Kamstrup GSM8i RF 3G Installation and User Guide

  • Hello! I'm your chat assistant, and I've thoroughly reviewed the installation and user's guide for the Kamstrup GSM8i 3G and GSM8i RF 3G modules. This document provides instructions on how to install, use, and troubleshoot these modules for electricity meters, and details important features like SIM card installation, antenna mounting, and SMS commands. I’m ready to answer any questions you have about these modules.
  • What is the purpose of the GSM8i 3G module?
    When must an external antenna be mounted?
    What are the SIM card requirements?
    Which antenna should be used with GSM8i RF 3G?
Instlltion nd user’s guide
GSM8i 3G and GSM8i RF 3G
Kamstrup A/S · Indusrivej 28, Silling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmsrup.com · kmsrup.com
2 Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
Quick Guide
1 Red he signl srengh on he module’s Ligh Emiing Diodes (LEDs) (Min. wo mus be
swiched on).
2 If he signl srengh is below 2, n exernl nenn mus be inslled*.
3 The exernl nenn mus be plced in  locion h opimises he recepion of he signl.
Chnge he posiion of he nenn unil he bes posiion hs been found.
4 Before leving he insllion, es he signl srengh by SMS (=signl#). Mke sure h he
meer cbine nd doors re closed before sending he SMS.
* An external Triangle antenna must always be mounted on GSM8i RF 3G
(Order No.: 6699407 or 6699408)
Alwys insll n exernl nenn when inslling he uni in  mel cbine. The nenn mus
be plced ouside he cbine.
Use dul-bnd GSM nenns o opimise he performnce.
Noe h fire doors, concree nd mel ples disurb nd weken he GSM signl.
I is possible o order direcionl nenns for res wih very poor signl condiions (plese
conc Kmsrup A/S for furher informion).
When plcing he meer
in  mel cbine, mke
sure o plce he nenn
ouside he cbine.
Mke sure o close ll
doors nd cbines
before sending he SMS.
When plcing he meer
below he ground (e.g. in
 bsemen), mke sure
o plce he nenn
close o  window or
ouside he building.
Fire door
Mel cbine
3Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
1 Description 4
1.1 Descripion of GSM8i 3G 4
1.2 Descripion of GSM8i RF 3G 4
1.3 Using GSM8i 3G 4
2 Mounting GSM8i 3G 5
2.1 Mouning order 5
3 Mounting of GSM8i RF 3G 5
3.1 Mouning order 6
4 Light Emitting Diodes 6
4.1 Posiioning of LEDs 6
4.2 Sr-up 7
5 SIM card 8
5.1 Mouning he SIM crd 8
5.2 SIM crd requiremens 8
6 Mounting of external antenna (to be ordered separately) 8
7 External antenna on GSM8i 3G 9
8 External antenna on GSM8i RF 3G 9
8.1 Anenn for GSM8i RF 3G 10
8.2 Mouning GSM8i RF 3G in Kmsrup elecriciy meers 10
8.3 Kmsrup 382 - ype 685-282-zz-zz 11
8.4 Kmsrup 382 - ype 685-382-zz-zz 12
8.5 Kmsrup 351 Combi - ype 685-251-xx-xx-xxx 13
8.6 Kmsrup 351 Combi - ype 685-351-xx-xx-xxx 14
9 Error detection help 15
10 SMS commands 16
4 Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
1 Description
1.1 Description of GSM8i 3G
The module is designed for mouning in
Kmsrup elecriciy meers.
The module suppors boh 2G (GSM/GPRS)
nd 3G (UMTS/HSPA)
Inegred soluion wih mouning in he
meer’s module re.
Plug-nd-ply insllion wih cler
indicion of he signl srengh
Sus/pulse inpu
SMS reding of meer nd signl srengh
Inernl nenn.
Inernl nenn
1.2 Description of GSM8i RF 3G
The GSM8i 3G module cn be exended by
complee RF Concenror. This soluion requires
n exr power supply nd n RF Concenror
However, i is no possible o use he inernl
nenn when mouning he RF Concenror nd,
for his soluion, n exernl Tringle nenn mus
lwys be used.
