Thermo Fisher Scientific Oncomine Comprehensive Assay User guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user guide for the Oncomine Comprehensive v3 GX assay and the Genexus Integrated Sequencer, Purification Instrument, Ion Torrent Genexus FFPE DNA/RNA Purification Kit, GX5 Chip. This document introduces a next-generation sequencing assay designed for detecting various genetic alterations, including SNVs, INDELs, CNVs, and gene fusions, especially from FFPE samples. It covers both sample to result and nucleic acid to result workflows and provides instructions for data analysis. I'm ready to help with any questions you have about this document.
  • What type of samples is the Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX optimized for?
    What does the Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX detect?
    Can the assay be used with the Genexus Purification Instrument?
    Which sequencer is compatible with Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX?
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX
For use with the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
Catalog Number A46296
Publication Number MAN0018512
Revision C.0
Life Technologies Corporation | 7335 Executive Way | Frederick, Maryland 21704 USA
For descriptions of symbols on product labels or product documents, go to
Revision history:MAN0018512 C.0 (English)
Revision Date Description
C.0 15 May 2023 Support added for performing sample to result runs in Genexus Software.
Support added for purification of nucleic acids from FFPE using the Genexus Purification Instrument.
Added support for updated Genexus Software workflows
Oncomine Comprehensive v3 - GX5 - DNA–w5.0.2
Oncomine Comprehensive v3 - GX5 - Fusions–w5.0.2
Oncomine Comprehensive v3 - GX5 - DNA and Fusions–w5.0.2
B.0 9 July 2020 Updated protocol for Genexus Software version 6.2.
Removed Ion Reporter Software Appendix.
Updated sample capacity for DNA-only workflow.
Updated guidelines for thawing reagents.
Updated ordering information and strip carrier colors.
Added new instrument and software troubleshooting items.
Added instructions about how to download software and assay package updates.
A.0 9 January 2020 New user guide that documents the sampletoresult workflow for the Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX.
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
Important Licensing Information: This product may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses. By use of this product,
you accept the terms and conditions of all applicable Limited Use Label Licenses.
TRADEMARKS: All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. Agilent and
Bioanalyzer are trademarks of Agilent Technologies, Inc. Horizon is a trademark of Horizon Discovery Group PLC. Microsoft and Excel
are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Seraseq and SeraCare are trademarks of SeraCare Life Sciences, Inc.
©2020-2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
CHAPTER1Productinformation .................................................. 7
Productdescription ............................................................. 7
Prerequisites ................................................................... 8
Contents and storage ............................................................ 8
Workflow overview ............................................................. 10
CHAPTER2Reagents, supplies, and required materials ...................... 12
Guidelines for the usage of reagents and supplies, and samplecapacity .............. 13
Reagents and supplies for use with the Genexus PurificationInstrument ............. 14
Genexus Purification System ............................................... 14
Ion Torrent Genexus FFPE DNA/RNA Purification Kit ........................ 15
Recommended sample controls ............................................. 15
Required materials not supplied for use with the Genexus IntegratedSequencer ...... 15
Genexus IntegratedSequencer ............................................. 16
General laboratory supplies and reagents ..................................... 16
Genexus BarcodesAS .................................................... 17
Genexus Templating Strips 3GX5 and4 ................................... 17
Genexus SequencingKit .................................................. 18
Genexus Pipette Tips ..................................................... 18
GX5 Chip and GenexusCoupler .......................................... 19
Genexus ConicalBottles .................................................. 19
Genexus Controls ........................................................ 20
Recommended materials for use with the Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3GX .... 21
Recommended materials not supplied for use with the Genexus Purification System .. 21
Recommended materials for nucleic acid isolation andquantification ................. 22
CHAPTER3Before youbegin .................................................... 23
Proceduralguidelines ........................................................... 23
Guidelines for preventingcontamination .......................................... 24
Guidelines for panel and reagent use andhandling ................................. 25
Requirements for nucleic acid isolation, quantification, quality control, and
inputamount ................................................................ 26
Before each use of thekit ....................................................... 26
Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide 3
Guidelines for Genexus Integrated Sequencer operation ........................... 27
Precautions ................................................................... 28
Avoid nucleic acidcontamination ............................................ 28
Avoid chipdamage ........................................................ 28
Avoid strong electromagnetic radiation ....................................... 28
Protection byequipment .................................................... 28
CHAPTER4Plan and manageruns ............................................. 29
Types of Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX runs ............................ 30
System-installed assays for use with the Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3GX .... 30
Enter samples in the Genexus Software ......................................... 31
Plan a Sample to Resultrun ..................................................... 31
Plan a Nucleic Acid to Resultrun ................................................ 33
Chip capacity by sampletype ................................................... 36
CHAPTER5Genexus FFPE DNA/RNA Purification protocol ................ 38
Plan a purification run (standaloneconfiguration) ................................... 38
