Product documentation
For detailed information about module features and specifications, refer to
the appropriate User Manual or Specifications and Performance Verification
Technical Reference document for your product.
If you ordered a new module, the user documentation for your product is located
on the TG700 and TG8000 SW Library and Documentation DVD supplied with
this upgrade kit.
Check the Tektronix Web site for the latest version of the documents
TG8000 do
The following table lists the user documents for the TG8000 and its related
Table 1: TG8000 Multiformat Test Signal Generator documentation
Document Tektronix part number Description Print Web DVD
User Manual
071-3036-xx (English)
071-3037-xx (Japanese)
071-3038-xx (Russian)
Describes how to install, operate, and
configure the instrument
PC Tools Technical Reference
Describes how to use the PC tools software
that is supplied with the instrument
Specifications and
Performance Verification
Lists the product specifications and
provides procedures for verifying the
performance of the instrument
Programmer Manual 077-0686-xx
Provides programming information for the
mainframe and related modules
Service Manual
Describes how to service the mainframe to
the module level (such as circuit boards
and fuses) and provides information about
servicing generator modules
Declassification and Security
077-0688-xx Describes how to clear or sanitize the data
storage (memory) devices in the product
for customers with data security concerns.
Release Notes 077-0689-xx
Describes the new features, improvements,
and limitations of the instrument firmware
Video Sync Pulse Generator
and Electronic Changeover
Unit System Integration
Te chnical Reference
(ECO8000 / ECO8020)
Provides information for system
integrators who are designing systems for
high-definition (HD) and standard-definition
(SD) digital video content where Tektronix
electronic changeover units and video
sync pulse generators are to be deployed.
TG700 and TG8000 Module Installation and Upgrade Instructions 7