Roche cobas p 480 v2 User guide

User guide
cobas p 480 v1 instrument
cobas p 480 v2 instrument
User Guide, Version 1.0
Software version 2.2
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
Publication information
Edition notice This publication is intended for users of the cobas p 480
v1 instrument and cobas p 480 v2 instrument.
Every effort has been made to ensure that all the
information contained in this publication is correct at the
time of publishing. However, the manufacturer of this
product may need to update the publication information
as output of product surveillance activities, leading to a
new version of this publication.
Where to find information The User Assistance contains all information about the
product, including the following:
Routine operation
Troubleshooting information
Configuration information
Background information
The Safety Guide contains important safety information.
You must read the Safety Guide before operating the
The User Guide focuses on routine operation and
maintenance. The chapters are organized according to
the normal operation workflow.
General attention
To avoid serious or fatal injury, ensure that you are
familiar with the system and safety information before you
use the system.
r Pay particular attention to all safety precautions.
r Always follow the instructions in this publication.
r Do not use the instrument in a way that is not
described in this publication.
r Store all publications in a safe and easily accessible
Training Do not carry out operation tasks or maintenance actions
unless you have received training from Roche
Diagnostics. Leave tasks that are not described in the
user documentation to trained Roche Service
Publication version Software version Revision date Change description
1.0 2.2 September 2020 u What is new in publication version 1.0 (12)
y Revision history
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
Images The screenshots and hardware images in this publication
have been added exclusively for illustration purposes.
Configurable and variable data in screenshots, such as
tests, results, or path names visible therein must not be
used for laboratory purposes.
Warranty Any customer modification to the system renders the
warranty or service agreement null and void.
For conditions of warranty, contact your local sales
representative or refer to your warranty contract partner.
Always leave software updates to a Roche Service
representative, or perform such updates with their
Copyright © 2014–2020, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. All rights
License information cobas p 480 software is protected by contract law,
copyright law, and international treaties. cobas p 480
software contains a user license between F. Hoffmann-La
Roche Ltd. and a license holder, and only authorized
users may access the software and use it. Unauthorized
use and distribution may result in civil and criminal
Open source and commercial software cobas p 480 software may include components or
modules of commercial or open source software. For
further information on the intellectual property and other
warnings, as well as licenses pertaining to the software
programs included in cobas p 480, refer to the electronic
distribution included with this product.
This open source and commercial software and
cobas p 480 as a whole can constitute a device
regulated in accordance with applicable law. For more
detailed information, refer to the corresponding user
documentation and labeling.
Note that the respective authorization is no longer valid
according to the corresponding legislation should any
unauthorized changes be made to cobas p 480.
Trademarks The following trademarks are acknowledged:
COBAS and COBAS P are trademarks of Roche.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
Feedback Every effort has been made to ensure that this publication
fulfills the intended use. All feedback on any aspect of
this publication is welcome and is considered during
updates. Contact your Roche representative, should you
have any such feedback.
Approvals The cobas p 480 instrument meets the requirements laid
down in:
Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 27 October 1998 on in vitro diagnostic medical
Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of
certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
Compliance with the applicable directive(s) is provided by
means of the Declaration of Conformity.
The following marks demonstrate compliance:
For in vitro diagnostic use.
Complies with the provisions of the applicable EU
Issued by CSA Group for Canada and the US.
Issued by the TÜV SÜD for Canada and the US.
'Laboratory Equipment' is the product identifier as
shown on the type plate.
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
Contact addresses
Roche affiliates A list of all Roche affiliates can be found at:
eLabDoc Electronic user documentation can be downloaded using
the eLabDoc e-service on Dialog:
For more information, contact your local affiliate or Roche
Service representative.
