Thermo Fisher Scientific Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User guide

  • Hello! I'm an AI assistant that has reviewed the Ion AmpliSeq™ & Ion AmpliSeq™ HD Custom Assay User Guide. This document provides detailed information on using custom assays with the Genexus™ Integrated Sequencer, including panel design, sample preparation, sequencing, and data analysis. I'm here to help answer any questions you might have about the various panel types, the integrated workflow, or even the molecular tagging technology involved. Feel free to ask!
  • What types of panels are compatible with the Genexus Integrated Sequencer?
    Where can I design and order custom assay panels?
    What is the purpose of the Genexus Primer Pool Tubes?
    What is Ion AmpliSeq HD technology used for?
    What types of materials can be used as starting material?
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom
For sequencing on the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
for use with:
Ion AmpliSeq Community Panels
Ion AmpliSeq Made-to-Order Panels
Ion AmpliSeq On-Demand Panels
Custom Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Panels
Publication Number MAN0028005
Revision A.0
Thermo Fisher Scientific GENEART GmbH |
Im Gewerbepark B35 |
93059 Regensburg |
Products manufactured at this site:
Ion AmpliSeq OnDemand Panel
Life Technologies Corporation |
7335 Executive Way |
Frederick, Maryland 21704 USA
Products manufactured at this site:
Ion AmpliSeq Custom panels
Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom panels
Ion AmpliSeq HD MadetoOrder panels
Ion AmpliSeq Community Panels
For descriptions of symbols on product labels or product documents, go to
Revision history:MAN0028005 A.0 (English)
Revision Date Description
A.0 12 June 2023 Initial release.
The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
Important Licensing Information: These products may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses. By use of these
products, you accept the terms and conditions of all applicable Limited Use Label Licenses.
Trademarks: All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified.
Bioanalyzer and Agilent are trademarks of Agilent Technologies, Inc. TaqMan is a trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., used
under permission and license. Eppendorf LoBind is a trademark of Eppendorf AG. Freedom EVO is a trademark of Tecan Group Ltd.
Agencourt and AMPure are trademarks of Beckman Coulter, Inc.
©2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
CHAPTER1Productinformation .................................................. 7
Ion AmpliSeqpanels ........................................................... 7
About Ion AmpliSeqDesigner ............................................... 7
Ion AmpliSeqpanels ....................................................... 7
Ion AmpliSeq Custom paneldesigns ......................................... 8
Ion AmpliSeq OnDemand Paneldesigns ..................................... 8
Ion AmpliSeq Community Panels ............................................ 9
Ion AmpliSeq HD MadetoOrderpanels ...................................... 9
Workflow ..................................................................... 10
CHAPTER2Reagents, supplies, and required materials ...................... 12
Genexus IntegratedSequencer ................................................. 12
Reagents and supplies—Ion AmpliSeq library chemistry ........................... 12
Genexus Library Strips 1 and2AS ......................................... 13
Genexus BarcodesAS .................................................... 13
Genexus GX5 Starter PackAS ............................................ 14
Genexus GX7 Starter PackAS ............................................ 14
Reagents and supplies—Ion AmpliSeq HD library chemistry ........................ 15
Genexus Library Strips 1 and2HD ......................................... 15
Genexus Barcodes 1–32HD ............................................... 16
Genexus GX5 Starter PackHD ............................................ 16
Genexus GX7 Starter PackHD ............................................ 16
Shared reagents andsupplies ................................................... 17
Genexus Templating Strips 3GX5 and4 ................................... 17
Genexus Templating Strips 3GX7 and4 ................................... 18
Genexus Primer Pool Tubes and Pipette Tips ................................ 18
GX5 Chip and GenexusCoupler .......................................... 19
GX7 Chip and GenexusCoupler .......................................... 20
Genexus SequencingKit .................................................. 20
Genexus ConicalBottles .................................................. 21
Genexus Filter ........................................................... 21
Genexus Controls ........................................................ 21
Required materials—general laboratory equipment andsupplies ..................... 22
Recommended materials for nucleic acid isolation andquantification ................. 23
Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide 3
CHAPTER3Before youbegin .................................................... 25
Precautions ................................................................... 25
Avoid nucleic acidcontamination ............................................ 25