RF Concenror
Power supply
1.3 Using GSM8i 3G
The GSM8i 3G module is used in he following meers:
Top number Article No. Function Meter types
681xxxxxxxxx 6817xxxxxxxx Bse module Kmsrup 162 from generion L
Kmsrup 382 from generion L
Kmsrup 351 from generion B
681xxxxxxxxx 6818xxxxxxxx Bse module wih
RF Concenror
Kmsrup 162 from generion L
Kmsrup 382 from generion L
Kmsrup 351 from generion B
5Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
2 Mounting GSM8i 3G
GSM8i 3G, ricle number 6817xxxxxxxx, is supplied vi he module connecor, nd i is prepred
for he mouning of n exernl nenn.
2.1 Mounting order
1 Dismoun he op cover of he meer.
2 Inser he SIM crd (see chper 5 “SIM crd”,
pge 8).
3 Plce he module in he meer’s module
re (plese check h he eigh module
pins re ll plugged in).
4 When he wo diodes in he middle of he
module sop flshing, he signl srengh is
red on he indicor (see prgrph 4.2.4
“Signl srengh indicor”, pge 7).
5 If he signl srengh is no ccepble, moun n exernl nenn (see chper 6 “Mouning of
exernl nenn (o be ordered seprely)”, pge 8)
6 Before leving he insllion, check he signl srengh by sending n SMS (see chper 10
“SMS commnds”, pge 16).
If he module does no indice norml opering condiions (such s sufficien signl
srengh), refer o chper 9 “Error deecion help”, pge 15.
3 Mounting of GSM8i RF 3G
GSM8i RF 3G, ricle number 6818xxxxxxxx,
is supplied from he meer’s phses nd hus
differs from he GSM8i 3G bse module, nd
n exernl Tringle nenn mus lwys be
6 Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
3.1 Mounting order
1 Dismoun he op cover of he meer.
2 Inser he SIM crd (see prgrph 5.1 “Mouning he SIM crd”, pge 8)
3 Plce he module in he meer’s module re (plese check h he eigh module pins re ll
plugged in). Moun he 230 VAC min supply wires s shown in prgrphs 8.2 o 8.6 - plese
noice he meer ype. Be creful o led he wires s shown on he drwings.
4 Moun he exernl nenn, see chper 6 “Mouning of exernl nenn (o be ordered
seprely)”, pge 8.
5 When he diodes on he module sop flshing, he signl srengh is red on he indicor (see
prgrph 4.2.4 “Signl srengh indicor”, pge 7).
6 If he signl srengh is ccepble, moun he op cover of he meer. Avoid jmming he
nenn cble.
7 Before leving he insllion, check he signl srengh by sending n SMS (see chper 10
“SMS commnds”, pge 16).
If he module does no indice norml opering condiions (such s sufficien signl
srengh), refer o chper 9 “Error deecion help”, pge 15.
4 Light Emitting Diodes
The Ligh Emiing Diodes (LEDs) mus provide he insller wih sufficien knowledge o mke 
good insllion wihou using exernl ools.
Note that all diodes will turn off after 10 min.
They can be reactivated by pushing the test button.
4.1 Positioning of LEDs
7Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
4.2 Start-up
4.2.1 Is checking the SIM card
4.2.2 Is connecting to the network
4.2.3 Connected to 2G/3G network and meter
The nework o which he module is conneced, 2G nd/or 3G, ppers from he diodes  he
boom of he module. More hn one diode cn be urned on. Furhermore, he red METER diode
flshes if here is no connecion beween meer nd module becuse he module hs no been
insered correcly.
4.2.4 Signal strength indicator
When he signl srengh is less hn 2, n exernl nenn mus be mouned. If n exernl
nenn hs lredy been mouned, i should be reposiioned o obin he required signl
Very good
4.2.5 Error indication
If one of he diodes flshes, i mens he following:
Flashing Communicion error wih modem
Flashing Missing nework regisrion
Flashing No SIM crd
Flashing SIM crd PIN locked
4.2.6 External antenna
When mouning n exernl nenn, he Ex An diode urns on. For furher deils, see chper 6
“Mouning of exernl nenn (o be ordered seprely)”, pge 8.
Note that all diodes will turn off after 10 min.
They can be reactivated by pushing the test button.
8 Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
5 SIM card
5.1 Mounting the SIM card
The uni cn be ordered wih he SIM crd mouned from he fcory. Plese check h he crd
hs been insered. The elephone number of he crd ppers from  lbel on he side of he
module. Kmsrup A/S cnno be held responsible for hef nd misuse of SIM crds from GSM8i
3G unis.
