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5 Configuration
Content of this configuration
Only the steps required for the configuration of this
product are described below. The configuration of the
complete heating system is described in the "Configu-
ration" manual supplied with the boiler.
Starting the configuration assistant
In the system settings, increase the authorization
to [Service], and open the system configuration menu
with the [Systems configuration] button.
Fig. 5-1: System configuration menu
Start the configuration assistant with the [Starting
the assistant] button.
Adjusting options in the function block [Boiler]
Select the required function block from the [Selected
function blocks] column:
Open the option and enable the following:
Press the [Accept] button to save.
Adding a function block [Precipitator]
Select the required function block from the [Possible
function blocks] column:
Add the function block and specify the boiler type in the
settings. Also enter the serial number of the boiler. This
is indicated on the type plate and is also visible in the
function block of the boiler.
Press the [Options] button to save the settings. There
are no other options to select. Press the [Accept]
button to save.
Establishing a [Flue gas] connection
Establish a new connection by pressing the button
[New connection] and select the connection type [Flue
gas] The producers and consumers must be specified
for these; see the following table.
Further configuration and installation
Continue with configuration and installation of the
heating system as described in the "Configura-
tion" manual supplied with the boiler.
Selected function blocks
HA-C 0
Electrostatic precipitator
Possible function blocks
EM-C 8
Type of precipitator eHack 20-45 kW or
eHack 50-80 kW
Serial no. before .
Serial no. after .
Flue gas
HA-C 0: Boiler: Flue gas
EM-C 8: Precip.: Flue gas