Avoid strong electromagnetic radiation ....................................... 25
Protection byequipment .................................................... 25
Guidelines for panel and reagent use andhandling ................................. 26
Guidelines for preventingcontamination .......................................... 27
Guidelines for Genexus Integrated Sequencer operation ........................... 28
Guidelines for expired reagents and chips ........................................ 30
Guidelines for nucleic acid isolation and quantification—Nucleic Acid to Resultruns .... 31
CHAPTER4Guidelines for setting up custom assays and sequencing
runs on the Genexus IntegratedSequencer ................................... 32
Guidelines for using custom assays with the Genexus IntegratedSequencer ......... 32
Planning sequencing runs for ecient use ofconsumables .......................... 35
Guidelines for chipselection ..................................................... 36
Ion AmpliSeq HD sequencing experimentdesign ................................. 36
Molecular tag sequencing technology—Important factors ........................... 37
CHAPTER5Assays for use with custom panelfiles ........................... 39
Import or add a custompanel ................................................... 39
Import a custom panel file from to Genexus Software ............ 41
Add a custom DNA panel file to Genexus Software ........................... 43
Add a custom Fusions panel file to Genexus Software ......................... 44
Obsolete panels(manager/ administrator) ..................................... 45
Reactivate panels(manager/ administrator) .................................... 45
Add individual custom panel files to Genexus Software ............................ 45
Add reference genome files(manager/ administrator) ........................... 46
Add individual target regions files to Genexus Software ....................... 46
Hotspots files for use with Ion AmpliSeq and Ion AmpliSeq HD custompanels .. 47
Sequence variantbaselines ................................................. 49
Filter chains for use with Ion AmpliSeq custompanels ............................. 53
Custom assay creation ......................................................... 54
Create an assay in Genexus Software for use with a custompanel .............. 56
Create a liquid biopsy assay in Genexus Software ............................ 72
Copy an assay (manager/administrator) ...................................... 73
Manageassays ................................................................ 74
View assaydetails ......................................................... 75
Import an assay (manager/administrator) ..................................... 77
Export a custom, locked assay (manager/administrator) ........................ 77
Download assay parameters ................................................ 77
4Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide
CHAPTER6Plan arun ............................................................ 78
Before you plan arun ........................................................... 78
Enter samples in the Genexus Software ......................................... 78
Findsamples .............................................................. 79
Create a newsample ....................................................... 82
Importsamples ............................................................ 83
Download a template file for sample creation .................................. 85
Upload a BAM file to create a sample orsamples .............................. 85
Plan a Nucleic Acid to Resultrun ................................................ 86
Plan a Library to Resultrun ..................................................... 91
Plan a BAM to Result run ....................................................... 94
CHAPTER7Load the sample plate .............................................. 95
Dilute or concentrate the samples, if needed, then load the sample plate—
Nucleic Acid to Resultrun ..................................................... 95
Dilute and pool libraries, then load the sample plate—Library to Resultrun ............ 97
Guidelines for library quantification—Library to Resultruns ..................... 97
CHAPTER8Load the sequencer and start arun ............................... 98
Before youbegin ............................................................... 98
Fill Genexus Primer Pool Tubes ................................................ 101
Load the sequencer and start arun ............................................. 102
Clear the instrument deck and perform a UVClean ................................ 110
Options for an expired sequencer initialization ................................... 113
CHAPTER9Review data and results .......................................... 115
Example results ............................................................... 116
Results navigation bar overview ................................................ 117
Review sample results ......................................................... 119
Download results files for a sample result .................................... 120
View the run summary ......................................................... 125
The run summary ......................................................... 126
Review run results ............................................................ 128
