in material damage and bodily injury. In addition, note
that in situationswhere the installation isnot compliant, the warranty isvoid.
When installing:
lMake sure to follow all the safetyrulesand regulationsof your workplace and wear all recommended personal protective equip-
ment in accordance with your workplace'ssafety standards, including:
lSafety glasses
lHearing protection
lAlwayspay attention when handling toolsthat contain sharp edges, pinching surfacesor generate heat.
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
3.1.Scopeof Delivery
The standard PowerPick kit iscomposed of:
l1 x PowerPick Gripper, already assembled with the following:
l1 x 200mm Offset tube
l2 x Small suction cup brackets
l4 x 75 mm suction cups
l1 x Manifold
l1 x Positioning plate
l2 x Strengthening brackets
l2 x 6mm air tubes(150 mm long)
l2 x 6mm air tubes(240 mm long)
l1 x 100mm Offset tube
l1 x 0mm Offset plate
l1 x Manifold bracket
l1 x Wrist extension
l2 x Large suction cup brackets
l4 x additional 6 mm air tubes(300 mm long)
l2 x port plugs
lToolsand hardware
l1 x PowerPick Controller, wrapped with the following:
l1 x I/O cable (M12, 8 pins, 2 m long)
l1 x 8mm air tube (5 m long)
l1 x 10 mm air tube (4.5 m long)
l1 x mounting bracket kit
l1 x G1/4 x 1/4 NPTFadapter
lToolsand hardware
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
The following componentsare optional:
l4 x 78 mm suction cups
l4 x 52 mm suction cups(coming with 22mm wrench)
Condition Values
Min Max
Operatingtemperature 0°C(32°F) 50°C(122°F)
Storagetemperature -20°C(-4°F) 70°C(158°F)
Humidity (non-condensing) 35%RH 85%RH
IPrating IP2X
Dust,soot and water Affect thetimebetweenmaintenance
IntrisicSafety (IS)
Table 3-1: Environmental and operating conditionsof the PowerPick
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
lUse dry and filtered air only. Follow the ISO 8573-1, class7.4.4 standard.
lThe maximum pressure allowed is8 bar (115psi). The optimal pressure for compressed air consumption is5.5bar (80
lWe recommend using alocal pressure regulator with afilter and air dryer.The filter should prevent anydust larger than
5µm from getting inside the system.
3.3.1.Connectingthe SupplyLine
lCompressed air must be supplied to the Vacuum Gripper according to the technical specifications.
lThe air supply tubing must be connected and disconnected to, or from, the inlet port onlywhen the line isdepressurized.
lWhen the line ispressurized, the safety clip must be at all timesinstalled on the inlet port of the PowerPick Controller.
lIt isrecommended alockout valve before connecting to the product.
lTo protect against whipping hazard, the air supply tubing (connected to the PowerPick Controller)must be secure.An air fuse
can also be installed.
In order to safely depressurize the supply line, the air supply must first be shut off. Then, if no lockout valve is present to
depressurize the line, the gripper can be activated until the pressure isfullyreleased.
3.4.Receptionof theProduct
Before and after opening the package, inspect it to make sure there isno damage or defect.
Make sure to have all componentsin hand before discarding the box and packing material.
If damage or defectsare discovered, or if anything ismissing, contact the Robotiq support team at
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
Failure to properly secure and install the equipment can result in material damage and bodily injury. In addition, note
that the warranty will not cover material damage resulting from an installation that did not complywith the instructions
found in thismanual.
l1 x 6mm hex key
l1 x 8mm wrench
l1 x 5.5-17 mm double ended wrench
l1 x 20-21 mm double ended wrench (provided with the PowerPick Gripper screw kit)
Not included:
lIsopropyl alcohol
Fig. 3-1: PowerPick Controller
1. Identify the location where the PowerPick Controller will be installed. Choose alocation so that the electrical cable and air
tubeswill not encumber the working environment.
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
2. There are two hardware optionsfor the installation: with double face tape (already applied under the controller)or with
screwsand mounting brackets.
a. Withdouble face tape:
i. With isopropyl alcohol, clean the zone where the double face tape will be applied.
ii. Remove the protective film from the double face tape under the Controller. Install the Controller.
iii. Hold pressure for 60seconds. The double face tape isreally hard to remove once installed: be certainof
the locationbefore installing the Controller.
b. Withscrewsand mounting brackets:
i. Using a#2Phillipsscrewdriver (not provided), install the four (4)mounting bracketswith the four (4)Phillips
screwsunder the Controller, at the four (4)corners.
ii. Install the PowerPick Controller at itsfinal location (toolsand hardware not provided).
Fig. 3-2: Mounting bracketson the PowerPick Controller
If you install the PowerPick Controller on a machine or an equipment, make sure it doesnot alter any type of warranty or
3. Robotiq providesa 8mm air tube to connect between your air supplyand the PowerPickController (a5/16'' air tube can
also work). If you wish to use any other connection, follow the instructionsbelow.If not, go next step.
a. On the PowerPick Controller, where it isindicated P+ G1/4 TUBING 8MM, hold the nut at the base of the fitting
with the provided 20 mm wrench.Then insert the 6mm hex key in the air tube fitting and remove the fitting.
b. Install the provided G1/4 x1/4 NPTFadapter. While still holding the nut with the 20 mm wrench,tighten the
adapter with the 17mm wrench.
c. Install your air tube fitting on the adapter.
4. Connect the PowerPick Controller. See the Electrical Installation section.
PowerPick - Instruction Manual
l1 x 2.5 mm hex key
l1 x 5mm hex key
l1 x 6mm hex key(provided with the PowerPick Controller accessory kit)
l1 x 20-21 mm double ended wrench
Not included:
lTorque wrench
1. Upon receipt, the PowerPick Gripper isalready assembled with the following components:
l200 mm offset tube
lSmall suction cup brackets
l75mm suction cups
lPositioning plate
l2 x Strengthening brackets
l4 x air tubes
Fig. 3-3: PowerPick Gripper default configuration