cobas p 480 v2 instrument
Made in Switzerland by Hamilton Bonaduz AG for
Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
1080 US Highway 202 South
Branchburg, NJ 08876
Roche Diagnostics GmbH
Sandhofer Strasse 116
68305 Mannheim
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
Table of contents 7
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
Table of contents
Publication information 2
Contact addresses 5
Table of contents 7
Intended use 9
Symbols and abbreviations 9
What is new in publication version 1.0 12
System description
1 Overview of the system
Instrument overview 17
Consumables overview 40
2 Overview of the instrument
Hardware overview 53
Supplies overview 56
3 Overview of operation
Overview of the workflow 63
Introduction to the user interface 68
4 Before operation
Before operation 79
Basic operational tasks 85
Workflows 98
Error handling 128
6 After operation
Shutting down the system 145
About periodic, specific, and preventive
maintenance 149
Maintenance schedule 151
Maintenance information in the user
interface 152
Daily maintenance 153
Weekly maintenance 165
8 Configuration
Changing laboratory name and the folder
location for reports 173
Changing the workflow settings 174
About managing users 176
9 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting information in the user
interface 185
Stopping the instrument in exceptional
situations 187
Placing carriers when a stop hook is
broken 189
Restoring the instrument from a stop 190
Creating a problem report 207
Remote support 209
10 Technical specifications
Instrument capacities 215
Specifications of instrument and software 216
Specifications of barcode readers and barcode
labels 219
Index 225
8 Table of contents
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
Intended use
The cobas p 480 instrument is a stand-alone general
purpose laboratory instrument to minimize repetitive
manual tasks associated with specimen handling. This
instrument is intended to perform pre-analytical
processing, such as decapping and recapping, pipette-
and spin-mixing specimens, and aliquoting specimens to
secondary vials, of common sample types including but
not limited to PreservCyt
containers, SurePath
containers, Roche Cell Collection Medium, and cobas
PCR Media tubes. Additional hardware components and
programming flexibility allow automation of more
complex pre-analytical processes including reagent
addition and heating.
Symbols and abbreviations
Product names Except where the context clearly indicated otherwise, the
following product names and descriptors are used.
Product name Descriptor
cobas p 480 instrument instrument
cobas p 480 software software
PCR Media
Roche Cell Collection
PCR Cell Collection
y Product names
Term Explanation
system Used when the emphasis is on
software and hardware as a
CPM cap Cap T01, 19 mm
CPM caps are replacement caps
for CPM tubes.
PC cap Cap, 42 mm
PC caps are replacement caps
for PC tubes.
MPA Workflows operating with 5-
position racks without stabilizers
for tubes with a diameter of
15.8 ± 0.2 mm.
y Terms
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
Symbols used in the publications
Symbols used on product
Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used.
Symbol Explanation
o List item.
u Cross-reference to another topic.
Tip. Extra information on correct use or useful
I Extra information within a task.
f Result of an action within a task.
c Frequency of a task.
n Duration of a task.
d Materials that are required for a task.
j Prerequisites of a task.
Figure. Used in figure titles and cross-
references to figures.
Table. Used in table titles and cross-references
to tables.
Equation. Used in cross-references to
Code example. Used in code titles and cross-
references to codes.
y Symbols used in the publication
Symbol Explanation
Global Trade Item Number.
Catalog number
Serial number.
Date of manufacture.
Indicates that the equipment is suitable for
alternating current only; to identify relevant
y Symbols used on product
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
Abbreviation Definition
ANSI American National Standards
CSA Canadian Standards Association
EC European Community
EN European standard
ID Identification number
IEC International Electrical Commission
IFU Instructions for use
IVD In vitro diagnostic
LED Light-emitting diode
UI User interface
USB Universal serial bus
y Abbreviations
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
What is new in publication version 1.0
cobas p 480 software version 2.2 provides the following
new features compared to software version 2.1.1:
Clean-up procedure After an automatic run abort, follow the new clean-up
procedure to unload all carriers and containers from the
instrument deck.
The clean-up procedure is available for all workflows. It
assists you in sorting successful samples for further
processing from samples that need to be checked and/or
u Clean-up procedure to unload carriers and containers
after an automatic run abort (134)
User Assistance The content of the User Guide is now also available from
the cobas p 480 software. Choose the Help button on
the global action bar and access the User Assistance.
In addition, the following changes have been made in this
Information about cobas p 480 v1 instruments There is no dedicated User Guide for cobas p 480 v1
instruments available. When not otherwise specified, all
information in this publication refer to cobas p 480 v2
instruments. Specific information about cobas p 480 v1
instruments has been added in certain sections.
There is a single software version, which is suitable for
both instrument versions.
u cobas p 480 v1 instruments and cobas p 480 v2
instruments (17)
Links for further information The following information was added:
Link to the worldwide list of Roche affiliates
Link to the eLabDoc e-service on Dialog
Recapping workflow for SP containers Information about the recapping workflow for SP
containers has been removed. The cobas p 480 system
does not support this workflow anymore.