Add a purification run plan (standaloneconfiguration) .......................... 39
Preparesamples ............................................................... 42
Proceduralguidelines ...................................................... 42
Before each use of thekit ................................................... 43
Materials required .......................................................... 43
Recommended inputamount ............................................... 43
Prepare 1X Protease Digestion MasterMix .................................... 43
Prepare FFPE curl samples with AutoLys M Tubes ............................. 44
Prepare FFPE slide samples with AutoLys M Tubes ............................ 45
Load the Genexus Purification Instrument and start therun ........................ 47
Materials required .......................................................... 47
Prepare theconsumables ................................................... 47
Start the purificationrun .................................................... 48
Unload purified DNA andRNA ................................................... 51
View and export quantitation results ......................................... 53
Dispose used consumables and UV clean theinstrument ....................... 53
CHAPTER6Prepare the sample input plate .................................... 55
Nucleic Acid to Resultruns ...................................................... 55
Quantify nucleic acidsamples ............................................... 55
Dilute the samples and load the sample plate ................................. 56
Sample to Resultruns .......................................................... 56
Transfer DNA and RNA samples to the sample input plate ...................... 57
4Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide
CHAPTER7Load the sequencer and start arun ............................... 58
Instrument runtimes ........................................................... 58
Before youbegin ............................................................... 58
Load the sequencer and start arun .............................................. 61
Clear the instrument deck and perform a UVClean ................................. 64
CHAPTER8Review data and results ............................................ 66
View data and results ........................................................... 66
Results navigation bar overview ............................................. 68
Review run results ............................................................. 69
View the run summary ...................................................... 70
Assign PCR Plate .......................................................... 70
View sample results ............................................................ 71
View the QC results ........................................................ 71
View KeyFindings ......................................................... 74
View variant results ........................................................ 79
View SNV/INDEL results .................................................... 81
View Fusion results ........................................................ 84
View CNV results .......................................................... 86
Compare sample results .................................................... 88
Review plugin results in Genexus Software .................................. 90
Download results files for a sample result ..................................... 91
Variant report .................................................................. 94
Download a variant report .................................................. 95
Sign o on the run results ................................................... 95
Example metrics for a successful Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX
sequencingrun .............................................................. 96
APPENDIXATroubleshooting .................................................... 98
Genexus Integrated Sequencer—general and QC troubleshooting .................. 98
Troubleshoot Genexus Integrated Sequencer performance with CF-1 and
inline controls .............................................................. 101
Genexus Software ........................................................... 101
Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide 5
APPENDIXBSupplementalinformation ....................................... 103
Working withsamples ......................................................... 103
System-installed sample attributes ......................................... 103
Importsamples ........................................................... 104
Guidelines for Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GXsettings ................... 106
View assay metrics and the run report ........................................... 107
Assay metrics and the run report ........................................... 108
Download a run report .................................................... 111
Edit the QC parameters of anassay ............................................. 112
Reanalysis ................................................................... 114
Centrifuge library and templating reagent strips using the Genexus Strip
Centrifuge Adapter ......................................................... 115
APPENDIXCSafety ............................................................. 116
Biological hazardsafety ....................................................... 116
Chemicalsafety .............................................................. 117
APPENDIXDDocumentation and support .................................... 118
Relateddocumentation ........................................................ 118
Customer and technical support ................................................ 119
Limited product warranty ...................................................... 119
6Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide
Product information
Productdescription .................................................................... 7
Prerequisites .......................................................................... 8
Contents and storage .................................................................. 8
Workflow overview ................................................................... 10
Product description
The Ion Torrent Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX (Cat.No. A46296) is a targeted, next-
generation sequencing (NGS) assay that enables the detection of single-nucleotide variants (SNVs),
insertions and deletions (INDELs), copy number variations (CNVs), and gene fusions from 161 unique
genes. The assay is optimized for use with formalin-fixed paran embedded (FFPE) samples.
