Cyber Control 2 II Quick Start
II Quick Start
The Main Cyber Control 2 Concepts
The main concepts of Cyber Control 2 are
pages, scenes and switches.
1. Each fixture type has its own page.
2. Each page contains scenes and switches.
3. A scene controls multiple channel types. E.g. Colour AND gobo AND xy. Only one scene can be
activated on a page at one time.
4. A switch controls one channel type. E.g. color OR gobo OR xy. It is possible to have as many
switches activated as you like (as long as they don't affect the same channel type).
For example, you could have a scene whereby the lights are moving and dimming up and down. You
can then make a "red wash" switch and when the switch is activated, the moving scene will carry on,
but the lights turn red. Switches are good for quick temporary changes and scenes are where you will
usually store your main lighting programming.
1. Creating your first show
Open Cyber Control 2. The open the show dialog can be found from the main menu.
Click here to create a new show.
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