Assign PCR Plate ......................................................... 129
View assay metrics and the run report ........................................... 130
Assay metrics and the run report ........................................... 130
View sequencing results ....................................................... 135
View the QC results ....................................................... 135
View keyfindings ......................................................... 140
View SNV/INDEL results ................................................... 145
View fusion results ........................................................ 149
Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide 5
View more annotations and annotation sources .............................. 152
Review the variant pileupview ............................................. 153
Create and assign variantclassifications ..................................... 160
Filter results .............................................................. 161
Variant report ................................................................. 163
View a variant report ...................................................... 163
Generate a variant report .................................................. 164
Reanalyze arun ............................................................... 165
Reanalyze asample ........................................................... 166
Plugins for dataanalysis ....................................................... 167
Review coverageAnalysis plugin results ..................................... 167
Review molecular Coverage Analysis plugin results ............................ 171
Customer Support Archive ................................................. 173
Upload results files to another Genexus IntegratedSequencer ..................... 174
APPENDIXATroubleshooting and FAQs ...................................... 175
APPENDIXBSupplemental procedures ....................................... 176
Expand any Ion AmpliSeq panel by adding a spikeinpanel ....................... 176
Ion AmpliSeq Sample ID Panel ................................................ 177
Add the Ion AmpliSeq Sample ID Panel to a DNA Custompanel ............... 177
sampleIDplugin .......................................................... 178
Quantify FFPE DNA with the Qubit Fluorometer .................................. 180
Centrifuge library and templating reagent strips using the Genexus Strip
Centrifuge Adapter ......................................................... 181
Genexus consumables usetables ............................................. 182
Ion AmpliSeq HD consumables usetables ...................................... 185
APPENDIXCSafety ............................................................. 187
Chemicalsafety .............................................................. 188
Biological hazardsafety ....................................................... 189
Documentation and support ...................................................... 190
Customer and technical support ................................................ 190
Limited product warranty ...................................................... 190
6Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide
Product information
Ion AmpliSeqpanels ................................................................. 7
Workflow ............................................................................ 10
IMPORTANT! Before using this product, read and understand the information in the “Safety” appendix
in this document.
Ion AmpliSeq panels
About Ion AmpliSeq Designer
Ion AmpliSeq Designer provides tools for designing and ordering next-generation sequencing (NGS)
panels for targeted sequencing applications. Multiple design ordering options are available, from fixed
pre-tested panels that are ready-to-order to fully customizable designs. Ion AmpliSeq Designer also
provides a variety of public reference genomes for use in design creation as well as an option to upload
a custom FASTA format reference sequence.
When your designs are finalized, Ion AmpliSeq Designer connects you directly to the Thermo Fisher
Scientific ordering pipeline.
Ion AmpliSeq Designer Help (Pub.No.MAN0018937) provides information for using Ion AmpliSeq
Designer to design and order panels.
Ion AmpliSeq panels
Ion AmpliSeq panels provide pools of primers for the amplification of target regions. The primers
contain proprietary modifications that enable removal of primer sequences during library preparation for
ecient target assessment during sequencing. Multiple primer pools can be used to create overlapping
amplicons that enable complete coverage of large targets. Panels are designed to be used with nucleic
acid from various sources, including nucleic acid from formalin‐fixed paran‐embedded (FFPE) tissue
and cell-free DNA (cfDNA).
Ion AmpliSeq panels are ordered using Ion AmpliSeq Designer. Users who are interested in inherited
disease or germline research applications can design and order panels using a content selection engine
or by uploading their own gene list. The gene designs in the On-Demand catalog have been optimized
for high performance. For additional information, see “Ion AmpliSeq OnDemand Panel designs” on
page8 or visit
Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide 7
The following types of panels are compatible with the Genexus Integrated Sequencer.