The assay kit provides 4 pools of multiplex PCR primers (2 pools for the DNA assay and 2 pools for the
RNA assay) and library reagents sucient to perform up to sixteen 2pool or eight 4pool reactions on
the Ion Torrent Genexus Integrated Sequencer System. The assay is optimized for use with the Ion
Torrent Genexus GX5 Chip. Additional Genexus Integrated Sequencer reagents and supplies must
be purchased separately (see “Required materials not supplied for use with the Genexus Integrated
Sequencer” on page15).
This user guide provides the following instructions.
How to use the Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX to perform a Sample to Result next-
generation sequencing (NGS) run on the Ion Torrent Genexus Purification Instrument for nucleic
acid isolation, followed by sequencing on the Genexus Integrated Sequencer.
How to use the Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX to perform a Nucleic Acid to Result
next-generation sequencing (NGS) run on the Genexus Integrated Sequencer.
How to perform data analysis of the sequencing run.
The Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX includes the following features.
Analysis of variants across 161 genes
Automated sample to result workflow on the Genexus Integrated Sequencer in less than 1day
Detection of SNVs and INDELs, CNVs, and gene fusions
Robust performance from as little as 10ng of nucleic acid input per pool (20ng of DNA and 20ng
of RNA) isolated from FFPE samples, including fine needle biopsies
Molecular standards and controls
Content driven by the Oncomine Knowledgebase
Ion AmpliSeq chemistry
Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide 7
System-installed assays preconfigured with settings that are optimized for specific application and
sample type
Optimized Oncomine informatics
The Genexus Purification System automates the extraction and quantification of nucleic acids from
various tissue types for use on the Genexus Integrated Sequencer. With a single touch point
and 10 minutes of hands-on time, the Genexus Purification System can extract both DNA and
RNA sequentially from FFPE lysates (Ion Torrent Genexus FFPE DNA/RNA Purification Kit). When
connected to the Genexus Integrated Sequencer, the Ion Torrent Genexus Software streamlines the
NGS workflow by integrating the sample to result workflow within a single software system.
Category Prerequisites
Instrument (Optional) Access to the Genexus Purification Instrument
Access to the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
Stock of reagents and supplies that are compatible with the Oncomine
Comprehensive Assay v3 GX and the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
For ordering information, see “Required materials not supplied for use with the
Genexus Integrated Sequencer” on page15.
Software Genexus Software 6.6 or later
knowledge and
Key steps in a next-generation sequencing (NGS) workflow
Main functions of the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
Main features of the Genexus Software 6.6 or later
Contents and storage
The Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX (Cat.No. A46296) includes the 2pool DNA panel, the
2pool RNA panel, Genexus Strip1, and Genexus Strip2AS.
Table1Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX
Contents Carrier color Number of reactions PartNo. Storage
Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX pools[1]
OCAv3 DNA Pool1
(position 1, white cap)
Magenta 16 (4 reactions/tube x 4 tubes) A40281 −30°C to −10°C
OCAv3 DNA Pool2
(position 1, white cap)
Pale green 16 (4 reactions/tube x 4 tubes)
OCAv3 RNA Pool1
(position 1, white cap)
Pale orange 16 (4 reactions/tube x 4 tubes) A44351
Chapter1Product information
8Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide
Table 1 Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX (continued)
Contents Carrier color Number of reactions PartNo. Storage
OCAv3 RNA Pool2
(position 1, white cap)
A44351 −30°C to −10°CBlue 16 (4 reactions/tube x 4 tubes)
Genexus Library Strips 1 and 2AS (Cat.No.A40252)[2,3]
Genexus Strip1 Light red 2×32
(4 singlepool reactions/strip)[4]
A46812 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip2AS Light blue 2×32
(4 singlepool reactions/strip)[4]
A46813 −30°C to −10°C
[1] Each primer pool in the panel is provided in 4 pairs of tubes, where each tube pair contains one tube with primers in position 1 and
one empty uncapped tube in position 2.
[2] Two 8strip packs of the Genexus Strip1 and Genexus Strip2AS (16 total of each strip) are provided with each kit.
