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user group has read permissions for the folder and for the share as the prerequisite installer will run in
each client computer’s system context.
Using RunPrerequisites.vbs
This script installs or checks the prerequisites for XMap. The script is provided in the root of
prerequisite installation folder. It can be used as a startup script through Active Directory. This
script either installs the prerequisites or checks to see if the prerequisites are installed, depending
on the command line parameters passed in.
The prerequisites will install Windows Installer 4.5 so that SQL Server 2008 Express can install.
If you do not have Windows Installer 4.5 installed, then the computer will reboot after the
Windows Installer 4.5 installation package executes. If you are running the RunPrerequisites.vbs
by hand and not part of a startup script, then you will have to execute RunPrerequisites.vbs again
after the computer has rebooted to complete the install of the prerequisites.
RunPrerequisites.vbs /installPath:""<setup path>"" /computer:[computer
name] /no_sql_server /norestart
<setup path> := This is the path to the installation program, setup.exe in the root of the
prerequisite installation folder. If installing to multiple remote computers the installation
folder should be placed in a network share that has read and execute permissions for the
Everyone group.
/computer:[computer name] := This is an optional parameter If provided, then the
prerequisites will not be installed. This is the name of the computer on which to check the
prerequisite installation. If the prerequisites are installed on the given computer, then the
script sets the ERRORLEVEL environment variable to 0. If the prerequisites are not
installed, the script sets the ERRORLEVEL environment variable to 1. Run the script
using this parameter for each remote client computer. Running the script for each client
computer will ensure the prerequisites are installed before starting the XMap installation.
/no_sql_server := This is an optional parameter. If provided, then SQL server will not
be installed.
/norestart := This is a semi-optional parameter. If provided the setup will not reboot
and restart the setup. This option is required for distributing via Active Directory.
/boot_only := This is an optional parameter. The setup will only reboot the computer
but will not restart the setup on reboot. This option is used for SMS distributions.