Kamstrup GSM8H 3G Installation and User Guide

  • Hello! I've reviewed the Kamstrup Installation and user's guide for the GSM8H modem and related devices including MULTICAL 602, 801, 62 meters and M-Bus Master. I understand the setup for SIM card, GPRS, signal tests, and using SMS commands for communication. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about the installation, configuration, troubleshooting, or features of the GSM8H module!
  • What type of SIM card is required?
    Is external antenna required?
    How do I check the signal strength?
    What should I do if the METER diode flashes constantly?
Insllion nd user’s guide
GSM8H - 3G
Kmstrup A/S · Industrivej 28, Stilling · DK-8660 Sknderborg · T: +45 89 93 10 00 · info@kmstrup.com · kmstrup.com
2 Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
Description of GSM8H 3G
GSM8H is  modem, designed for he meers MULTICAL® 602, MULTICAL® 801, MULTICAL® 62 nd
for M-Bus Mser. Wih his modem insered in he module re, he meer cn be red remoely.
The module is  plug nd ply componen which does no need ny configurion  insllion.
3Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
1 Installation 4
1.1 Insllion order 4
2 SIM card 5
2.1 Mouning he SIM crd 5
2.2 SIM crd requiremens 5
3 GPRS 6
4 Signal test 6
4.1 Digrm of signl conversion 7
5 Mounting of external antenna (to be ordered separately) 8
6 Light Emitting Diodes 8
6.1 Posiioning of LEDs 9
6.2 Sr-up 9
7 Troubleshooting guide 11
8 SMS commands 12
9 Variant structure for GSM8H 3G 13
4 Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
1 Installation
1.1 Installation order
1 Check h he meer is urned off when
inslling he module.
2 Inser he GSM module in module re 2
(see Figure 3, pge 15).
3 Inser he SIM crd (see Figure 5, pge
4 Connec he exernl nenn chper 5,
pge 8.
5 Connec he power supply (see Figure 3,
pge 15).
6 Tes he signl when he GSM module hs
been urned on chper 4, pge 6.
7 Find he bes posiion for he exernl
8 Before leving he insllion, es he
signl srengh by SMS chper 8, pge
Figure 1.
Alwys insll n exernl nenn.
If he uni is inslled in  mel cbine, he nenn mus be plced ouside he cbine.
Use ri-bnd (900 MHz, 1800 MHz nd 2100 MHz) GSM nenns o opimise he performnce.
Noe h fire doors, concree nd mel ples disurb nd weken he GSM signl.
I is possible o order direcionl nenns for res wih very poor signl condiions (plese
conc Kmsrup A/S for furher informion).
5Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
2 SIM card
2.1 Mounting the SIM card
The uni cn be ordered wih he SIM crd mouned from he fcory. Plese check h he crd
hs been insered. The elephone number of he crd ppers from  lbel on he side of he
module. Kmsrup A/S cnno be held responsible for hef or misuse of SIM crds from GSM8H 3G
When he SIM crd holder is opened, he connecion o he SIM crd is disconneced.
When he SIM crd hs been insered correcly nd he holder is closed,
he module resrs uomiclly.
If he uni is supplied wihou  SIM crd, mke
sure o inser one before using he uni.
The SIM crd holder is opened by pushing he
brigh holder bck nd crefully ipping up
he holder. Nex, plce he SIM crd wih he
cu-off” corner in he op lef side nd wih he
concs fcing he PCB.
2.2 SIM card requirements
The SIM crd mus fulfil he following requiremens:
3G/GSM/GPRS, DATA/SMS-9.6. kb V110,
PIN code mus be disbled, no voice nd no pre-pid crd cn be used.
6 Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
Kmsrup A/S recommends creing  closed APN (Access Poin Nme)  he elecom supplier
concerned which is only ccessible vi  VPN (Virul Prive Nework). GSM8H uses he APN nme
o log ino APN vi GPRS.
In shor, he following iems mus be clrified prior o civion:
APN nme (he nme of  closed user group)
VPN connecion (unnel beween  GPRS uni nd he reding sysem wih d encrypion)
The nework of he elecom supplier mus be esed by Kmsrup A/S. If he module is
configured for communicion vi GPRS, he GPRS diode swiches on s soon s he module is
conneced o he GPRS nework (pprox. 20 secs. fer sr-up).