When the SIM card holder is opened, the supply to the SIM card is cut off. When the SIM card
has been inserted correctly and the holder is closed, the module will restart automatically.
If he uni is supplied wihou  SIM crd, mke
sure h i is insered before using he uni.
The SIM crd holder is opened by pushing he
brigh holder bck nd crefully ipping up
he holder. Nex, plce he SIM crd wih he
cu-off” corner in he op lef side nd wih he
concs fcing he PCB.
5.2 SIM card requirements
The SIM crd mus fulfil he following requiremens:
3G/GSM/GPRS, DATA/SMS-9.6kb V110,
PIN code must be disabled, no voice and no pre-paid card can be used.
6 Mounting of external antenna (to be ordered separately)
An external antenna must always be mounted on GSM8i RF 3G!
Exernl nenns wih DC resisnce beween he inner nd ouer conducors of 10K ohms or less
re deeced uomiclly. This pplies o he following nenns:
Mini Tringle nenn (order No. 6699448)
Tringle nenn (order No. 6699407 or 6699408)
Direcionl nenn (order No. 6699456)
When using oher nenns, he exernl nenn is seleced mnully. This is done in he
following wy:
By deful, he inernl nenn hs been seleced: The EXT ANT Ligh Emiing
Diode is swiched off:
Antenna selection Button push EXT ANT Light Emitting Diode
Selec exernl nenn Push wice On
Deselec exernl nenn Push hree imes Off
9Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
7 External antenna on GSM8i 3G
Connec he exernl nenn o he connecor
on he module. Be creful o her  “click”
before he wo connecors re conneced
correcly. Plce he nenn cble inside he
plsic frme of he module nd led he cble
ou hrough he cble chnnel  he boom of
he elecriciy meer. See picure below.
Py specil enion no o use ny ools when
mouning he exernl nenn.
The inernl nenn mus no be mouned
ogeher wih he exernl nenn nd mus
herefore be removed.
Remove he inernl
nenn nd replce i
wih n exernl nenn
The exernl nenn mus be mouned s fr wy from he insllion s possible (min. 30 cm).
To ensure h he exernl nenn is mouned in such  wy h i opimises he recepion
condiions, he signl indicor on he module mus be followed (see chper 4 “LEDs, pge 8).
Chnge he posiion of he exernl nenn unil he bes posiion hs been found.
8 External antenna on GSM8i RF 3G
Connec he exernl nenn o he connecor
on he module. Be creful o her  “click”
before he wo connecors re conneced
correcly. Plce he nenn cble inside he
plsic frme of he module nd led he cble
ou hrough he cble chnnel  he boom of
he elecriciy meer. See picure below.
Py specil enion no o use ny ools when
mouning he exernl nenn.
The RF Concenror mus be remouned when
he exernl nenn hs been mouned.
Remove he RF Concenror
Moun n exernl
The exernl nenn mus be mouned s fr wy from he insllion s possible (min. 30 cm).
To ensure h he exernl nenn is mouned in such  wy h i opimises he recepion
condiions, he signl indicor on he module mus be followed (see chper 4 “LEDs, pge 8).
Chnge he posiion of he exernl nenn unil he bes posiion hs been found.
Do not mount the external antenna inside cabinets made of metal
or other materials that disturb the signal.
10 Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
8.1 Antenna for GSM8i RF 3G
Alwys insll n exernl nenn on he
GSM8i RF 3G module, nd he nenn mus be
of he ype Triangle from Kmsrup. Order No.
6699407 or 6699408.
The Tringle nenn covers ll he frequency
res for 2G, 3G nd RF, nd i is herefore he
only nenn h cn be used for his module.
Tringle nenn for GSM8iRF 3G
Mouning he Tringle nenn
8.2 Mounting GSM8i RF 3G in Kamstrup electricity meters
This paragraph concerns only GSM8i RF 3G as it must be supplied from the meter’s phases.
It does not concern the base module GSM8i 3G as this is supplied directly from the module
11Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
8.3 Kamstrup 382 - type 685-282-zz-zz
L1 L2 L3
NOTE: Avoid jmming he
wires in he corner when
mouning he op cover.
Gher excessive cble
in he chnnel.
Moun he min supply wires of GSM8i
RF 3G in erminls 2 nd 8 of he meer.
To gin ccess o he screw erminls, crefully ip up he min supply wires.
Afer mouning, crefully pu bck he min supply wires ino he chnnel.
