Guidelines for DNA isolation, quantification, and input
•Each target amplification reaction requires 20 ng of gDNA (≥1.48 ng/µL, 10 ng/pool) from human
whole blood or bone marrow.
•Use your preferred commercially available kit to sequentially isolate high quality gDNA and RNA
from research samples for use in library preparation.
•We recommend the TaqMan™ RNase P Detection Reagents Kit (Cat. No. 4316831) for quantifying
amplifiable human genomic DNA (refer to the Demonstrated Protocol: Sample Quantification
for Ion AmpliSeq™ Library Preparation Using the TaqMan™ RNAse P Detection Reagents Kit
Pub. No. MAN0007732). Other qPCR targets such as GUSB can be used for DNA and RNA
quantification. Contact your local Field Application Scientist for details. The Qubit™ dsDNA HS
Assay Kit (Cat. No. Q32851 or Q32854) can also be used.
•Quantification methods such as densitometry (for example, using a NanoDrop™ spectrophotometer)
are not recommended, because they are not specific for DNA. Use of these methods can lead to
gross overestimation of the sample DNA concentration, under-seeding of the target amplification
reaction, and low library yields.
•Increasing the amount of DNA results in higher-quality libraries, especially when DNA quality or
quantity is unknown.
Chef Ready: Library preparation
Note: The Oncomine™ Myeloid Research Assay – Chef‑Ready does not support library preparation
from nucleic acids prepared from formalin‑fixed paran‑embedded (FFPE) samples.
Create a Sample Set manually
Note: Creating a Sample Set is only required in Torrent Suite™ Software 5.14 or later.
Create a Sample Set manually by entering sample information into the Torrent Suite™ Software without
the use of an external CSV file. This method of entering sample information is useful for creating small
Samples Sets.
To create a Sample Set manually, enter individual samples into the software, then create a new Sample
Set and add samples to it. Alternatively, you can add new samples to an existing Sample Set.
For Sample Sets that contain numerous samples, you can import samples using a CSV file. For more
information, see “Create a Sample Set by importing samples from a CSV file” on page 67.
1. Sign in to the Torrent Suite™ Software.
2. In the Plan tab, click Samples, then click Add or Update Sample Set/Samples.
3. Click Enter New Sample.
a. Complete the Add Sample dialog box. For more information about defining the samples, see
the Torrent Suite™ Software Help.
Note: Sample Name is the only required input.
Chapter 3 Library preparation
Guidelines for DNA isolation, quantification, and input 3
Oncomine™ Myeloid Research Assay User Guide 17