Crestron Electronics, Inc. Specifications subject
15 Volvo Drive to change without notice.
Rockleigh, NJ 07647
Tel: 888.CRESTRON / 201.767.3400 Doc. 5744
Fax: 201.767.7576 / BBS: 201.767.5506 12.98
Wireless Mouse Label Kit:
The SP-LK label kit is designed to allow wireless mouse users the ability to easily
create custom user-friendly mouse control inlays. Simply peel the desired labels from
the sheet provided and stick them onto the inlay card in the correct position.
Label Kit Contents
1. Use a coin or similar object to gently open the clear plastic cover on the wireless
mouse. An access tab is located at the top of the cover.
2. Remove the existing inlay and place the new inlay into position.
3. Securely close the cover.
4. Verify that the labels have been installed in the proper position.
Note: Detailed instructions are available in the latest revision of the CNWM &
CNWML Operations Guide (Doc. 5700).