Anyuse of theGripperin non-compliancewiththese warningsisdeemed inappropriateand maycauseinjuryordamage.
l Airsupplymust bedryand filtered according to ISO 8573-1class3.4.3.
l Airsupplypressuremust be between3and 7barwithan optimal pressureat 6.5bar.
l Makesurethat thetubing isproperlysecured beforepressurizing thegripper.
l Makesurethat thetubing isnot pressurized beforeremoving theairsupplytubefrom thegripper.
l Makesurethat theprovided whitesafetyclip isproperlyinstalled beforepressurizing theVacuum Gripper.
l Alwaysusethesuctioncup systemand itscomponents(airnodes,port plug,etc.)withthe Robotiq Vacuum Gripperonly.
l NeveroperatetheVacuum Gripperwithleaking orwornparts.
l TheVacuum Gripperneedsto beproperlysecured beforeoperating therobot.
l Do not install oroperateaGripperthat isdamaged orlacking parts.
l Neversupplythe Gripperwithanalternating current source.
l Makesureall cord setsarealwayssecured at bothends—Gripperand robot.
l Alwaysmeet therecommended keying forelectricalconnections.
l Makesureno individualsorassetsareinthe vicinityof therobot and/orGripperpriorto initializing therobot.
l Alwaysmeet theGripper’spayload specifications.
l Set yourvacuum level based onyourapplication.
l Keep bodypartsand clothing awayfrom theGripperwhilethedevice ispowered on.
l Do not usetheGripperon peopleoranimals.
l Neverstand undersuspended loadsheld bytheVacuum Gripper.
2.1.1.Risk assessment andfinalapplication:
TheRobotiq Vacuum Gripperismeant to beused oncobotsand industrial robots.
Therobot,theGripperand anyother equipment used inthefinal application must go through a comprehensive riskassessment
processbeforetheycanbe used.Special caremust be takenduring thisstep if custom mounting optionsare used forthe suctioncups.
It istherobot integrator’sresponsibilityto ensure that all local safetymeasuresand regulationsaremet.