Skov DA 3800 flange inlet Mounting Guide

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  • What is the DA 3800 flange inlet used for?
    Can the DA 3800 flange inlet be mounted in different wall types?
    What is Advanced Inlet Control (AIC)?
    What material is the DA 3800 flange inlet made of?
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
Mounting Guide
604351 • 2021-03-17
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
Mounting Guide 3
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SKOV A/S reserves the right to change this document and the product herein described without further notice.
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Copyright by SKOV A/S.
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
Mounting Guide
1 Product description........................................................................................................................................5
2 Product survey ...............................................................................................................................................6
2.1 Flange inlet ................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Accessories................................................................................................................................ 7
3 Mounting guide.............................................................................................................................................10
3.1 Recommended tools................................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Mounting of sandwich screws................................................................................................ 11
3.3 Wall inlet positioning............................................................................................................... 12
3.4 Mounting inlet ..........................................................................................................................12
3.4.1 Preparing hole in wall................................................................................................................. 12
3.4.2 Mounting clamp for the pull rod.................................................................................................. 14
3.4.3 Mounting inlet in wall.................................................................................................................. 16
3.4.4 Mounting the activation lever ..................................................................................................... 17
3.4.5 Mounting safety strip.................................................................................................................. 17
3.4.6 Oblique walls.............................................................................................................................. 18
3.4.7 Foaming ..................................................................................................................................... 19
3.4.8 Pointing ...................................................................................................................................... 20
3.4.9 Check the mounting ................................................................................................................... 21
3.5 Mounting pull rod and reel...................................................................................................... 22
3.5.1 Release for cord when servicing................................................................................................ 24
3.5.2 Coil spring .................................................................................................................................. 25
3.5.3 Spring unit on pull rod ................................................................................................................ 26
3.5.4 Advanced Inlet Control (AIC) ..................................................................................................... 27 Standard opening....................................................................................................................... 27 Differential opening .................................................................................................................... 28 From differential to standard opening ........................................................................................ 29
3.6 Mounting accessories ............................................................................................................. 30
3.6.1 Inlet funnel ................................................................................................................................. 30
3.6.2 Extension piece.......................................................................................................................... 31
3.6.3 Wall gasket ................................................................................................................................ 33
3.6.4 Outside flange for wall inlet........................................................................................................ 33
3.6.5 Screen........................................................................................................................................ 35
3.6.6 Air direction baffle ...................................................................................................................... 40
3.6.7 Extension rod ............................................................................................................................. 42
3.6.8 Hen net ...................................................................................................................................... 44
3.6.9 Louver kit ................................................................................................................................... 45
3.6.10 Dimmer ...................................................................................................................................... 47
4 Maintenance..................................................................................................................................................48
4.1 Recycling/Disposal .................................................................................................................. 48
5 Technical data...............................................................................................................................................49
5.1 Dimensioned sketch ................................................................................................................ 50
5.1.1 DA 3800 .................................................................................................................................... 50
5.1.2 Inlet funnel ................................................................................................................................. 50
5.1.3 Air direction baffle ...................................................................................................................... 51
5.1.4 Shield ......................................................................................................................................... 51
5.1.5 Hen net ...................................................................................................................................... 51
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
Mounting Guide 5
1 Product description
The DA 3800 flange inlet is a large universal wall inlet, which is used for ventilating livestock houses with LPV or
Combi-Tunnel ventilation.
The flange inlet can be adapted to wall thicknesses up to 35 cm employing an extension piece. The inlet is fixed
on the inside wall by screws through the flange itself. It cannot be built or cast directly into wall elements.
The DA 3800 flange inlet is available with Advanced Inlet Control (AIC), which makes it easy to adjust the air in-
take following the current conditions.
The DA 3800 is also available with Advanced Flow Control (AFC), which provides high pressure stability and
optimum airflow from minimum to maximum ventilation.
The DA 3800 flange inlet is easy-to-clean because of its open and smooth design.
