9. In the Order summary dialog, review order details, then proceed to finalize your order in one of the
following ways.
•To view and select additional consumables or change ordering options, select List
recommended consumables, then click Preview.
•To proceed directly to cart, click Proceed to cart (Request a quote in some regions). You are
redirected to the Cart on thermofisher.com, where you can add or remove items from your
order as needed, view product price estimates, and begin the checkout process.
Note: If you proceed directly to cart, you will not be able to change sequencing platform,
template preparation, or ordering format selections for your design.
10. In the Order preview screen, review design order details, then if needed, edit ordering options and
select additional consumables to add to your order.
a. In the ordering options pane, click Edit list, then
make any desired changes for the Sequencing
platform, Template preparation, and Ordering
format. When finished, click Update list.
b. In the Library preparation, Template preparation
and sequencing, Barcodes, and Chips panes, in
the row of each kit that you want to add to your
order, enter the quantity in the Qty field.
c. When finished, click Add all to cart.
You are redirected to the Cart on thermofisher.com,
where you can add or remove items from your order as
needed, view product price estimates, and begin the checkout process.
Note: Removal of the selected library kit may result in an invalid order and the order will not
be processed. Any barcode kit, templating kits and chips can be removed without aecting the
ordering process.
The core Oncomine™ tumor specific panels are ready to use with the provided Torrent Suite™ Software
planned run templates and panel specific Ion Reporter™ Software analysis workflows. Proceed to
Chapter 7, “Create a Planned Run” to continue with templating and sequencing.
Predesigned panels do not have dedicated Ion Reporter™ Software analysis workflows. Analysis is
supported with the BED file provided, similar to a custom panel. For more informationon creating an
Ion Reporter™ Software analysis workflow, see “Create an Ion Reporter™ Software analysis workflow for
your predesigned or custom Oncomine™ tumor specific panel” on page 25.
Chapter 2 Order a core panel
Order a core or predesigned Oncomine™ tumor specific panel
18 Oncomine™ tumor specific panels User Guide