Figure 2-4 Block diagram of the Avalon-ST x 16 mode on the board
JTAG-chain device programming is one of the most common and general methods.
JTAG-chain device configuration uses the JTAG pins to configure the Intel® Agilex™
FPGA directly with the .sof file. Use this mode to configure FPGA, users do not need to
modify MSEL specifically [2:0] pin, JTAG-chain device programming can be used
under any setting. On DE10-Agilex board, users can use JTAG-chain device
programming through the onboard USB blaster II circuit.
For JTAG programming by on-board USB-Blaster II, the following procedures show
how to download a configuration bit stream into the Agilex FPGA:
Make sure that power is provided to the FPGA board
Connect your PC to the FPGA board using a Mini-USB cable and make sure
the USB-Blaster II driver is installed on PC.
Launch Quartus Prime programmer and make sure the USB-Blaster II is
In Quartus Prime Programmer, add the configuration bit stream file (.sof),
check the associated “Program/Configure” item, and click “Start” to start
FPGA programming.
Active Serial (AS)
A serial flash (QSPI interface) is used on the D10-Agilex board for AS mode boot.
When the Agilex FPGA is running in AS mode, the SDM (Secure device manager)
block in the FPGA will actively go to the serial flash to read the stored configuration file
to boot the FPGA. To use AS mode, the MSEL[2:0] pins must be set to “001” (See