11Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
7 Troubleshooting guide
SMS commands must be sent in either capital letters or small letters.
GSM8H 3G must always have mounted an external antenna of the type 6699407 or 6699408.
The METER diode flshes consnly The module hs no conc wih he meer.
Check h he module hs been mouned
The hree diodes he boom of he signl
indicor flsh consnly.
The SIM crd hs no been insered correcly or
is defecive.
The wo diodes in he middle of he signl
indicor flsh consnly.
Cnno connec o he mobile nework. This
cn be cused by no coverge or problems wih
he SIM crd. Moun n exernl nenn.
The GPRS diode does no emi ligh fer sr-
Ask he elecom supplier if here is GPRS
subscripion for he SIM crd.
The 3G diode does no emi ligh fer sr-up Ask he elecom supplier if here is 3G
subscripion for he SIM crd.
Wek mobile signl Moun n exernl nenn. Reposiion
he nenn o find he opiml posiion, if
required. Noe h GSM8H 3G mus ALWAYS
hve mouned n exernl nenn of he ype
6699407 or 6699408.
Try o cll he uni. If here is no connecion or if he SIM crd is
no cived, here will ypiclly be messge
from he operor
Send n SMS o he modem,
e.g. = =SIGNAL#.
The uni mus respond wih he signl srengh
of he module.
Alwys complee by performing conrol
reding from he min sion.
Cll he uiliy o mke sure h meer d
hs been received.
Defecive modem Reurn he modem o Kmsrup wih precise
descripion of he error.