Plese remember lwys o conc Kmsrup A/S before ordering GPRS.
4 Signal test
As n lernive o he signl indicor, i is possible o run  signl es in connecion wih
he insllion. The signl es ses he signl level bsed on  scle wih 32 levels, nd
consequenly i resuls in  higher resoluion hn he signl indicor.
9 Push he push buon for pprox. 2 secs. (see Figure 5, pge 16).
10 The TEST diode now emis ligh consnly for pprox. 10 secs. (see Figure 5, pge 16) fer
which he signl srengh is indiced by flshes on  scle of 0 o 31:
-  long flsh equls 10
-  shor flsh equls 1
This mens h  signl srengh of 14 is indiced by one long flsh nd four shor flshes.
11 The recommended signl srengh is minimum 12.
An exernl nenn mus be inslled ouside he cbine if he module is inslled in  closed
mel cbine.
Alwys check he signl srengh by sending n SMS when he cbine is closed.
7Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
4.1 Diagram of signal conversion
in dBm
-113 0 0
A  signl srengh below 12,
 sble connecion o he uni
cnno be gurneed.
The insllion mus no be
hnded over before he signl
srengh is 12 or more.
Alwys complee he
insllion by sending n SMS
(=signl#) o conrol he signl
srengh when ll doors nd
cbines re closed.
-111 1 0
-109 2 0
-107 3 0
-105 4 0
-103 5 0
-101 6 0
-99 7 0
-97 8 0
-95 9 1
-93 10 1
-91 11 1
-89 12 2 GSM minimum
-87 13 2
-85 14 2
-83 15 3
-81 16 3
-79 17 3
-77 18 4
-75 19 4
-73 20 4
-71 21 5
-69 22 5
-67 23 5
-65 24 5
-63 25 5
-61 26 5
-59 27 5
-57 28 5
-55 29 5
-53 30 5
-51 31 5
8 Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
5 Mounting of external antenna (to be ordered separately)
An exernl nenn mus lwys be mouned on GSM8H 3G!
Exernl nenns wih DC resisnce beween he inner nd ouer conducors of 10 K ohms or
less re deeced uomiclly. This pplies o he following nenns:
Mini Tringle nenn (order no. 6699448)
Tringle nenn (order no. 6699407 or 6699408)
Direcionl nenn (order no. 6699456)
When using oher nenns, he exernl nenn is seleced mnully. This is done in he
following wy:
The inernl nenn hs been seleced by deful: EXT ANT diode is off:
Anenn selecion Buon push EXT ANT diode
Selec exernl nenn Push wice On
Deselec exernl nenn Push hree imes Off
6 Light Emitting Diodes
The LEDs mus provide he insller wih sufficien knowledge o mke  good insllion wihou
using exernl ools.
All diodes urn off fer 10 mins.
They cn be recived by pushing he es buon.
9Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
6.1 Positioning of LEDs
6.2 Start-up
6.2.1 Checking the SIM card
6.2.2 Establishment of connection to the network
6.2.3 Connection to 2G/3G network and to meter
I ppers from he diodes  he boom of he module o which 2G nd/or 3G nework he module
is conneced. More hn one diode cn be urned on. Furhermore, he red METER diode flshes
if here is no connecion beween meer nd module becuse he module hs no been insered
10 Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
6.2.4 Signal strength indicator
When he signl srengh is less hn 2, n exernl nenn mus be mouned. If n exernl
nenn hs lredy been mouned, i should be reposiioned o obin he required signl
Very good
6.2.5 Error indication
If one of he diodes flshes, i mens he following:
Flashing Communicion error wih modem
Flashing Missing nework regisrion
Flashing No SIM crd
Flashing SIM crd proeced by PIN code
6.2.6 External antenna
When mouning n exernl nenn, he EXT ANT diode urns on. For furher deils, see chper
5, pge 8.
All diodes urn off fer 10 mins.
They cn be recived by pushing he es buon.
11Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
7 Troubleshooting guide
SMS commands must be sent in either capital letters or small letters.
GSM8H 3G must always have mounted an external antenna of the type 6699407 or 6699408.
