HDLG7 module. T
he HDLG7 is a test signal generator that p rovides two identical
dual-link high-definition serial digital interface (HD SDI) outputs. The module
supports video formats that require the use of a dual-link interface, such as 4 :4:4
R'G'B' at rates up to 1080i/60 Hz or 1080p/30 Hz, or 4:2:2: Y'C'bC'r at rates up to
1080p/60 Hz. The HDLG7 supports several standard test signals, and a lso has
the unique ability to up-convert an arbitrary single-link HD-SDI input signal to
a dual-link
format for the outputs. The HDLG7 also supports digital cinema
2K formats and test patterns.
HD3G7 module. The HD3G7 is a test signal generator that provides two outputs
of a HD/3G-SDI video test signal. 720-line formats and 1080-line formats
described in SMPTE standards a re supported for both Level A and Level B
mapping s
tructures, including 4:4:4 and/or 12-bit sampling, Y'C'bC'r, R'G'B', or
XYZ color space, and 2K digital cinema formats. The 2×SMPTE 292M HD-SDI
format used by some 3D TV applications is also supported.
The HD3G7 can generate up to 32 channels of 24-bit 48 kHz embe dded audio,
with independently set frequency and amplitude for each channel. The HD3G7
also has the ability to generate other types of ancillary data, such as video payload
identifier, ancillary time code, and user-defined packets.
The HD3G7 includes a wide variety of standard test signals, including SMPTE
color bars, pathological test patterns, and a programmable moving zone plate
pattern, and it also has the ability to up-convert an input 1 .485 Gb/s HD-SDI
al to a 3G output. The HD3G7 has a clock/frame trigger output that can be
used to synchronize the output with an oscilloscope, for example.
SDI7 module. The SDI7 is a test signal generator that provides two independent
channels of SD/HD/3G-SDI video test signalgenerationinavarietyofformats
with two outputs for test and test/black signal generation per channel (3G-SDI
ignal generation is available as an option).
The SDI7 can generate up to 32 channels of 24-bit 48 kHz embedded audio, with
ndependently set frequency and amplitude for each channel. The SDI7 also
has the ability to generate other types of ancillary data, such as video payload
identifier, ancillary time code, and user-defined packets.
The SDI7 includes a wide variety of standard test signals, including SMPTE color
bars, patholo gical test patterns, and a programmable moving zone plate pattern,
and it also has the ability to generate full frame test signals created by the user.
AV timing signal generation, when used in conjunction with a waveform monitor,
can be used to ensure that audio and video are synchronized through a video
path. Circle, multi-language text, and color logo overlays may be applied to the
generated test signals to check aspect ratio, identify streams, o r apply station
logos. The clock/frame trigger output can be used to trigger an oscilloscope to
be synchronous with the video output.
xvi Video Sync Pulse Generator and ECO422D SD/HD Changeover Unit System Integration