The inlet is made of a highly impact-proof material; it is dimensionally stable and 100% recyclable.
DA 3800 flange inlet is protected by several patents.
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
6 Mounting Guide
2 Product survey
Flange inlet
Outside flange
Air direction baffle
Hen net
Extension piece
Extension rod
Inlet funnel
Air intake louver kit
Wall gasket
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
Mounting Guide 7
2.1 Flange inlet
433354 DA 3800 AFC flange inlet w/inlet funnel
It is used for ventilation of livestock buildings. The flange inlet is available
with Advanced Flow Control (AFC), which provides high pressure stability
and optimum airflow from minimum to maximum ventilation.
The inlet funnel incl. coarse net is used to improve performance as well as
avoid the ingress of birds and larger animals.
It comes with spring unit, parts for mounting on pull rod, and differentiation.
The 14 screws for mounting must be ordered separately. When mounting in
a sandwich wall, 351585 can be used.
433374 DA 3800 AFC flange inlet wo/inlet funnel
It is used for ventilation of livestock buildings. The flange inlet is available
with Advanced Flow Control (AFC), which provides high pressure stability
and optimum airflow from minimum to maximum ventilation.
It comes with spring unit, parts for mounting on pull rod, and differentiation.
The 14 screws for mounting must be ordered separately. When mounting in
a sandwich wall, 351585 can be used.
433353 DA 3800 flange inlet w/inlet funnel
It is used for ventilation of livestock buildings.
The inlet funnel incl. coarse net is used to improve performance as well as
avoid the ingress of birds and larger animals.
It comes with spring unit, parts for mounting on pull rod, and differentiation.
The 14 screws for mounting must be ordered separately. When mounting in
a sandwich wall, 351585 can be used.
433373 DA 3800 flange inlet wo/inlet funnel
It is used for ventilation of livestock buildings.
It comes with spring unit, parts for mounting on pull rod, and differentiation.
The 14 screws for mounting must be ordered separately. When mounting in
a sandwich wall, 351585 can be used.
2.2 Accessories
433355 DA 3800 air direction baffle
The air direction baffle is used to direct/correct the air jet vertically.
The air direction baffle may reduce the need for covering small obstacles
(h<100 mm) on the ceiling surface.
It comes with screws, brackets, and positioning lock.
One per inlet.
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
8 Mounting Guide
433364 DA 3800 screen
It is used for protection against direct light incidence, wind, and driving rain.
The 10 screws for mounting must be ordered separately. When mounting in
a sandwich wall, 351585 can be used.
One per inlet.
433358 DA 3800 outside flange
It is used where a closed wall transition is required on the outside.
The 14 screws and 14 washers for mounting must be ordered separately.
When mounting in a sandwich wall, 433375 can be used.
One per inlet.
433375 DA 3800 screw kit f/outside flange
Used when mounting the DA 3800 outside flange in sandwich walls.
433359 DA 3800 extension rod 40 cm
The extension rod is used if you want to run the pull rod round heavy con-
crete pillars or the like, where it is not possible to run the pull rod directly
through the pillar by making a through-going hole.
It is supplied with an 1850 mm nylon cord.
The 4 screws for mounting must be ordered separately. When mounting in
a sandwich wall, 351585 can be used.
One per inlet.
433371 DA 3800 extension piece 14 cm
Used for wall dimensions from 14-24 cm.
433369 DA 3800 extension piece 17.5 cm
Used for wall dimensions from 24-27.5 cm.
433370 DA 3800 extension 25.5 cm
Used for wall dimensions from 27.5 to 35 cm.
The extension must be used together with the inlet funnel and the inlet
when the wall thickness exceeds 13 cm.
If an extension piece is to be used on a flange inlet without inlet funnel
(433354 and 433373), 433352 inlet funnel must always be ordered, as it
contains an insulation piece.
It comes with mounting screws.
One per inlet.
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
Mounting Guide 9
433352 DA 3800 inlet funnel
The inlet funnel incl. coarse net is used for retrofitting to improve perfor-
mance as well as avoid the ingress of birds and larger animals.
