12 - Manual code:
319W14 ver.
05/2013 © CAME cancelli automatici s.p.a. - The data and information provided in this manual are subject to change at any time without prior notice by CAME Cancelli Automatici S.p.a.
PATH Instantaneous input active when the control unit is armed.
It behaves as a delayed-type input if a DELAYED input of the
control unit initiates the input time. It behaves as an instant input
in all other situations.
Example: input associated to an infrared detector pla-
ced before a delayed type input. If the user opens the
door, the input time is tripped and the detector be-
haves in the same way, if instead a thief enters the
window the detector acts as instant input.
MEMORY Input active with armed control unit If closed at the end
of output time (balanced), it acts as a typical instant type input.
Otherwise, if open at the end of the output time (unbalanced), it
is ignored until closed (balanced) and thus will act as a normal
instant input.
Example: memory inputs are those that the User deci-
des to leave open (skylights, windows, ...), even when
the system is armed.
POWER input is used to turn on / off the areas associated with the
input. The behaviour of the input is defined by the action parame-
ter. Total shutdown or zone activation of the system with a POWER
input, simulates typing a code that blocks phone calls (if the
parameter STOP BY CODE in the TELEPHONE OPTIONS has been
correctly set).
Impulsive ON. With unbalanced input the associated
areas switch ON.
Impulsive OFF. With unbalanced input the associated
areas switch OFF.
Impulsive ON + OFF
With unbalanced input the associated
areas change state: when ON they switch
OFF and vice-versa.
Steady ON + OFF
With an unbalanced input the associa-
ted areas swith ON and when balanced
switch OFF.
Example: If you want to manage the switch-ons and
switch-offs using a mechanical key, it is necessary to
configure the input as SWITCH ON, associating the
areas to be switched on/off, and configure the action
must be connected to the mechanical key so that
when the key is on “System on”, the input is unbalan-
ced (NO) and when it is on “System off” the input is
balanced (NC).
EXCLUDED An input is muted when not in use.
ENABLED An input is enabled when not in use.
TEST An input is in test mode when you want to monitor the
behaviour of an input through the event log without generating a
siren alert
Example: an input continues to tip a alarm after system
installation for no apparent reason Testing allows you
the option to continue monitoring of possible alarms
(via the event log) without generating alarms.
To change the functional characteristics of an input.
INSTANT is the classic intruder alarm input, active when the control
unit is engaged and inactive when disengaged. If unbalanced
generates a general alarm and, if set, sends out related telephone
Example: The input of a magnetic contact of a window.
DELAYED 1 is active only with control unit engaged. If unbalanced,
starts the input delay 1, in which you must type a valid code to di-
sarm the system. During this time the buzzer sounds continuously.
If the control unit is not switched off the general alarm will be
generated and, if set, the relative telephone calls sent out.
Example: input associated to a port of entry.
DELAYED 2 Like DELAYED 1, but with input time 2.
24 HOURS Instantaneous input active when the control unit is
both engaged and disengaged The imbalance of a 24 hours input
generates a general alarm and, if set, the related telephone calls
are sent out.
Example: input associated with the outdoor siren tam-
TECHNICAL Instant input active with both control unit engaged
and disengaged. The imbalance of a technical input enables the
output defined for the TECHNICAL ALARM, continuous buzzer
sounding (for the duration of the technical alarm) and the lighting
of the alarm LED on the keypads.
Example: an input associated with a fire or gas detec-
tion sensor.
TYPE 001
The procedure that applies to all programming inputs, after acces-
sing the Installer / Technician menu, is as follows:
INPUTS 11 EDIT INP. 001 <||> INPUT 001; use to select
the input to program (hereafter input 001) and press ; lastly, use
to select the properties to set. The value selection is done
with the keys The display shown here, always shows the
default value of the property. Use to exit at any time.