Thermo Fisher Scientific Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User guide

  • Hello, I'm an AI assistant who has read the user guide for the Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX and Genexus Integrated Sequencer. This document provides instructions for using the automated system for targeted next-generation sequencing of myeloid cancer samples. I can answer questions about the workflow, sample preparation, data analysis, and other related topics. Feel free to ask me anything about the document.
  • What is the Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX designed for?
    How many samples can be sequenced in a single run?
    How long does it take to get results?
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX
For use with the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
Catalog Number A47857
Publication Number MAN0018510
Revision A.0
Life Technologies Corporation | 7335 Executive Way | Frederick, MD 21704 | USA
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The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.
Revision History: Pub. No. MAN0018510
Revision Date Description
A.0 31 August 2020 New user guide that documents the sampletoresult workflow for the
Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX.
Important Licensing Information: This product may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses. By use of this product,
you accept the terms and conditions of all applicable Limited Use Label Licenses.
TRADEMARKS: All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. Agilent and
Bioanalyzer are trademarks of Agilent Technologies, Inc. Horizon is a trademark of Horizon Discovery Group PLC. Microsoft and Excel
are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Seraseq and SeraCare are trademarks of SeraCare Life Sciences, Inc.
©2020 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
About this guide ........................................................... 6
Purpose of this guide ............................................................ 6
Prerequisites ................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 1 Product information .................................................. 7
Product description ............................................................. 7
Contents and storage ............................................................ 8
Required materials not supplied ................................................... 9
General laboratory supplies and reagents ...................................... 9
Genexus Barcodes AS .................................................... 10
Genexus Templating Strips 3GX5 and 4 ................................... 10
Genexus Pipette Tips ..................................................... 10
GX5 Chip and Genexus Coupler .......................................... 11
Genexus Sequencing Kit .................................................. 11
Genexus Conical Bottles .................................................. 12
Genexus Integrated Sequencer ............................................. 12
Recommended materials ....................................................... 12
Recommended materials for nucleic acid isolation, quantification, and
quality control ........................................................... 12
Recommended sample controls ............................................. 13
Genexus Controls ........................................................ 13
Workflow overview: sampletoresults ............................................ 14
CHAPTER 2 Before you begin .................................................... 15
Procedural guidelines ........................................................... 15
Before each use of the kit ....................................................... 16
About the Genexus Software user interface ...................................... 16
Genexus Integrated Sequencer components ..................................... 17
Genexus Integrated Sequencer deck stations .................................... 18
Precautions ................................................................... 19
Avoid nucleic acid contamination ............................................ 19
Avoid chip damage ........................................................ 19
Avoid strong electromagnetic radiation ....................................... 19
Protection by equipment .................................................... 19
Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide 3
CHAPTER 3 Create and manage assays (manager/administrator) ............ 20
System-installed assays for use with the Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX .............. 20
Copy an assay (manager/administrator) ........................................... 21
CHAPTER 4 Enter samples ....................................................... 22
Create a new sample ........................................................... 22
System-installed sample attributes .......................................... 23
Import samples ................................................................ 24
Manage samples ............................................................... 24
CHAPTER 5 Plan and manage runs ............................................. 25
Create a run plan for a sample run ............................................... 25
Chip capacity by sample type ................................................... 29
CHAPTER 6 Dilute the samples and load the sample plate ................... 30
Guidelines for nucleic acid isolation, quantification, quality control, and input amount .. 30
Quantify nucleic acid samples ................................................... 31
Dilute the samples and load the sample plate ...................................... 31
CHAPTER 7 Load the sequencer and start a run ............................... 33
Before you begin ............................................................... 33
Load the sequencer and start a run .............................................. 35
Clear the instrument deck and perform a UV Clean ................................. 38
CHAPTER 8 Review data and results ............................................ 40
Review run results ............................................................. 40
Assign PCR Plate .......................................................... 41
Lab Report .................................................................... 41
Download the Lab Report .................................................. 43
View sequencing results and assay metrics ....................................... 43
Assay metrics ............................................................. 45
QC results ................................................................ 49
Summary of the Sample Results ............................................. 51
View SNV/INDEL results .................................................... 52
View Fusion results ........................................................ 54
