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Example: Dispenser not found.
First verify that the TX and RX LEDs for “DISP” are both green. If they are, there is
at least a connection to the security module. Reboot the ATM and watch to see if the
TX and RX LEDs flicker red when the screen gets to the dispenser part of the POST.
If only the TX LED, then it’s time to look at the security module. It has similar
LEDs with the same meanings. Look to see if both the TX and RX LEDs for the dis-
penser port of the security module are green. Then check to see if they flicker red
when attempting communication.
Printer control board showing
LED3 and LED2 on,
ready for service.
(Clear plastic cover removed.)
Green is the idle state of the signal. If no data is being transmitted or received, but there is a
valid connection, the LED will be green. If the LED is not lit, then there is a problem or the
device is not connected. Even with no device connected, the TX LEDs on the mainboard
should be green when the main board is powered. If a TX LED is not lit at all, then either
there is a mainboard fault, or there is a short on that signal (either in the cable or on the periph-
eral). Disconnect the associated cable, and if the TX LED now lights green, then you know the
cable or the peripheral is bad. The RX LEDs should light green if the peripheral is connected
and has powered up. (Some card readers are an exception to this as some models do not pro-
vide enough power to drive the LED).
When data is being transmitted (via TX) or received (via RX), these LEDs will have a tiny red
flicker while still being mostly green. Generally speaking, the TX and RX LEDs should flicker
red at about the same time, indicating that two way communications is occurring. While boot-
ing (during POST), all peripherals should see some communications.
The control board for the printer has three yellow LEDs at the top of the board, marked LED3, LED2,
and LED1, in that order as you view it on the machine. LED3 and LED2 are steadily on to indicate
readiness for service. When LED3 and LED1 are on while LED2 is off, this indicates a printer error has
occurred, e.g., out of paper, and attention is needed.