Emerson Customer Portal Quick Start Guide
August 2019
Here are some terms you need to know to use the ECP:
Product The software application/feature you want to run on your RTU. A set of control
functions called CTL01 ships from the factory installed on every RTU, but there
are other products you can purchase.
There are three different types of products:
Basic A basic product consists of a single feature. For example, MTR01 is a
single meter run for a single device.
Bulk A bulk product offering includes multiple copies of the same feature all
for the same device. You cannot split it across multiple devices. For example,
BQM20 is a single product consisting of twenty (20) meter runs, all for the same
Bundled A bundled product offers a combination of features- all for the same
device. You cannot split it across multiple devices. For example, CALG4 includes
one (1) set of gas calculations, one (1) set of liquid calculations, and four (4)
meter runs.
Your Emerson hardware – in this case – an FB3000 RTU. The ECP identifies devices
using the RTU’s device serial number. You can find the serial number of a device
registered with the ECP on the Devices tab. To find the device serial number on the
hardware, locate the S/N item on the label of the CPU module and then look for a 9
or 10-character string, which is case-sensitive. If the device shipped from the
factory pre-configured, the Emerson Impact Partner or representative typically pre-
assigns the license to the device so the ECP recognizes the serial number.
Alternatively, if you want to add a license to a device already at a customer site, the
impact partner or representative must assign the license to the customer site
where the device resides for the device to be recognized in the ECP.
Locating the Serial Number on the Label
The process of assigning a license for the application to a particular device and
generating a license file, which you can download to your PC. The activation is
identified as a string of characters called an activation code.
Site/Asset These are names under which you can group devices and products for a particular
company. For example, T&D Natural Gas Company might have two sites/assets
called “Southeast Production Field” and “Western Production Field” or they could
be “Department 1” and “Department 2”. It’s up to you to name your sites/assets.
Anyone who logs into the ECP. Your login credentials determine privileges for what
items you can access in the ECP once you log in.
If you are a read-only contact, you can only view information in the ECP about
which products are available for potential licensing; you cannot activate licenses or
download license files.
If you are a read-write contact, you can view which licenses for products are
available; you can activate licenses and assign them to particular devices, and you
can download license files.