Compare sample results .................................................... 56
Filter variant results ........................................................ 57
4Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide
Review plugin results in Genexus Software .................................. 58
Results files ............................................................... 60
Sign o on the run results (manager/ administrator) ................................. 61
APPENDIX A Troubleshooting .................................................... 63
Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX ................................................... 63
Genexus Integrated Sequencer—general and QC troubleshooting .................. 63
Troubleshoot Genexus Integrated Sequencer performance with CF-1 and
inline controls ............................................................... 66
Genexus Software ............................................................ 66
APPENDIX B Supplemental information ........................................ 69
Guidelines for Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX settings .............................. 69
View annotation sources ........................................................ 71
Create and assign variant classifications .......................................... 72
Reanalyze a run ................................................................ 73
Generate customized reports .................................................... 74
Configure Thermo Fisher Accounts in Genexus Software (administrator) ............. 75
Download software and assay package updates ................................... 76
APPENDIX C coverageAnalysis plugin in Genexus Software ................ 77
Reads statistics ............................................................... 77
Example charts generated by the coverageAnalysis plugin .......................... 80
Output files generated by the coverageAnalysis plugin .............................. 81
APPENDIX D Safety ............................................................... 84
Biological hazard safety ......................................................... 84
Chemical safety ................................................................ 85
Documentation and support ....................................................... 86
Related documentation ......................................................... 86
Customer and technical support ................................................. 87
Limited product warranty ........................................................ 87
Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide 5
About this guide
IMPORTANT! Before using this product, read and understand the information in the
“Safety” appendix in this document.
Purpose of this guide
This user guide describes how to use the Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX to
perform the sampletoresult next-generation sequencing (NGS) workflow on the
Genexus Integrated Sequencer. The guide provides experienced-user procedures
for assay creation and run planning in Genexus Software, loading samples onto the
sequencer and starting an instrument run, and data analysis in Genexus Software.
If you are a new user, or you need detailed descriptions of all features of
the Genexus Integrated Sequencer and Genexus Software, see the following
resources available at
Genexus Integrated Sequencer User Guide (Pub. No. MAN0017910)
Genexus Software 6.2 User Guide (Pub. No. MAN0018955) or Genexus
Software 6.2 Help (available in the software)
Category Prerequisites
Instrument Access to the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
Stock of reagents and supplies that are compatible with the Oncomine Myeloid
Assay GX and the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
For ordering information, see “Required materials not supplied” on page 9.
Software Genexus Software 6.2 or later
Functional knowledge and
Key steps in a next-generation sequencing (NGS) workflow
Main functions of the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
Main features of the Genexus Software 6.2 or later
6Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide
Product information
Product description ................................................... 7
Contents and storage .................................................. 8
Required materials not supplied ......................................... 9
Recommended materials ............................................. 12
Workflow overview: sampletoresults .................................. 14
Product description
The Ion Torrent Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX is a comprehensive targeted
next generation sequencing (NGS) assay designed for detection of relevant DNA
mutations and fusion transcripts associated with myeloid disorders from blood and
bone marrow samples.
The assay kit includes 3 pools of Ion AmpliSeq oligonucleotide primers (a 2pool
DNA panel and 1pool RNA panel), and Genexus library reagents sucient to
sequence up to 32 samples on the Genexus Integrated Sequencer (see “Contents
and storage” on page 8). One end-to-end sequencing run uses 1 lane on the
GX5 Chip and accommodates up to 8 samples. Additional Genexus Integrated
Sequencer reagents and supplies must be ordered separately (see “Required
materials not supplied” on page 9).
When used with the Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX, the Genexus Integrated
Sequencer performs library preparation, sequencing, analysis, and reporting in less
than 1 day. Multiplex primer design and sample barcoding leverage Ion AmpliSeq
technology to generate comprehensive results from multiple samples in a single
run. Sequencing results are analyzed in the Genexus Software using the optimized
assay-specific analysis workflow.
The Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX includes the following features.
Automated sampletoreport workflow on the Genexus Integrated Sequencer in
less than 1 day
Multiplex sequencing of up to 8 samples per lane on a GX5 Chip in a single run
System-installed assays pre-configured with settings that are optimized for
specific application and sample type
Verified detection of somatic variants down to 5% allele frequency
Less than 15 minutes hands-on time per run
The Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX is designed to assist scientists in the
understanding of myeloid cancer. The DNA panel is comprised of 40 key genes while
the RNA panel includes a broad fusion panel of 29 driver genes, covering the most
Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide 7
relevant targets in major myeloid disorders, including acute myeloid leukemia (AML),
myeloid dysplastic syndrome (MDS), myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), chronic
myeloid leukemia (CML), chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML), and juvenile
myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML).
