3Kamstrup A/S • 55121284_D2_GB_01.2015
Kamstrup 251C / 351C / 451C
The phse current nd the supply voltge indictions indicte situtions described below.
From the connection of the meter:
Indictions L1, L2, L3 Indicte
On Voltge is bove minimum limit (160 V)
Off Voltge is below minimum limit (160 V)
Indictions Indicte
On The lod is bove the minimum (0.6 W)
Off The lod is below minimum limit (0.6 W)
If the lod exceeds the minimum limit nd the meter is configured with this reding, consumption
will be indicted vi the qudrnt reding. The direction of the three phse currents is indicted vi
the rrows bove, respectively L1, L2 nd L3.
Text field
Unit field
7-digit identifiction field
Qudrnt indictor
Triff indiction Error symbol
9-digit vlue field
Phse current indiction
Supply voltge indiction
Size: 2.5-10 mm2 elevting connections
Screw: Ph 2 / 4x1 mm
Torch: 1.8 Nm +/- 10%
With built-in rdio
If the meter is supplied with integrl rdio for estblishment of remote reding, the meter uto-
mticlly connects to rdio network. The integrl rdio is equipped with n internl ntenn.
The rdio signl strength cn be red by mens of hnd-held terminl. If the rdio signl is not
sufficient, n externl ntenn must be connected. Plese see current documenttion on vilble
Mounting communiction module in the meter my influence on rdio communiction, plese
contct Kmstrup.