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
System description
1 Overview of the system........................................................................................ 15
1 Overview of the system
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
Table of contents
Overview of the system 1
In this chapter
Instrument overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
cobas p 480 v1 instruments and cobas p 480 v2
instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
About the covers on the instrument . . . . . . . . . . . 18
About the LEDs on the instrument. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
About the instrument deck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
About the autoload unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
About the pipetting arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
About the grippers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
About the heating station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
About the decapper/recapper modules . . . . . 27
About the teaching needles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
About the solid waste station setup. . . . . . . . . 29
About carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
About collection medium carriers . . . . . . . . . . 33
About secondary tube carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
About cap carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
About the reagent reservoir carrier . . . . . . . . . 38
About the tip rack carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Consumables overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
About the pipette tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
About the reagent reservoirs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
About caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
About solid waste consumables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
About primary containers and tubes . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Quick sample container barcode labeling guide . 47
About secondary tubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
1 Overview of the system
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
Table of contents
1 Overview of the system
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
Instrument overview 17
Instrument overview
In this section
cobas p 480 v1 instruments and cobas p 480 v2
instruments (17)
About the covers on the instrument (18)
About the LEDs on the instrument (19)
About the instrument deck (20)
About carriers (32)
cobas p 480 v1 instruments and cobas p 480 v2
There are 2 instrument types available:
cobas p 480 v1 instruments:
They support only decapping and recapping
cobas p 480 v2 instruments:
An additional pipetting arm with 4 pipetting channels
and a heating station support two further workflows:
the aliquot workflow and the heating and reagent
addition workflow.
When not otherwise specified, all information in this
publication refer to cobas p 480 v2 instruments.
From software version 2.2 onwards, the cobas p 480
software is delivered as a single application supporting
both instrument versions.
cobas p 480 v1 instruments The main differences of cobas p 480 v1 instruments
compared to cobas p 480 v2 instruments are:
Only decapping and recapping workflows are
No “PC-only” run types available for decapping or
recapping workflows.
PC containers are placed in 12-position PC carrier
only. No 10-position PC carrier available.
No MPA rack handling available.
No heating station or pipetting arm.
1 Overview of the system
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
18 Instrument overview
Specific information about cobas p 480 v1 instruments is
available in the following sections:
u Example of the instrument deck layout for cobas p 480
v1 instruments w (20)
u Hardware overview about cobas p 480 v1
instruments (54)
u Supplies overview for cobas p 480 v1 instruments (57)
About the covers on the instrument
w Covers of the instrument
The front cover protects you from moving parts inside the
instrument. The front cover can be opened for user
interaction during maintenance. Always close the front
cover when you have finished maintenance work. During
a run, the front cover must be closed.
Solid waste door The solid waste door gives you access to the small solid
waste bag or the waste chute. During a run, the solid
waste door is locked and must stay closed.
A Left side cover C Right side cover
B Front cover D Solid waste door
1 Overview of the system
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
Instrument overview 19
Loss of materials due to forced opening of front
The front cover is locked during a run. Forcing the front
cover open during a run, causes an emergency stop. The
run is aborted and all on-board reagents and in-process
samples are lost.
r Do not attempt to start the run with the cover open.
About the LEDs on the instrument
The LED bar above the autoload tray indicates the loading
status on the instrument deck. The status LEDs inform
you where to place the carriers on the autoload tray and
which tracks on the instrument deck have a carrier on
A Track
B LED bar above the autoload tray indicating the
loading status
LED status Meaning User action
No light No carrier loaded. No action necessary.
Green light steady Carrier loaded on this track. No action necessary.
Green light blinking Carrier can be loaded on this track. Place the carrier on the autoload tray on
the indicated tracks. Insert the carrier
until it touches the stop hook.
y Status LEDs on LED bar
1 Overview of the system
Roche Diagnostics
cobas p 480 v1 and v2 instrument · Software version 2.2 · User Guide · Version 1.0
20 Instrument overview
About the instrument deck
The work area of the instrument is called instrument deck.
The instrument deck holds the following items:
Removable carriers for samples, secondary tubes,
caps, reagents, and tips.
Two decapper/recapper modules for decapping and
recapping of PC/SP containers and tubes.
The heating station (optional) for sample incubation.
Instrument deck layout The instrument deck is divided into 43 equal tracks. The
tracks are numbered so that the location where a carrier
must be loaded can be identified. The track positions are
stamped on the surface of the autoload tray. A
corresponding LED on the LED bar above the autoload
tray indicates the loading status of each track.
Track assignment is workflow- and media-specific. The
instrument deck layouts below show an example of the
areas for each carrier type for cobas p 480 v1
instruments and cobas p 480 v2 instruments.
w Example of the instrument deck layout for cobas p 480 v1 instruments
A Cap carrier
B Collection medium carriers with PC/SP containers
C Error carrier
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Roche cobas p 480 v2 User guide

User guide

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