The METER diode flshes consnly The module hs no conc wih he meer.
Check h he module hs been mouned
The hree diodes  he boom of he signl
indicor flsh consnly.
The SIM crd hs no been insered correcly or
is defecive.
The wo diodes in he middle of he signl
indicor flsh consnly.
Cnno connec o he mobile nework. This
cn be cused by no coverge or problems wih
he SIM crd. Moun n exernl nenn.
The GPRS diode does no emi ligh fer sr-
Ask he elecom supplier if here is  GPRS
subscripion for he SIM crd.
The 3G diode does no emi ligh fer sr-up Ask he elecom supplier if here is  3G
subscripion for he SIM crd.
Wek mobile signl Moun n exernl nenn. Reposiion
he nenn o find he opiml posiion, if
required. Noe h GSM8H 3G mus ALWAYS
hve mouned n exernl nenn of he ype
6699407 or 6699408.
Try o cll he uni. If here is no connecion or if he SIM crd is
no cived, here will ypiclly be  messge
from he operor
Send n SMS o he modem,
e.g. = =SIGNAL#.
The uni mus respond wih he signl srengh
of he module.
Alwys complee by performing  conrol
reding from he min sion.
Cll he uiliy o mke sure h meer d
hs been received.
Defecive modem Reurn he modem o Kmsrup wih  precise
descripion of he error.
12 Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
8 SMS commands
SMS commnds mus be sen in eiher cpil leers or smll leers.
Cpil nd smll leers mus no be mixed in he sme SMS commnd.
SIGNAL - til aflæsning af signalstyrken
Synx, commnd =SIGNAL#
Exmple =SIGNAL#
Reurn reply, correc
Displys he modem’s curren signl srengh
on  scle from 0-4 where 4 is bes. The signl
srengh mus be minimum 2.
Signl: 2(0-4)LEDS, UMTS
Reurn reply, error NO ANSWER
Reurn reply, error NO ANSWER
Response, correc
The following vlues re red:
Acc. energy: KWh, MWh, GJ or GCl
Curren power: kW or MW
Acc. wer consumpion: m3
Curren wer consumpion: l/h or m3/h
Meer number:
Temperure: C
Info code:
Hour couner:
114931.6 MWh,
25.99 MW
1657074 m3,
379.8 m3/h,
Meer No.: 5300279,
T1: 93.15 C,
T2: 32.00 C,
Info code: 0,
7373 Hours
Reurn response, commnd error NO ANSWER
Reur-svr, kommndofejl INTET SVAR
Response, correc
The following vlues re red:
Pressure: br
Meer number:
2.34 br,
2.23 br,
Meer No.: 6349933
Reurn response, meer error No meer response
Reurn response, commnd error NO ANSWER
13Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
9 Variant structure for GSM8H 3G
Top number
As  sepre module for MULTICAL® 801 670XXXXX.801
As  sepre module for MULTICAL® 602 602XXXXX
As  sepre module for M-Bus Mser 670XXXXX.MBM
As  sepre module for MULTICAL® 62 602XXXXX
– –
MULTICAL® 801 ______________________
MULTICAL® 602 ______________________
MULTICAL® 62 ______________________
M-Bus Mser _______________________
None _______________________________ 0
Denmrk __________________________________ 10
Norwy __________________________________ 40
Sweden __________________________________ 90
Oher counries _______________________________ 00
SIM card
None 0
BillingCom SIM crd - Dnish 1
BillingCom SIM crd - Swedish 2
SIM crd supplied by he cusomer 3
Mini Tringle nenn, 1.5 m cble (6699448) 1
Tringle nenn wih vrible cble lengh (6699408) 2
Discos nenn, 1 m cble (6699458) 3
Connecor dper MCX o SMA (5000292) 5
Connecor dper MCX o FME (5000291) 6
14 Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
Figure 2. M-Bus Mser Mulipor 250D
15Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
Connecion of power supply GSM8H 3G module
Exernl nenn
Power supply
Figure 3. MULTICAL® 801
16 Kmsrup A/S • 55121407_A3_GB_02.2016
GSM8H - 3G
Figure 4. MULTICAL® 602
SIM crd holder
Connecion of power supply
Rese buon
Signl indicor
Figure 5.