Contents and storage
The Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX (Cat. No. A47857) includes the 2pool DNA panel,
the 1pool RNA panel, Genexus Strip 1, and Genexus Strip 2AS. The contents
of each kit are sucient for up to 32 × 3pool reactions (32 × 2pool DNA reactions
and 32 × 1pool RNA reactions). The DNA panel is provided in two packs of 8 tubes
(4 tubes of Myeloid DNA Pool 1 and 4 tubes of Myeloid DNA Pool 2 per pack). The
RNA panel is provided in one pack of 8 tubes (Myeloid RNA Pool 1). Each primer pool
in the panel is provided in pairs of tubes, where each tube pair contains one tube
with primers in position 1 and one empty uncapped tube in position 2. Three 8strip
packs of the Genexus Strip 1 and Genexus Strip 2AS (24 total of each strip) are
provided with each kit. If needed, the Genexus Library Strips 1 and 2AS combo kit
(Cat. No. A40252) can be ordered separately.
Table 1 Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX (Cat. No. A47857)
Contents Carrier
color Number of reactions Amount Part No. Storage
Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX pools
Myeloid DNA Pool 1
(position 1)
Magenta 2 × 16 (4 reactions/tube) 2 × 4 tubes,
140 µL/tube
A44354 −30°C to −10°C
Myeloid DNA Pool 2
(position 1)
Pale green 2 × 16 (4 reactions/tube) 2 × 4 tubes,
140 µL/tube
Myeloid RNA Pool 1
(position 1)
Pale orange 32 (4 reactions/tube) 8 tubes,
70 µL/tube
Genexus Library Strips 1 and 2AS (Cat. No. A40252) × 3
Genexus Strip 1 Light red 3 × 32
(4 singlepool reactions/strip)
3 × 8 strips A46812 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip 2AS Light blue 3 × 32
(4 singlepool reactions/strip)
3 × 8 strips A46813 −30°C to −10°C
Chapter 1 Product information
Contents and storage
8Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide
Required materials not supplied
Genexus Integrated Sequencer reagents and supplies can be ordered in convenient
combo kits and starter packs, but most consumables can also be ordered
individually as your needs require. The following tables provide information on the
various ordering options that are available.
Note: Consumables that have catalog numbers are orderable. Components that
have part numbers cannot be ordered individually.
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials are available through
"MLS" indicates that the material is available from or another
major laboratory supplier.
General laboratory supplies and reagents
Item Source
MicroAmp EnduraPlate Optical 96-Well Clear Reaction
Plates with Barcode
4483352, 4483354
Thermo Scientific Adhesive PCR Plate Foils AB0626
Microcentrifuge[1] MLS
2, 20, 200, and 1,000µL pipettes and appropriate filtered tips MLS
Nucleasefree microcentrifuge tubes, 1.5-mL or 1.7-mL MLS
Vortex mixer with a rubber platform MLS
Gloves, powder-free nitrile MLS
Ice buckets and ice
Nuclease-free water, molecular biology grade MLS
Isopropyl alcohol, 70% solution MLS
Wipes, disposable lint-free MLS
(Optional) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)[2] MLS
[1] Must fit standard 0.2- and 1.5mL microcentrifuge tubes and generate 15,000 × g. To convert the RPMs
of your centrifuge to RCF in units of gravity, see
[2] For laboratories that experience frequent power outages or line voltage fluctuations, we recommend that you
use an uninterruptible power supply that is compatible with 2500 W output or higher.
Chapter 1 Product information
Required materials not supplied 1
Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide 9
Genexus Barcodes AS
Ion Torrent Genexus Barcodes AS are supplied in plates containing 32 dual
barcodes per plate. The barcodes can be ordered as a set of three plates (Cat. No.
A40257), or ordered individually.
Item Label color Cat. No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Barcodes 1–96 AS Blue A40257 3 plates
15°C to 30°C
Genexus Barcodes 1–32 AS Blue A40258 1 plate
Genexus Barcodes 33–64 AS Blue A40259 1 plate
Genexus Barcodes 65–96 AS Blue A40260 1 plate
Genexus Templating Strips 3GX5 and 4
Ion Torrent Genexus Templating Strips 3GX5 and 4 (Cat. No. A40263) are
ordered as kits with eight pairs of strips/kit.