Product and
In stock Made–to–order Fixed panels
Ion AmpliSeq
Ion AmpliSeq
Custom panels
Ion AmpliSeq HD
Custom panels
Ion AmpliSeq
Ion AmpliSeq
Genome Human Any Human Human Human
Sample type Genomic DNA Any cfDNA/FFPE Any Any
Target type Genes Genes, regions,
hotspots, fusions
Genes, regions,
hotspots, fusions
Genes, regions,
hotspots, fusions
Genes, regions,
hotspots, fusions
Ion AmpliSeq Custom panel designs
Ion AmpliSeq Custom panel designs are customizable for any genome at the amplicon level. Panels
can be designed against a number of pre-loaded reference genomes, or for any other organism by
uploading a FASTA file reference sequence.
Custom panels are delivered within a few weeks in tubes of pre-pooled, multiplexed primers in ready-
to-use concentrations.
Custom panel type # of oligos / pool # of tubes / pool Concentration Storage[1]
DNA ≤192 5 × 1.5mL 2X –30°C to –10°C
≥193 20 × 1.5mL 2X
RNA 3 × 1.5mL 5X
[1] Shipped at ambient temperature. Store as indicated.
To determine the number of samples that can be sequenced per lane on either the GX5 Chip or
GX7 Chip for a custom panel design, see Chapter 4, “Guidelines for setting up custom assays and
sequencing runs on the Genexus Integrated Sequencer”.
Ion AmpliSeq OnDemand Panel designs
Ion AmpliSeq On-Demand designs are suitable for common disease research areas and are
customizable at the gene level. The designs include optimized amplicons with verified performance
for germline analysis. You can create designs by selecting from a catalogue of >5,000 pretested genes
or browsing the Ion AmpliSeq Designer gene repository by research area of interest.
Each Ion AmpliSeq OnDemand Panel consists of 2 DNA primer pools, where the number of primer
pairs per pool depends on the genes that are selected. The maximum number of genes that can be
selected for design creation is 800. Each Ion AmpliSeq OnDemand panel order is limited to either
500genes or a maximum of 15,000 amplicons. The minimum number of amplicons per design is 12 per
Chapter1Product information
Ion AmpliSeq panels
8Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide
You can add genes that are not in the On-Demand catalog to your panel as a Spikein panel. Spike-in
panels are high concentration Made-To-Order panels that are used to supplement OnDemand designs
with genes that are not available On-Demand. Spikein panels are created as 2pool designs and are
limited to 123 amplicons per pool.
Ion AmpliSeq On-Demand panels are available in 24 reaction packs for library preparation (in
combination with 48 barcode plates on the GX5 Chip and with any barcode plate on the GX7 Chip)
on the Genexus Integrated Sequencer. The panels support sequencing genomic targets from as little
as 10ng of DNA input.
Ion AmpliSeq Community Panels
Ion AmpliSeq Community Panels are DNA and RNA panels that are predesigned for germline or
somatic analysis. Designed with input from leading disease researchers and verified for performance,
these panels are appropriate for a wide range of research areas, including inherited diseases, cancer
research, human identification, infectious diseases, pharmacogenomics, developmental disorders,
inflammation and immune response research, and more.
Ion AmpliSeq Community Panels are customizable, giving you the flexibility to add or remove genes
and amplicons to fit your unique project requirements, and are available to ship within a few weeks.
Ion AmpliSeq HD MadetoOrder panels
Ion AmpliSeq HD MadetoOrder panels provide pools of primers for amplification of custom target
regions to generate tagged targeted amplicon libraries for use as part of the Ion AmpliSeq HD
sequencing workflow. Ion AmpliSeq HD technology enables scalable polymerase chain reactions
(PCR) from 12- to 5000-plex (1 x 5000plex in a 1pool panel or 2 x 2500plex in a 2pool panel) for
Unique Molecular Tag (UMT) targeted sequencing. The primers contain proprietary modifications that
are required during library preparation for ecient target assessment during sequencing. Nucleic acid
from various sources—including cellfree DNA (cfDNA), and formalin‐fixed paran‐embedded (FFPE)
tissue—can be used as the starting material.
