10 Consolidated Reporting Data (CRD)
Hunt Group (HG) Metrics Reporting
Hunt Group metrics data is gathered on an hourly basis for all BCM System 4.0 hunt groups. The
data is recorded for each hunt group regardless of whether or not it is configured for use. After the
data is gathered and stored in the hunt group metrics file, the counters are reset so that the next
reporting cycle contains only the information for the hour in question
Hunt groups reporting-metrics data interact with CDR as follows:
• CDR - Transfers this file during a CDR Push or Pull operation. See “Accessing Reporting
Data” on page 13.
Formats of Hunt Group Report Data
Formats for the hunt group report data follow:
< YYYYMMDDHHMMSS > - represents the date and time the statistics/metrics were gathered.
An identical string should follow the metrics data for all 30 hunt groups.
Comma separated records represent data for a hunt group. The fields for this record are:
• Hunt Group number <range from 1 to 30>
• Hunt Group name <1-7 characters>
• Last time metrics were cleared <YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>.
• Total number of calls since last cleared <0- 65535>
• Number of answered calls since last cleared <0 - 65535>
• Average number of answered calls since last cleared. Represented as a rounded percentage
(i.e. answered calls / total calls)
• Average time to answer (value in seconds).
• Number of abandoned calls (i.e. dropped before being answered) since last cleared <0 -
• Average of abandoned calls since last cleared. Represented as a rounded percentage (i.e.
abandoned calls / total calls)
Note: Call Detail Recording Push/Pull methods transfer only those files which
have not been transferred previously. See “Accessing Reporting Data” on page 13.
To determine whether a file has been transferred, check the write permission for
others. If write permissions are available for others, the file has not yet been
The IVR application which generates the metrics data file should check these
permissions before adding any new information to an existing file (i.e. needs to
re-open and append metrics data to an existing file). If the write permissions are
not set then the file has already been transferred and a new file should be created
before the metrics data is recorded.