GeneMapper® ID Software Quick Reference Guide
Plot Display Settings
Select plot settings from drop-down box
Determines the number of electropherogram
panels viewed at once
Opens the Plot Settings Editor
Hide/Display the header above each
Display peak labels in a horizontal format
(may cause overlapping labels if not zoomed
in sufficiently)
Display peak labels in a vertical format
(will prevent overlapping labels)
Hide/Display peak positions (start of peak,
peak apex, and end of peak)
Hide/Display the marker range boxes above
each electropherogram
Hide/Display the red marker range indicators
within the electropherogram
Remove all peak labels
Hide/Display allele bins
Bring/Remove controls to the top of the page
– this will create a separate panel at the top
of the page to include all ladders, positive
controls and negative controls
Hide/Display any allele label edits manually
performed post software analysis
Zoom out to full range
(Ctrl + T)
(Ctrl +
Shift + H)
(Ctrl +
Shift + N)
(Ctrl + R)
(Ctrl + K)
(Ctrl +
Shift + V)
(Ctrl +
Shift + B)
(Ctrl +])