narration, recording for presentations, 168–169
Navigation pane (Word), 58–59
nonbreaking space, 77
notes, organizing with OneNote, 18–19
numbered lists (Word), 69
Object Dependencies feature (Access), 241
chart, 146–147
grouping graphic, 340–341
ordering, 338–339
viewing dependencies, 241
WordArt, 346–347
Office Compatibility Checker, 24–25
OLE objects, 236–237
OneNote, 18–19
OpenType ligatures, 17
Optimize Media Compatibility feature (PowerPoint), 181
Out-of-Office reply, 278–281
Outlook (Microsoft)
adding e-mail accounts, 266–267
archiving e-mails, 290–291
categorizing items, 304–305
cleaning up folders and conversations, 286–287
collecting data from, 222–225
creating distribution lists, 270–271
creating electronic business cards, 298–301
customizing e-mail signatures, 272–273
delegating tasks, 311
encrypting messages, 274–275
filtering junk e-mail, 288–289
Map It feature, 302–303
mobile features, 303
Out-of-Office reply, 278–281
Overlay mode, 308–309
overview, 264, 296
Quick Steps feature, 268–269
recalling messages, 276–277
recording journal entries, 310
rules, 282–285
sending calendar snapshots, 306–307
subscribing to RSS feeds, 294–295
viewing archived e-mails, 292–293
Outlook Connector, 267
Overlay mode, 308–309
passwords, 33, 109
Paste Options gallery, 12–13
PDF documents, 26–27
permissions, author, 36–37
phishing, 289
photo album presentations, 212–213
PickList feature (Excel), 127
Picture Manager, 352–353
pictures. See also images
adding to presentations, 202–203
assigning artistic effects to, 336–337
organizing with Picture Manager, 352–353
removing, 353
using in forms, 254–255
PivotCharts, 262–263
PivotTables, 260–261
placeholders, 192–193
PowerPoint (Microsoft). See also presentations
adding equations, 174
adding pictures to presentations, 202–203
adding video/sound, 206–207
animating slides, 210–211
broadcasting presentations, 188–189
compressing media files, 180–181
converting Word documents to presentations, 158–159
copying presentations to CD, 184–185
creating photo album presentations, 212–213
creating self-running presentations, 175
creating speaker notes, 178
custom slide masters, 194–195
editing video, 208–209
inserting action buttons, 170–171
inserting hyperlinks, 172–173
inserting SmartArt graphics in presentations, 204–205
organizing presentation in sections, 160–161
printing handouts, 179
recording narration, 168–169
rehearsing timing, 166–167
reusing slides, 164–165
saving presentations on SkyDrive, 186–187
sending presentations to reviewers, 162–163
slide layouts, 192–193
SmartArt graphics, 204–205
speaker notes, 178
themes, 196–201
turning presentations into video, 182–183
writing on slides during presentations, 176–177
presentations. See also PowerPoint (Microsoft)
photo album, 212–213
self-running, 175
primary key fields (Access), 227
printing, 139, 179
private key, 34
projections, creating, 118–119
properties, 20, 28–29
Protect Sheet feature, 108–109
Protect Workbook feature, 108
publications. See Publisher (Microsoft)
Publisher (Microsoft)
automatically fitting text, 319
controlling hyphenation, 320–321
finding templates online, 314–315
inserting text files, 316
moving pages, 318
nudging text boxes, 317
overview, 312
saving publications for commercial printers, 324–325
sending publications as e-mails, 322–323
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