[3] Can be ordered separately.
[4] Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX limits the reaction to 4 reactions per strip.
The maximum number of samples that can be analyzed per kit depends on the type of run that you
want to perform.
Workflow # of samples
Simultaneous DNA and RNAbased
variant analysis
16 FFPE tissue samples—One DNA reaction and one RNA reaction
for each sample.
DNAonly or RNAonly variant analysis 32 FFPE tissue samples—16 DNA only and 16 RNA only samples
Chapter1Product information
Contents and storage 1
Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide 9
Workflow overview
The following workflow outlines the key steps in performing the Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3
GX run, from nucleic acid purification to sequencing and data analysis.
Plan a run in Genexus Software
Select an assay (page30)
System-installed assays that are specifically configured for each sample type
are available in the Genexus Software. You can use the system-installed
assays in the run plan without change. To modify any assay settings, copy the
system-installed assay that best represents the experiment, then edit the assay
Enter samples (page31)
Enter samples in the Genexus Software to assign sample names and provide
other information such as sample collection date, gender, type, and disease
Plan a run (page29)
Run plans created in the Genexus Software contain all of the settings that
are used in sample purification, library preparation, templating, sequencing,
and analysis, including sample information and plate location, assays, and
Prepare samples (page38)
Note: If you are starting with purified nucleic acid samples, proceed to the
next step.
Dilute the samples and load the sample plate
Note: This step is not required for Sample to Result runs.
Quantify and dilute the nucleic acid samples, then load the sample plate.
(Optional) Add controls to the sample plate.
Chapter1Product information
Workflow overview
10 Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide
Plan a run in Genexus Software
Load the sequencer and start a run (page58)
Follow the step-by-step instructions on the sequencer touch screen to load the
sample plate and consumables in the Genexus Integrated Sequencer.
Review data and results in the (page66)
View variant calls and visualize results in Genexus Software.
Chapter1Product information
Workflow overview 1
Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide 11
Reagents, supplies, and required
Guidelines for the usage of reagents and supplies, and samplecapacity .................... 13
Reagents and supplies for use with the Genexus PurificationInstrument ................... 14
Required materials not supplied for use with the Genexus IntegratedSequencer ............ 15
Recommended materials for use with the Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3GX .......... 21
Recommended materials not supplied for use with the Genexus Purification System ........ 21
Recommended materials for nucleic acid isolation andquantification ....................... 22
This chapter lists the reagents, supplies, and materials needed to operate the Genexus Purification
Instrument and Genexus Integrated Sequencer, and provides consumables ordering and storage
information. Reagents and supplies can be ordered as kits and starter packs, but most consumables
can also be ordered individually as your needs require.
Note: Consumables that have catalog numbers are orderable. Components that have part numbers
cannot be ordered individually.
12 Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide
Guidelines for the usage of reagents and supplies, and
sample capacity
Table2 provides guidelines for the usage of reagents and supplies, and sample capacity for each
sample-to-result Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX workflow. Table2 provides guidelines for the
amount of each kit required based on the number of samples and the type of workflow that you are
planning to run.
Table2Guidelines for the amount of reagents, supplies required for each workflow type
Assay component
DNA-only RNA-only DNA + RNA
7 samples per
8 samples per
16 samples per
6 samples per
Oncomine Comprehensive
Assay v3 GX
(Cat.No. A46296)
½ kit ½ kit 1 kit ½ kit
OCAv3 DNA Pool1 2 tubes 2 tubes
OCAv3 DNA Pool2 2 tubes 2 tubes
OCAv3 RNA Pool1 2 tubes 4 tubes 2 tubes
OCAv3 RNA Pool2 2 tubes 4 tubes 2 tubes
Genexus Library Strips 1 and
2AS (Cat.No.A40252)
¼ kit ¼ kit ¼ kit ½ kit
Genexus Strip1
4 strips 4 strips 4 strips 8 strips
Genexus Strip2AS
4 strips 4 strips 4 strips 8 strips
Genexus Templating Strips
3GX5 and 4 (Cat.No.
