Chapter 1: Collaborating with SharePoint
✓ View All Site Content: Click this link to display a page showing all the
SharePoint elements used in the current site, including a description of
each and the last time it was modified.
✓ Quick Launch: Click the links in the Quick Launch group list to display
pages showing filtered lists of various elements used in the site, includ-
ing such components as picture and document libraries, lists of calendar
events, tasks, team discussions, subsites, members permitted to use the
site, and the Recycle Bin where you can rescue stuff you deleted but
haven’t yet permanently removed from the site.
✓ Announcements, Calendar, and Links: These areas display a listing of
any site announcements, upcoming events, or links to other Web sites of
interest that you add by clicking the Add New Announcement, Add New
Event, or Add New Link hyperlink that appears at the bottom of each of
these sections, respectively.
✓ Windows SharePoint Service Logo: This area displays the graphic
image of the Windows SharePoint Service logo. You can easily replace
this image with that of your own logo. (See Chapter 2 for details.)
✓ Recycle Bin: Click this link to display a page showing all the items from
the site that you’ve deleted but haven’t yet gotten rid of permanently.
Navigating a SharePoint site
As you’d expect from a totally Web-based application, many, if not most,
of the controls on a SharePoint site are links. And just like links in any
traditional Web site, when you position the mouse pointer over them, the
pointer changes from an arrowhead to a hand pointer (and if the link is
attached to some text, that text becomes underlined), indicating that you can
click the link to make the jump to its target.
In addition to the many links that you typically encounter on a standard page
of a SharePoint site, you’ll also run into a few pull-down command menus
(clustered in the upper-right corner of the top of the page). These menus are
always indicated by the appearance of a standard drop-down button to the
right of the command button’s text, although most often you can open the
drop-down list attached to the button by clicking anywhere on the button.
A tale of a trail of breadcrumbs
SharePoint sites display a couple of navigation controls that you don’t find in
your usual Office applications. These controls are referred to as breadcrumbs,
and they’re named after the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale in which a brother
and sister leave a trail of breadcrumbs in a forest to find their way home only
to have the crumbs eaten by wild animals.