12 Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
8.4 Kamstrup 382 - type 685-382-zz-zz
L1 L2 L3
NOTE: Avoid jmming he
wires in he corner when
mouning he op cover.
Gher excessive cble
in he chnnel.
Moun he min supply wires of GSM8i RF 3G
in erminls 2 nd 11 of he meer.
Remove he edge o mke room
for he module, if necessry.
Ved mlermonge vippes forsyningsledningerne forsigig op, s der er dgng il
Efer monge lægges forsyningsledningerne forsigig ned i knlen igen.
13Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
8.5 Kamstrup 351 Combi - type 685-251-xx-xx-xxx
L1 L2 L3
NOTE: Avoid jmming he
wires in he corner when
mouning he op cover.
Gher excessive cble
in he chnnel.
Moun he min supply wires of GSM8i RF 3G
in erminls 2 nd 8 of he meer.
Remove he edge o mke room
for he module, if necessry.
To gin ccess o he screw erminls, crefully ip up he min supply wires.
Afer mouning, crefully pu bck he min supply wires ino he chnnel.
14 Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
8.6 Kamstrup 351 Combi - type 685-351-xx-xx-xxx
L1 L2 L3
NOTE: Avoid jmming he
wires in he corner when
mouning he op cover.
Gher excessive
cble in he chnnel.
Moun he min supply wires of GSM8i RF 3G
in erminls 2 nd 11 of he meer.
To gin ccess o he screw erminls, crefully ip up he min supply wires.
Afer mouning, crefully pu bck he min supply wires ino he chnnel.
15Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
9 Error detection help
NOTE: SMS commands must be sent in either capital or small letters
Note that GSM8i RF 3G must ALWAYS have mounted an external antenna
of the type 6699407 or 6699408.
The METER diode flshes consnly. The module hs no conc wih he meer.
Check h i hs been mouned correcly.
The hree diodes  he boom of he signl
indicor flsh consnly.
The SIM crd hs no been insered correcly or
is defecive.
The wo diodes in he middle of he signl
indicor flsh consnly.
Cnno connec o he mobile nework. This
cn be cused by no coverge or problems wih
he SIM crd. Moun n exernl nenn
The GPRS diode does no emi ligh fer sr-
Ask he elecom supplier if here is  GPRS
subscripion for he SIM crd.
The 3G diode does no emi ligh fer sr-up. Ask he elecom supplier if here is  3G
subscripion for he SIM crd.
Wek mobile signl Moun n exernl nenn. Reposiion he
nenn o find he opiml posiion, if required.
Noe h GSM8i RF 3G mus ALWAYS hve
mouned n exernl nenn of he ype
6699407 or 6699408.
Try o cll he uni. If here is no connecion or if he SIM crd is
no cived, here will ypiclly be  messge
from he operor
Send n SMS o he modem, e.g. =SIGNAL# The uni mus respond wih he signl srengh
of he module.
Alwys complee by performing  conrol
reding from he min sion.
Cll he uiliy o mke sure h meer d
hve been received.
Defecive modem Enclose  precise descripion of he error nd
reurn o Kmsrup.
16 Kmsrup A/S • 55121140_A4_GB_10.2021
GSM8i 3G nd GSM8i RF 3G
10 SMS commands
NOTE: SMS commands must be sent in either capital or small letters.
Capital letters and small letters must not be mixed in the same SMS command.
READ_METER - for reading a direct meter (e.g. Kamstrup 382 or 162)
Exmple =READ_METER#
Reurn reply, correc
Meer No. 10101010 is red, he meer reding
vlue is 32432 kWh, he power is 343 W, nd
he meer hs opered for 2452 hours.
32432 kWh,
343 W,
2452 Hours,
Meer No: 10101010
Reurn reply, error NO RESPONSE
SIGNAL - for reading the signal strength
Synx, commnd =SIGNAL#
Exmple =SIGNAL#
Reurn reply, correc
Displys he modem’s curren signl srengh
on  scle from 0-4 where 4 is bes. The signl
srengh mus be minimum 2
Signl: 2(0-4)LEDS, UMTS
Reurn reply, error NO RESPONSE
IOSTATUS - for reading the status of relay output and status/Pulse input
(Note that there is only one relay output
<relay1> and one input <input1> on this module)
Exmple =IOSTATUS#
Reurn reply, correc Rely1: 1 Rely2: 0
Inpu1: 1 Inpu2: 0
Reurn reply, error NO RESPONSE