½ kit ⅛ kit ¼ kit ½ kit
Genexus Strip3GX5
4 strips 1 strip 2 strips 4 strips
Genexus Strip4
4 strips 1 strip 2 strips 4 strips
Genexus Barcodes AS
(Cat.No. A40257, A40258,
A40259, or A40260)
14 barcodes[2] 16 barcodes 32 barcodes 24 barcodes
GX5 Chip and Genexus
Coupler (Cat. No. A40269)
½ set ⅛ set ¼ set ½ set
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Guidelines for the usage of reagents and supplies, and sample capacity 2
Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide 13
Table 2 Guidelines for the amount of reagents, supplies required for each workflow
Assay component
DNA-only RNA-only DNA + RNA
7 samples per
8 samples per
16 samples per
6 samples per
GX5 Chip
(PartNo. 100081364)
1 chip (4 lanes) ¼ chip (1 lane) ½ chip (2 lanes) 1 chip (4 lanes)
Genexus Sequencing Kit
½ kit ⅛ kit ¼ kit ½ kit
Genexus Pipette Tips
⅓ pack ¼ pack ½ pack ½ pack
Genexus Pipette Tips
4 racks 3 racks 6 racks 6 racks
[1] In addition to 7 samples, you can also include a NTC.
[2] If you are running a NTC, the NTC uses 2 barcodes, for a total of 16 barcodes.
IMPORTANT! The information provided in Table2 is for estimation purposes only. Only full-sized
kits are available for purchase. For ordering information, see “Contents and storage” on page8 and
“Required materials not supplied for use with the Genexus Integrated Sequencer on page15.
Reagents and supplies for use with the Genexus
Purification Instrument
Genexus Purification Instrument reagents and supplies can be ordered as kits and starter packs, but
most consumables can also be ordered individually as your needs require.
Note: Consumables that have catalog numbers are orderable. Components that have part numbers
cannot be ordered individually.
Genexus Purification System
The Genexus Purification System (Cat.No.A48148) includes the following components.
Components Part. No.
Genexus Purification Instrument A47646
Genexus Purification Install Kit A48549[1]
[1] Not available for separate purchase.
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Reagents and supplies for use with the Genexus Purification Instrument
14 Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide
Ion Torrent Genexus FFPE DNA/RNA Purification Kit
The Ion Torrent Genexus FFPE DNA/RNA Purification Kit (Cat. No. A45539) includes the following
subkits sucient for 48 sequential DNA and RNA isolations from FFPE curls or slides.
IMPORTANT! Store all kit components in the upright orientation.
Component Part No. Storage
Genexus FFPE DNA/RNA Purification A45532 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Nucleic Acid Quantitation A45538 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Purification Supplies 2 A45574 15°C to 30°C
Recommended sample controls
Item Source
AcroMetrix Oncology Hotspot Control 969056
Seraseq TriLevel Tumor Mutation DNA Mix v2 HC 07100097 (SeraCare)
Seraseq Lung & Brain CNV Mix, + 6copies 07100415 (SeraCare)
Seraseq Breast CNV Mix, + 6copies 07100412 (SeraCare)
Seraseq Fusion RNA Mix v3 07100431 (SeraCare)
Seraseq Fusion RNA Mix v4 07100497 (SeraCare)
Horizon ALK RET ROS RNA fusion HD784 (Horizon)
Required materials not supplied for use with the Genexus
Integrated Sequencer
Genexus Integrated Sequencer reagents and supplies can be ordered as kits and starter packs. In
addition, most consumables can also be ordered individually. The following tables provide information
about the various ordering options.
Note: Consumables that have catalog numbers are orderable. Components that have part numbers
cannot be ordered individually.
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials are available through "MLS" indicates
that the material is available from or another major laboratory supplier. Catalog
numbers that appear as links open the web pages for those products.
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Required materials not supplied for use with the Genexus Integrated Sequencer 2
Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide 15
Genexus Integrated Sequencer
Components Cat. No.
