H a rd w a re Specifications
2 0 A - U S B
D i m e n s i o n s
4 in. x 4.3 in. x 1 in. (10.2 cm x 10.9
cm x 2.6 cm)
We i g h t
0.5 lbs
LAN Interf a c e
Universal Serial Interface (USB),
Type B, Version 1.1
Operating Enviro n m e n t
Te m p e r a t u re :
32 - 120ºF (0 - 50ºC)
H u m i d i t y :
5 - 95% noncondensing
Power Require m e n t s
P o w e red from USB Interf a c e
Safety Compliance
EMC/RFI Compliance
FCC Part 15
WAN Interf a c e
ADSL (RJ-11 Connector)
Line Impedance
100 Ω
Line Code
ITU G.DMT (G.992.1), G.Lite
(G.992.2), T1.413 issue 2
Line Speed
Full Rate (G.DMT): 8 Mbps down-
s t ream, 1 Mbps upstream; G.Lite:
1.536 Mbps downstream, 512 Kbps
u p s t ream; T1.413 issue 2 rate: 6.144
Mbps downstream, 512 Kbps
u p s t re a m
S o f t w a re Specifications
ATM Layer
Up to 8 PVCs
RFC 1483, multi-protocol over AT M
RFC 1577, IPoA
RFC 2364, PPP over ATM (CHAP
and PAP support e d )
RFC 2516, PPPoE (PPP over
E t h e rnet) over ATM (with third
p a rty software )
M a n a g e m e n t
M i c rosoft Windows control panel
monitoring pro g r a m
P C O/S Support e d
M i c rosoft Windows 98, 98SE, 2000, ME
Apple Macintosh
©2001 Lucent Technologies, Inc.
Printed in the U.S.A.
07/01 • 01-BA-2
Specifications subject to change
without notice.
To learn more, contact
your Lucent Technologies
Representative, Authorized
Reseller, or Sales Agent.
Or, visit our Web sites.
CellPipe is a trademark of Lucent Technologies Inc.
All other trademarks, re g i s t e red trademarks, service names, products, or brand names are the sole pro p e rt y
of their respective owners. This document is for planning purposes only and is not intended to modify or
supplement any specifications or warranties relating to these products and services.