Video Amplifier Bandwidth:
350 MHz
Input Video Signal: 1.2 volts p-p
Input Sync Signal: 5 volts p-p
Horizontal Frequency Range:
15-100 KHz
Vertical Frequency Range:
30-170 Hz
Remote Connector: RJ-11
Keyboard Connectors: PS/2
or ADB
Mouse Connectors: PS/2 or ADB
Power Consumption:15 Watts
Power Supply:100-240 volts
Dimensions: 5.5” H x
5” W x 6.5 ”D
Rackmountable: 3 Rack Spaces
Shipping Weight: 10 lbs.
List Price: $495.00 for two
$895.00 for six
G E F E N I N C . 6 2 6 5 V A R I E L A V E N U E , W O O D L A N D H I L L S , C A 9 1 3 6 7
P h o n e : 8 0 0-5 45-6900 818 884-62 94 Fa x : 8 1 8 -8 8 4-3108 I n te rn e t: h t t p : / /www. g e fe n . co m e m a i l : g s i n fo @ g efe n . co m
Now you can work on any combination of
Macintosh PC and/or SGI computers - using only
one monitor, keyboard and mouse.
The PC/Mac2000 c ross platform switch saves
space – there ’s no need to work on a desk cro w d e d
with multiple monitors, keyboards and mouse
devices. It saves time – there ’s no need to move
f r om one monitor to another to access diff e r ent
c o m p u t e r s . And, it saves money – there ’s no need
to purchase additional monitors, mouse devices,
k e y b o a r ds etc.
By connecting multiple PC/Mac2000s in cascade,
you can easily access over 60 computers from one
How it works:
The PC/Mac2000 switches between PC and
Macintosh computers located near each other.
Simply plug your peripherals directly into the
switch, connect the cables to the computers you
want to control, select the computer you want to
work on, and you’re ready.
The PC/Mac2000 allows you to choose between
the Macintosh or PC keyboard/video/mouse
combination. Switching between computers is done
f rom the keyboard, keyswitch or by remote contro l
using Gefen’s RMT-16.
The PC/MAC2000 is rackmountable.
t e n d
i t
P C /M A C
2 0 0 0
C ro ss Platform Sw i tc h - P rofe s sional Series
PS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer. ex•tend•it, PC/Mac2000 and RMT-16 are regis-
tered trademarks of Gefen Inc. Copyright © 1999 Gefen Inc. All Rights reserved.
Expansion Bus