Note: Genexus Templating Strips 3GX5 and 4 with part numbers listed in the
following table are compatible only with Genexus Software 6.2 and later.
Component Carrier color Part No. Quantity per
kit Storage
Genexus Strip 3GX5Brown A46815 8 strips 2°C to 8°C
Genexus Strip 4 Yellow A46816 8 strips −30°C to
Genexus Pipette Tips
The Ion Torrent Genexus Pipette Tips (Cat. No. A40266) are ordered in packs of 12
racks each. The number of pipette tip racks that are required for your experiment
depends on the number of reactions and the sample type. For the Oncomine
Myeloid Assay GX, 3 racks are sucient for sequencing up to 8 samples on a single
GX5 Chip lane.
Item Cat. No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Pipette Tips A40266 12 racks 15°C to 30°C
Chapter 1 Product information
Required materials not supplied
10 Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide
GX5 Chip and Genexus Coupler
The GX5 Chip and Genexus Coupler (Cat. No. A40269) are ordered as a set that
contains two chips and two couplers. For the Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX, 1 chip
is sucient for sequencing up to 32 samples (8 samples per lane) for the DNA and
Fusions workflow.
Component Part No. Quantity Storage
GX5 Chip 100081364 2 chips 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Coupler 100081252 2 couplers
Genexus Sequencing Kit
The Ion Torrent Genexus Sequencing Kit is ordered as a combo (Cat. No. A40271).
Each combo kit is sucient to sequence up to 2 full chips. The components of the
combo are also orderable as listed.
Component Cat. No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Cartridge A40272 2 cartridges −30°C to
Chapter 1 Product information
Required materials not supplied 1
Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide 11
Component Cat. No. Quantity Storage
Genexus Bottle 2 A40273 4 bottles 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Bottles 1 and 3 A40274 2 bottles each (4 bottles total)
Genexus Conical Bottles
Genexus Conical Bottles (Cat. No. A40275) are installed in the sequencing reagents
bay and serve as reservoirs for nucleotide reagent dilutions. For information on when
and how to replace the bottles, see the Genexus Integrated Sequencer User Guide
(Pub. No. MAN0017910).
Component Quantity Storage
Genexus Conical Bottles 5 bottles 15°C to 30°C
Genexus Integrated Sequencer
Components Cat. No.
Genexus Integrated Sequencer A45727
Recommended materials
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials are available through
"MLS" indicates that the material is available from or another
major laboratory supplier.
Recommended materials for nucleic acid isolation, quantification, and
quality control
Item Source
Nucleic acid isolation—RNA samples
MagMAX mirVana Total RNA Isolation Kit A27828
PureLink Total RNA Blood Kit K156001
RNaseZap RNase Decontamination Solution AM9780, AM9782,
Nucleic acid isolation—DNA samples
MagMAX DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 Kit A36570
PureLink Genomic DNA Mini Kit K1820-01
Chapter 1 Product information
Recommended materials
12 Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide
Item Source
Nucleic acid quantification
Qubit 4 Fluorometer[1] and one or more of the following kits:
Qubit dsDNA HS Assay Kit (DNA samples)
Qubit RNA HS Assay Kit (RNA samples)
Q32851, Q32854
Q32852, Q32855
Nucleic acid quality control
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer Instrument and one or more of the
following kits:
Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit (DNA samples)
Agilent RNA 6000 Nano Kit (RNA samples)
[1] Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer and later are supported.
Recommended sample controls
Item Source
AcroMetrix Oncology Hotspot Control 969056
Agilent Universal Human Reference RNA 740000 (Agilent)
Horizon Myeloid DNA Reference Standard HD829 (Horizon)
Seraseq Myeloid Mutation DNA Mix 0710-0408 (SeraCare)
Seraseq Myeloid Fusion RNA Mix 0710-0407 (SeraCare)
Genexus Controls
The Ion Torrent Genexus Controls kit (Cat. No. A40267) provides sucient
Genexus Control LibraryAS to perform four library runs. The kit also provides
sucient Genexus Control PanelAS and Genexus DNA Control to perform eight
sample runs.
Note: The Genexus Control LibraryAS is barcoded with IonCode 0101.