Visit to design and order Ion AmpliSeq HD MadetoOrder panels using Ion AmpliSeq
Designer. Panels are provided as 1 or 2 pools, each consisting of two subpools (forward (FWD) and
reverse (REV) primers) at 10X concentration and enable sequencing: gene, region, hotspot, or fusion
targets on the Genexus Integrated Sequencer.
Primer pool panels Volume Storage[1]
1pool primer panel (DNA or RNA)
10X Pool 1 FWD (red cap)
10X Pool 1 REV (yellow cap)
6×1.5mL each –30°C to –10°C
2pool primer panel (DNA only)
10X Pool 1 FWD (red cap)
10X Pool 1 REV (yellow cap)
10X Pool 2 FWD (blue cap)
10X Pool 2 REV (green cap)
6×1.5mL each –30°C to –10°C
[1] Shipped at ambient temperature. Store as indicated.
Chapter1Product information
Ion AmpliSeq panels 1
Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide 9
Custom assays run on the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
Design your custom assay panel
Design and order your custom assay panel(s) at
Import your custom panel design files (page41)
Import directly or download your custom panel files from
Contact your field application scientist if you need help accessing the files.
Create a custom assay (page54)
To create a custom assay for your custom panel, copy an existing custom or
system-installed assay, then edit the settings as needed. Alternatively, create
your custom assay from scratch with the Create assay wizard .
Enter samples (page78)
Enter samples in Genexus Software to assign sample names and provide
information such as collection date, gender, type, and disease category.
Plan a sequencing run (page86)
Runs planned in Genexus Software contain all of the settings that are used
in library preparation, templating, sequencing, and analysis, including sample
information and plate location, assays, and barcodes.
Dilute the samples and load the sample plate
Dilute your nucleic acid samples, if needed, then load the sample plate.
Load the sequencer and start a run (page98)
Follow the step-by-step instructions on the sequencer touchscreen to load the
sample plate and consumables.
Chapter1Product information
10 Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide
Custom assays run on the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
Review data and results (page115)
Review data and results in the Genexus Software, or analyze data in Ion
Reporter Software using an Ion Reporter analysis workflow.
Chapter1Product information
Workflow 1
Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide 11
Reagents, supplies, and required
Genexus IntegratedSequencer ....................................................... 12
Reagents and supplies—Ion AmpliSeq library chemistry ................................. 12
Reagents and supplies—Ion AmpliSeq HD library chemistry .............................. 15
Shared reagents andsupplies .......................................................... 17
Required materials—general laboratory equipment andsupplies ........................... 22
Recommended materials for nucleic acid isolation andquantification ....................... 23
This chapter lists the reagents, supplies, and materials needed to operate the Genexus Integrated
Sequencer, and provides consumables ordering and storage information. Recommended products for
nucleic acid isolation and purification are also provided.
Genexus Integrated Sequencer
Components Cat. No.
Genexus Integrated Sequencer A45727
Reagents and supplies—Ion AmpliSeq library chemistry
Genexus Integrated Sequencer reagents and supplies can be ordered in convenient combination kits
and starter packs, but most consumables can also be ordered individually as your needs require. The
following tables provide information on the various ordering options that are available for Ion AmpliSeq
library chemistry.
·Consumables that have catalog numbers are orderable. Components that have part numbers cannot
be ordered individually.
·Reagents that are specific to Ion AmpliSeq library chemistry have an AS sux.
12 Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide
Genexus Library Strips 1 and 2AS
Ion Torrent Genexus Library Strips 1 and 2AS (Cat. No. A40252) for standard Ion AmpliSeq library-
based chemistry are ordered as kits with eight pairs of strips/kit.
