1. Overview
Avoid HTML pages:
• with popups (typically blocke d)
• that execute scripts (script errors can occur, resulting in a dialog box on the display)
• that load content formats (e.g. Quicktime, Realplayer, Vivo, etc.) that are not installed on the playback
side. See installed formats and codecs version.
• that are frequently rotating (e.g. playlists)
Before using one of these pages, previewing is necessary to check if everything works fine.
1.5 Supported Video codecs on S! Play
• Cinepak codec version
• Intel indeo video version 5.10
• Intel indeo video R32 version
• Microsoft Windows Media Video 9 VCM
• MS MPEG-4 v1.2.3 version 4.0 0. 0.3688
• Elecard mpeg-2 decoder version 1.35
1.6 Side remarks for content creation
• A streaming video will only initialize when ready and not on scheduled time, this depends hi
ghly on
available bandwidth. It is recommended only to use streaming video on LAN.
• Schedulin g stre aming videos in playlist can cause system to block because files cannot in itia lize
quickly (This depends highly on the available bandwidth, advised 10 mbps , LAN usage only).
• Avoid scheduling m ultimedia files that render on 100% CPU usage such as Flash files with AVI en-
coded, AVI mpeg-1/2/4 that are scaled too much or scaled a lot different from their original aspect
• Avoid scheduling multimedia files that use too much memory, Flash files with heavy 3D processing
can u se too much system memory.
• The playback software will autom atically scale . The more contents are sca
led, the more CPU could
be used (this depends highly on which content format)
• For datafeed contents, text does not scale in OpenGL mode. In LCD mode, text is scaled according
• ItispossiblewithsomedynamicHTMLcontentthatpopupsarenotblocked. Normallythisisprevented
through the software but there are still cases where it can fail. Try to avoid to schedule this content.
• Datafeedcontent (except on Compact PC for Solaris hardware platform) relies on O penGL, especially
for the s crollin g feature. Therefore, it is im po r ta nt that when using the scro lling on an S ! Play, the
playback hardware supports fully OpenGL. Preferably, the chipset is Nvidia / ATI. There are known
reliability problems on SIS ch ipset due to it’s opengl driver.
• For HTML in general it is advised to preview the pages on the S! Operate. Check whether there are
no script errors
• Content creation detects file length (duration) for video files (except for flash) . All other file formats (+
flash) have a default duration of 1 0 sec.
R5976520 S! PLAY 04/03/2005