Component Quantity Storage
Genexus Control LibraryAS 1 tube
−30°C to −10°CGenexus Control PanelAS 8 carriers (white)
Genexus DNA Control 2 tubes
Chapter 1 Product information
Recommended materials 1
Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide 13
Workflow overview: sampletoresults
The following workflow outlines the key steps in performing the Oncomine Myeloid
Assay GX, from sample dilution to data analysis.
Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX
Create an assay (page 20)
System installed assays that are specifically configured for each sample type are available in the
Genexus Software. You can use the system-installed assays in your run plan without change. If you
want to modify any assay settings, copy the system-installed assay that best represents your experiment,
then edit the assay settings as needed.
Enter samples (page 22)
Enter samples in the Genexus Software to assign sample names and provide other information such as
sample collection date, gender, type, and disease category.
Create a run plan (page 25)
Run plans created in the Genexus Software contain all of the settings that are used in library preparation,
templating, sequencing, and analysis, including sample information and plate location, assays, and
Dilute the samples and load the sample plate (page 30)
Quantify and dilute your nucleic acid samples, then load the sample plate.
Load the sequencer and start a run (page 33)
Follow the step-by-step instructions on the sequencer touch screen to load the sample plate and
consumables in the Genexus Integrated Sequencer.
Review data and results in the Genexus Software (page 40)
View variant calls and visualize results, including side-by-side sample comparison, in the Genexus
Chapter 1 Product information
Workflow overview: sampletoresults
14 Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide
Before you begin
Procedural guidelines ................................................. 15
Before each use of the kit ............................................. 16
About the Genexus Software user interface ........................... 16
Genexus Integrated Sequencer components ........................... 17
Genexus Integrated Sequencer deck stations .......................... 18
Precautions ......................................................... 19
Procedural guidelines
Use only the reagents and supplies that have been validated for the Oncomine
Myeloid Assay GX. For a list of validated reagents and supplies, see “Required
materials not supplied” on page 9 and “Recommended materials” on page 12.
Use good laboratory practices to minimize cross-contamination of products.
Keep all tubes sealed until immediately before loading onto the Genexus
Integrated Sequencer.
Use controls to identify or rule out reagent contamination. For a list of validated
controls, see “Genexus Controls” on page 13.
Minimize freezethaw cycles of the Myeloid DNA Pool 1, Myeloid DNA Pool 2,
and Myeloid RNA Pool 1 tubes. Thaw only the number of panel tubes that are
required for a given experiment and keep the thawed panels at 4°C until ready to
use. Store unused panels at −30°C to −10°C.
Note: One set of panels (Myeloid DNA Pool 1, Myeloid DNA Pool 2, and
Myeloid RNA Pool 1 tubes) is sucient for processing up to 4 samples.
Each GX5 Chip can accommodate up to 8 samples per lane, or 7 samples and
1 no-template control.
Do NOT store the Myeloid DNA Pool 1, Myeloid DNA Pool 2,
Myeloid RNA Pool 1, Genexus Strip 1, and Genexus Strip 2AS on the
Genexus Integrated Sequencer for more than 24 hours before starting an
instrument run.
Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide 15
Before each use of the kit
Thaw assay reagents as indicated:
Thaw Myeloid DNA Pool 1, Myeloid DNA Pool 2, Myeloid RNA Pool 1 on ice or at
4°C for at least 30 minutes and keep on ice until immediately before loading onto
the Genexus Integrated Sequencer.
Thaw Genexus Strip 2AS at room temperature for 30 minutes, then place on
ice until immediately before loading onto the Genexus Integrated Sequencer.
Equilibrate Genexus Strip 1 at room temperature for at least 30 minutes before
loading onto the Genexus Integrated Sequencer.
Once thawed, gently tap tubes and strips on the benchtop to remove any bubbles
and collect the contents at the bottom of each tube. For information on preparing all
reagents and consumables for loading onto the instrument, see “Before you begin”
on page 33.
Note: If tapping fails to dislodge a bubble, you can dislodge large bubbles using the
technique that is described in substep 4b in “Before you begin” on page 33.
About the Genexus Software user interface
The Genexus Software user interface provides menus to help you add, select, and
manage samples, libraries, runs, and assays. You can also view and manage your
sequencing results, monitor Genexus Integrated Sequencer runs in progress, and
manage software settings.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1Samples: add new samples, import samples, prepare library batches, import library batches and manage attributes.