Component Carrier color Part No. Quantity per kit Storage
Genexus Strip1 Light red A46812 8 strips 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip2AS Light blue A46813 8 strips −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Barcodes AS
Ion Torrent Genexus Barcodes AS are supplied in plates containing 32 or 48 dual barcodes per
plate. The barcodes can be ordered as a set of three 32-barcode plates (Cat. No. A40257), or ordered
Item Label color Cat. No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Barcodes 1–96AS Blue A40257 3 plates
15°C to 30°C
Genexus Barcodes 1–32AS
(17) 180524
2° C
8° C
AmpliSeq Barcodes
Blue A40258 1 plate
Genexus Barcodes 33–64AS Blue A40259 1 plate
Genexus Barcodes 65–96AS Blue A40260 1 plate
Genexus Barcodes 1–48 AS Blue A54129 1 plate
Genexus Barcodes 49–96 AS Blue A54130 1 plate
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Reagents and supplies—Ion AmpliSeq library chemistry 2
Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide 13
Genexus GX5 Starter PackAS
Ion Torrent Genexus GX5 Starter PackAS (Cat. No. A40279) supplies the following components for
Ion AmpliSeq library preparation and sequencing using a Genexus-compatible assay.
Note: For custom assays, Genexus Primer Pool Tubes (Cat. No. A40262) must be ordered separately.
See For more information, see page18..
Component Part or Cat. No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Strip1 A46812 8 strips 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip2AS A46813 8 strips −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Strip3GX5A46815 8 strips 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip4 A46816 8 strips −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Barcodes 1–32AS A40258 1 plate 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Pipette Tips A40266 12 racks
Genexus Cartridge A40272 2 cartridges −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Bottle 2 A40273 4 bottles 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Bottles 1 and 3 A40274 2 bottles each
Genexus GX7 Starter PackAS
Ion Torrent Genexus GX7 Starter PackAS (Cat. No. A50222) supplies the following components for
Ion AmpliSeq library preparation and sequencing using a Genexus-compatible assay.
Note: For custom assays, Genexus Primer Pool Tubes (Cat. No. A40262) must be ordered separately.
See For more information, see page18..
Component Part or Cat. No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Strip1 A46812 8 strips 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip2AS A46813 8 strips −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Strip3GX7A46818 8 strips 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip4 A46816 8 strips −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Barcodes 1–32AS A40258 1 plate 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Pipette Tips A40266 12 racks
Genexus Cartridge A40272 2 cartridges −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Bottle 2 A40273 4 bottles 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Bottles 1 and 3 A40274 2 bottles each
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Reagents and supplies—Ion AmpliSeq library chemistry
14 Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide
Reagents and supplies—Ion AmpliSeq HD library
Genexus Integrated Sequencer reagents and supplies can be ordered in convenient combination kits
and starter packs, but most consumables can also be ordered individually as your needs require. The
following tables provide information on the various ordering options that are available for Ion AmpliSeq
HD library chemistry.
·Consumables that have catalog numbers are orderable. Components that have part numbers cannot
be ordered individually.
·Reagents that are specific to Ion AmpliSeq HD library chemistry have an HD sux.
Genexus Library Strips 1 and 2HD
Ion Torrent Genexus Library Strips 1 and 2HD (Cat. No. A40255) for Ion AmpliSeq HD library-based
chemistry are ordered as kits with eight pairs of strips/kit.
Component Carrier color Part No. Quantity per kit Storage
Genexus Strip1 Light red A46812 8 strips 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip2HD Violet A46814 8 strips −30°C to −10°C
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Reagents and supplies—Ion AmpliSeq HD library chemistry 2
Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide 15
Genexus Barcodes 1–32HD
Ion Torrent Genexus Barcodes 1–32HD are supplied in a plate containing 32 dual barcodes.
Item Label color Cat. No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Barcodes 1–32HD Purple A40261 1 plate 15°C to 30°C
Genexus GX5 Starter PackHD
Ion Torrent Genexus GX5 Starter PackHD (Cat. No. A40280) supplies the following components for
Ion AmpliSeq HD library preparation and sequencing using a Genexus-compatible assay.
Note: For custom assays, Genexus Primer Pool Tubes (Cat. No. A40262) must be ordered separately.
See For more information, see page18..
