Chassis plate
With this stage, you have
received a vital piece of your
model - the chassis plate. This is
the plate to which all of the other
parts of your Huracán will be
fitted, either directly or indirectly.
Parts supplied:
A Chassis plate A
The chassis plate is a single piece of aluminium
alloy, 326mm long and with a maximum width
of 150mm. Its relative thickness of 2.5mm
ensures that it has the rigidity needed by this
high-performance model. The holes drilled
into it will take the fi xing screws of the
parts that will be fi tted to it, and most
of the holes are countersunk to
ensure that the screw heads are
fl ush with the surface. The four
oval-shaped holes towards the
rear are for mounting the two
engine supports. Their shape
allows precise adjustment of
the engine position, to ensure
that the pinion gears of the
clutch, located at the end of
the crankshaft, engage
perfectly with the fi rst and
second gears. This adjustment of
the engine position also lets you
replace these gears if you want to vary
the gearing. In addition to the screw holes in
This view of the Huracán RC, without its bodywork and engine, shows how the
other components are attached to the chassis plate.
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ensures that it has the rigidity needed by this
high-performance model. The holes drilled
into it will take the fi xing screws of the
parts that will be fi tted to it, and most
of the holes are countersunk to
ensure that the screw heads are
fl ush with the surface. The four
oval-shaped holes towards the
rear are for mounting the two
second gears. This adjustment of
the engine position also lets you