Coal red power plant
GM35 g p. 57
ZIRKOR302 g p. 58
Gas monitoring at the boiler outlet
Combustion efciency is an important
control parameter when fuel is burned to
generate heat. Zirconium oxide oxygen
analyzers are the most widely used com-
bustion control instruments. CO is mea-
sured at the economizer as a secondary
component for burner control. Reliable
and accurate monitoring of O
and CO
at the boiler outlet are key elements to
control the excess air in the combustion
The ZIRKOR302 in-situ analyzer provides
a reliable and rapid measurement of
oxygen even at higher temperatures.
The GM35 gas analyzer measures CO,
and H
O concentrations as well as
temperature and pressure quickly, easily
and economically.
Montioring re-circulation air
The GM901 in-situ CO gas analyzer
is available as a cross-duct type. As a
result, it is suited to a broad range of
applications - even for difcult measuring
tasks such as overpressure, critical ow
proles or high gas concentrations.
GM960 g p. 63
Monitoring at the boiler wall
The reducing atmosphere inside the
boiler is the primary cause of corro-
sion and the formation of deposits. By
maintaining CO at low levels and O
minimum of 0.5%, corrosion or deteriora-
tion of the boiler wall can be minimized.
The GM960 boiler wall monitor is a
measuring system for the analysis of CO
and O
at the inner boiler wall. The CO
Corrosion Level and CO Corrosion Load
are determined at each of up to 40 mea-
suring points. CO and O
values and CO
Corrosion Levels detect potential danger
of corrosion so that immediate action
can be taken such as better control of
feeders or combustion air. CO Corrosion
Load represents the long term CO corro-
sion exposure to the boiler wall.
GM901 g p. 58
8015783/2013-05-08 8015783/2013-05-08
Subject to change without notice
Subject to change without notice