Chapter 2 Configuring Call Detail Recording 19
Call Detail Recording System Administration Guide
Include call charge info Yes/No
Supports charges on calls. This parameter is market-specific. Do not
change the default unless the trunk supports this feature.
Use answer supervision Yes/No
Identifies the telephone number answering outgoing calls. This parameter is
market-specific. Do not change the default unless the trunk supports this
Display connection character Enable/Disable
Normally, CDR reports all the digits the user dialed to connect a call. The
digits can include digits responding to prompts from an Auto-attendant,
extension transfer or voice mail service. To distinguish between digits dialed
to connect the call and digits dialed after the call is connected, the system
inserts an “!” between the two sets of digits. (For Norstar report format only.)
You can enable or disable the display connection character parameter.
Suppress digits after connect
Maximum digits after connect
By default, CDR stores all digits dialed, even after the call has been
answered. This includes any personal information dialed, such as account
numbers, credit card numbers or PINs. You can use the Digit Suppression
feature to stop CDR from storing digits after the call has been answered.
To configure the Suppress digits feature, use the Suppress digits after
connect and Maximum digits after connect options. With Suppress digits
after connect you can enable or disable this feature. With Maximum digits
after connect you specify the maximum number of digits CDR stores.
How the Suppress digits operates:
• If Suppress digits after connect is disabled
CDR records all of the digits dialed.
Line Supervision and the Maximum digits after connect have no affect if
Suppress digits is disabled.
• If Suppress digits after connect is enabled and Line Supervision is
available on the line used
CDR records the telephone number dialed, but stops recording when
Line Supervision indicates the call is answered.
The Maximum digits after connect option has no affect if Line
Supervision is available on the line used.
• If Suppress Digits after connect is enabled and Line Supervision is
not available on the line used
CDR records the digits dialed until it reaches the number entered in the
Maximum digits after connect box. After this number of digits is
recorded, CDR stops recording digits.
In the Maximum digits after connect box, enter the maximum number of
digits that CDR stores, from 3 to 24. The default is 11.
Caution: Some of the Report Options are market-specific. If the parameter value does not
match the trunk property, CDR can produce incorrect reports. Changing the parameters
can affect some Suppress Digit parameters. If you use a Call Accounting package to
process reports, consult your software vendor before you make any changes.
Table 3 Report contents