Component Part or Cat. No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Strip1 A46812 8 strips 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip2HD A46814 8 strips −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Strip3GX5A46815 8 strips 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip4 A46816 8 strips −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Barcodes 1–32HD A40261 1 plate 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Pipette Tips A40266 12 racks
Genexus Cartridge A40272 2 cartridges −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Bottle 2 A40273 4 bottles 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Bottles 1 and 3 A40274 2 bottles each
Genexus GX7 Starter PackHD
Ion Torrent Genexus GX7 Starter PackHD (Cat. No. A50223) supplies the following components for
Ion AmpliSeq HD library preparation and sequencing using a Genexus-compatible assay.
Note: For custom assays, Genexus Primer Pool Tubes (Cat. No. A40262) must be ordered separately.
See For more information, see page18..
Component Part or Cat. No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Strip1 A46812 8 strips 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip2HD A46814 8 strips −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Strip3GX7A46818 8 strips 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip4 A46816 8 strips −30°C to −10°C
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Reagents and supplies—Ion AmpliSeq HD library chemistry
16 Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide
Component Part or Cat. No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Barcodes 1–32HD A40261 1 plate 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Pipette Tips A40266 12 racks
Genexus Cartridge A40272 2 cartridges −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Bottle 2 A40273 4 bottles 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Bottles 1 and 3 A40274 2 bottles each
Shared reagents and supplies
The following reagents and supplies are used in both Ion AmpliSeq library chemistry and Ion
AmpliSeq HD library chemistry runs.
Note: Consumables that have catalog numbers are orderable. Components that have part numbers
cannot be ordered individually.
Genexus Templating Strips 3GX5 and 4
Ion Torrent Genexus Templating Strips 3GX5 and 4 (Cat. No. A40263) are ordered as kits with
8pairs of strips per kit.
Component Carrier color Part No. Quantity per kit Storage
Genexus Strip3GX5Brown A46815 8 strips 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip4 Yellow A46816 8 strips −30°C to −10°C
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Shared reagents and supplies 2
Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide 17
Genexus Templating Strips 3GX7 and 4
Ion Torrent Genexus Templating Strips 3GX7 and 4 (Cat. No. A46817) are ordered as kits with
8pairs of strips per kit.
Component Carrier color Part No. Quantity per kit Storage
Genexus Strip3GX7Green A46818 8 strips 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip4 Yellow A46816 8 strips −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Primer Pool Tubes and Pipette Tips
Genexus Primer Pool Tubes and Genexus Pipette Tips can be ordered individually. Genexus Primer
Pool Tubes are required for custom assays.
Item Cat. No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Primer Pool Tubes A40262 50 assemblies
Bag of 100 caps
15°C to 30°C
Genexus Pipette Tips A40266 12 racks
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Shared reagents and supplies
18 Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide
GX5 Chip and Genexus Coupler
The GX5 Chip and Genexus Coupler (Cat. No. A40269) are ordered as a set that contains 2 chips
and 2 couplers, sucient for up to 8 sequencing runs.
Component Part No. Quantity Storage
GX5 Chip 100081364 2 chips 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Coupler 100081252 2 couplers
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Shared reagents and supplies 2
Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide 19
GX7 Chip and Genexus Coupler
The GX7 Chip and Genexus Coupler (Cat. No. A46731) are ordered as a set that contains 2 chips
and 2 couplers, sucient for up to 8 sequencing runs.
Component Part No. Quantity Storage
GX7 Chip
100093568 2 chips 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Coupler 100081252 2 couplers
Genexus Sequencing Kit
The Ion Torrent Genexus Sequencing Kit (Cat. No. A40271) provides reagents and solutions sucient
to sequence up to 2full chips.
Component Part No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Cartridge A40272 2 cartridges −30°C to −10°C
Genexus Bottle 2 A40273 4bottles 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Bottles 1 and 3 A40274 2bottles each
(4 bottles total)
Chapter2Reagents, supplies, and required materials
Shared reagents and supplies
20 Ion AmpliSeq & Ion AmpliSeq HD Custom Assay User Guide