Genexus Integrated Sequencer A45727
General laboratory supplies and reagents
Item Source
MicroAmp EnduraPlate Optical 96-Well Clear Reaction Plates with Barcode 4483352, 4483354
Thermo Scientific Adhesive PCR Plate Foils AB0626
Microcentrifuge[1] MLS
2, 20, 200, and 1,000µL pipettes and appropriate filtered tips MLS
Nucleasefree microcentrifuge tubes, 1.5-mL or 1.7-mL MLS
Vortex mixer with a rubber platform MLS
Gloves, powder-free nitrile MLS
Ice buckets and ice
Nuclease-free water, molecular biology grade MLS
Isopropyl alcohol, 70% solution MLS
Wipes, disposable lint-free MLS
(Optional) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)[2] MLS
[1] Must fit standard 0.2- and 1.5mL microcentrifuge tubes and generate 15,000 × g. To convert the RPMs of your centrifuge to RCF in
units of gravity, see
[2] For laboratories that experience frequent power outages or line voltage fluctuations, we recommend that you use an uninterruptible
power supply that is compatible with 2500W output or higher.
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Required materials not supplied for use with the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
16 Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide
Genexus Barcodes AS
Ion Torrent Genexus Barcodes AS are supplied in plates containing 32 dual barcodes per plate. The
barcodes can be ordered as a set of three plates (Cat. No. A40257), or ordered individually.
Item Label color Cat. No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Barcodes 1–96AS Blue A40257 3 plates
15°C to 30°C
Genexus Barcodes 1–32AS
(17) 180524
2° C
8° C
AmpliSeq Barcodes
Blue A40258 1 plate
Genexus Barcodes 33–64AS Blue A40259 1 plate
Genexus Barcodes 65–96AS Blue A40260 1 plate
Genexus Templating Strips 3GX5 and 4
Ion Torrent Genexus Templating Strips 3GX5 and 4 (Cat. No. A40263) are ordered as kits with
8pairs of strips per kit.
Component Carrier color Part No. Quantity per kit Storage
Genexus Strip3GX5Brown A46815 8 strips 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip4 Yellow A46816 8 strips −30°C to −10°C
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Required materials not supplied for use with the Genexus Integrated Sequencer 2
Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide 17
Genexus Sequencing Kit
The Ion Torrent Genexus Sequencing Kit (Cat. No. A40271) provides reagents and solutions sucient
to sequence up to 2full chips.
Component Part No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Cartridge A40272 2 cartridges −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Bottle 2 A40273 4bottles 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Bottles 1 and 3 A40274 2 bottles each (4 bottles total)
Genexus Pipette Tips
Ion Torrent Genexus Pipette Tips (Cat.No.A40266) are ordered in packs of 12 racks each. The
number of pipette tip racks that are required for your experiment depends on the number of reactions
and the sample type. For the Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX, see “Guidelines for the usage of
reagents and supplies, and sample capacity” on page13 to determine the number of racks required for
your experiment.
Item Cat. No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Pipette Tips A40266 12 racks 15°C to 30°C
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Required materials not supplied for use with the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
18 Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide
GX5 Chip and Genexus Coupler
The GX5 Chip and Genexus Coupler (Cat. No. A40269) are ordered as a set that contains two chips
and two couplers. For the Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX, see “Guidelines for the usage of
reagents and supplies, and sample capacity” on page13 to determine the number of chips required for
your experiment.
Each chip can accommodate up to 6 DNA and RNA samples, or 6 samples and one no-template
Component Part No. Quantity Storage
GX5 Chip 100081364 2 chips 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Coupler 100081252 2 couplers
Genexus Conical Bottles
Genexus Conical Bottles (Cat. No. A40275) are installed in the sequencing reagents bay and serve as
reservoirs for nucleotide reagent dilutions. For information on when and how to replace the bottles, see
the Genexus Integrated Sequencer User Guide (Pub. No. MAN0017910).
Component Quantity Storage
Genexus Conical Bottles 5 bottles 15°C to 30°C
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Required materials not supplied for use with the Genexus Integrated Sequencer 2
Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide 19
Genexus Controls
The Ion Torrent Genexus Controls kit (Cat. No. A40267) provides sucient Genexus Control
LibraryAS to perform four library runs. The kit also provides sucient Genexus Control PanelAS
and Genexus DNA Control to perform eight sample runs.
Note: The Genexus Control LibraryAS is barcoded with IonCode 0101.
Component Quantity Storage
Genexus Control LibraryAS 1 tube
−30°C to −10°CGenexus Control PanelAS 8 carriers (white)
Genexus DNA Control 2 tubes
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Required materials not supplied for use with the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
20 Oncomine Comprehensive Assay v3 GX User Guide