PayPal for Digital Goods – Express Checkout: Getting Started Guide
3 2011
What Is PayPal for Digital Goods – Express Checkout?
PayPal for Digital Goods – Express Checkout offers digital goods developers and content producers a more cost-
effective way to sell digital goods. It’s flexible and makes it easy to monetize your digital content, whether it’s a
game, media, blog, or software. With PayPal for Digital Goods – Express Checkout, you can:
Implement in-context payments to increase sales conversion•
Offer competitive pricing for even your smallest transactions•
Provide flexible payment models (including one-time payments and subscriptions) to meet consumer needs •
PayPal for Digital Goods – Express Checkout supports:
All single-payer, single-payee transactions (one-to-one transactions)•
Payments in all currencies supported by PayPal •
Payments in all countries supported by PayPal•
Tax calculations•
If you need more flexibility to disperse payments to multiple parties and/or want to do a donations drive using
social networks and other platforms, then consider using PayPal for Digital Goods – Adaptive Payments rather
than PayPal for Digital Goods – Express Checkout. Visit www.paypal.com/digitalgoods for more information on
PayPal for Digital Goods – Adaptive Payments.
This guide covers PayPal for Digital Goods – Express Checkout exclusively.
The Buyer Experience
By implementing PayPal for Digital Goods – Express Checkout, you can offer your buyers an in-context, fast
payment experience. Whether they’re playing a game, reading an article, or downloading music, the payment
flow will not interrupt their enjoyment of your content.
See Figure 1 for an example of what your customers will experience when they purchase digital content after
you have implemented PayPal for Digital Goods – Express Checkout. In this example, the consumer buys a
music video.