2Runs: plan a run starting from a sample (Sample Run), or library (Library Run). View, edit, and manage runs.
3Monitor: view a sequencer run in progress.
4Results: view sample results, run results, and verification results.
5Assays: manage, create, and import assays. Manage assay preset parameters and panels.
6Settings: access audit records and run logs, configure network settings, and manage data archiving, disk space, and users.
7Profile: access Help, manage and edit user profile settings and SSH key, sign out.
Chapter 2 Before you begin
Before each use of the kit
16 Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide
Genexus Integrated Sequencer components
5 6
11 11
Major features and components of the exterior and sequencing reagents bay of the Genexus Integrated Sequencer
1Door to deck chamber. The door is locked in the closed
position during an instrument run.
2Power button
3Genexus Bottle 1 (Chemical Waste)
4Genexus Conical Bottles (Reusable conical bottles for
Genexus Cartridge reagent dilution)
5Genexus Bottle 2 (Sequencing Solution)
6Genexus Bottle 3 (Cleaning Solution)
7Waste Carboy
8Waste pipette tip bin
9Genexus Cartridge
10 Touchscreen
11 Sequencing reagents bay door. Doors are locked in the
closed position during an instrument run.
Chapter 2 Before you begin
Genexus Integrated Sequencer components 2
Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide 17
Genexus Integrated Sequencer deck stations
9 10
Interior Genexus Integrated Sequencer deck components and stations
1PCR amplification station
3Genexus Barcodes station
4Genexus Primer Pool Tube station
5Genexus Coupler station
6Chip install station
7Zone 1 station (Genexus Strip 1)
8Zone 2 station (Genexus Strip 2AS)
9Zone 3 station (Genexus Strip 3GX5)
10 Zone 4 station (Genexus Strip 4)
11 Enrichment plate station
12 Liquid waste disposal port
13 Waste pipette tip disposal port
14 Sample plate station
15 Genexus Pipette Tips station
16 Robotic pipettor
Chapter 2 Before you begin
Genexus Integrated Sequencer deck stations
18 Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide
Avoid nucleic acid contamination
IMPORTANT! A primary source of contamination is spurious DNA fragments from
previous sample processing steps. Do not introduce amplified DNA into the work
area where the instrument is located.
Avoid chip damage
IMPORTANT! To avoid possible damage to the chip due to electrostatic discharge,
ground yourself before picking up a chip or placing a chip on a surface such as a lab
bench. For example, touch the metal trim on the chip compartment before inserting
or removing a chip from the chip clamp.
Avoid strong electromagnetic radiation
WARNING! Do not use the instrument in close proximity to sources of strong
electromagnetic radiation (for example, unshielded intentional RF sources), as these
sources can interfere with proper operation.
Protection by equipment
WARNING! The protection that is provided by the equipment can be impaired if
the instrument is operated outside the environment and use specifications, the user
provides inadequate maintenance, or the equipment is used in a manner that is not
specified by the manufacturer (Thermo Fisher Scientific).
Chapter 2 Before you begin
Precautions 2
Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide 19
Create and manage assays
System-installed assays for use with the Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX .... 20
Copy an assay (manager/administrator) ................................. 21
Manager- and administrator-level users can create and manage assays in Genexus
Software. This chapter describes how to copy and edit assays, including system-
installed assays. If you are using a system-installed assay without change, proceed
to Chapter 4, “Enter samples”.
System-installed assays for use with the Oncomine Myeloid
Assay GX
The following system-installed assays are available in the Genexus Software 6.2 or
later for use with the Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX. Each system-installed assay is
configured with settings that are optimized for a specific sample type.
Note: Make sure to update your software to the latest available versions of
the system-installed assays. For more information, contact your field service
representative. For information on how to perform software and assay package
updates, see “Download software and assay package updates” on page 76.
Assay name Sample type
Oncomine Myeloid Research - GX5 - DNA and Fusions DNA and RNA
You can use the system-installed assays in your run plan without change. To modify
any assay settings, you can copy the system-installed assay that best represents
your sequencing experiment and sample type, then edit assay settings as needed.
If you are using a system-installed assay without changes, proceed directly to
Chapter 4, “Enter samples” and Chapter 5, “Plan and manage runs”.
To modify a system-installed assay with custom settings, proceed to “Copy an
assay (manager/administrator)” on page 21.
20 Oncomine Myeloid Assay GX User Guide