Inlet funnel contains an insulation piece for insulation.
Click it directly onto the inlet.
One per inlet.
433360 DA 3800 hen net
It is used to prevent the birds from sitting on the inlet flap.
Cannot be used together with the air direction baffle.
It comes with mounting fitting.
The air output is not influenced by the hen net.
One per inlet.
433363 DA 3800 louver kit
Used when retrofitting of Advanced Flow Control (AFC)T, which provides
high pressure stability and optimum airflow from minimum to maximum ven-
tilation, is required. Note that in case of new sale, the following part no.
should be offered instead: 433354 and 433353 with inlet funnel including
louver kit/AFC.
One per inlet.
433381 DA 3800 wall gasket
Used as a gasket between the wall and DA 3800 flange inlet. Can in most
cases replace the manual point process.
To be mounted on the inlet frame.
One per inlet.
433372 DA 3800 damper for flap
Used in areas with a risk of strong gust of wind.
Strong gusts of wind on the leeward side of the building can create a high
negative pressure that can close the inlet flap for a short time. The damper
prevents the sound effect that can occur and disturb the animals in these
One per inlet.
351585 Tapp. screw 5x30 pan TX25 ZnNi spec.
Used when mounting the DA 3800 and accessories in sandwich walls.
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
10 Mounting Guide
3 Mounting guide
Check that all ordered parts are present and undamaged prior to starting the work. Read the directions carefully
before starting mounting.
3.1 Recommended tools
See a list of tools recommended for the installation of the flange inlet below.
Item Description
Cordless drill
Bits holder
Screwdriver bits
Drill kit
Sealant gun
Utility knife
Marker pen
Torque wrench
Tape measure
Foam gun
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
Mounting Guide 11
Item Description
Spirit level
Try square
3.2 Mounting of sandwich screws
To ensure that the screw makes the right thickening and the best possible thread on the back, the correct hole
must be drilled first and the screwing must be done with the correct momentum depending on the thickness of
the metal in the sandwich panel.
Diameter of
screw [mm]
Thickness of metal in
sandwich panel
Size of holes in
sandwich panel
0.63 - 0.75 Ø 3.8 2.5
0.75 - 0.88 Ø 4.1 3.0
0.88 - 1.00 Ø 4.2 3.5
1.00 - 1.25 Ø 4.3 3.5
1.25 - 1.50 Ø 4.4 4.0
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
12 Mounting Guide
3.3 Wall inlet positioning
The positioning of the inlet in a wall depends on the layout of the building and the house layout. The positioning
may therefore only be made according to directions communicated by SKOV or representatives of the company.
The inlet must be placed horizontally in the wall. The inlet flap must be pointing into the house.
Place the insulation of the brickwork against the inlet all the way round (like in other categories of constructions).
This way you prevent a cold bridge along the side of the inlet from being formed.
The inlet is fixed on the inside wall by screws directly through the flange itself, see section Mounting inlet in wall
[}16]. In connection with brick and concrete walls, use mounting foam to fix the inlet, see section Foaming
3.4 Mounting inlet
3.4.1 Preparing hole in wall
Mark out the correct amount of holes according to measurements. Be aware of tolerance.
Distance to coil spring
Min. distance between holes
Min. distance to the wall on the
tensile side, see table below
1200 mm
950 mm 950 mm
220 mm
xxx mm
480 mm
280 mm
Distance to the ceiling
Positioning of actuator Min. distance to the wall on the tensile side
Min. 2100 mm
637 mm
700 mm 950 mm
Min. 2100 mm
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
Mounting Guide 13
Remember always to use a spirit level.
Drill four holes of roughly 10 mm right through the wall.
Cut the holes.
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
14 Mounting Guide
3.4.2 Mounting clamp for the pull rod
Twist the wedges off. Keep them, so they are ready for
later use. See section Oblique walls [}18].
For AFC inlets, remove the activation lever. Keep them,
so they are ready for later use. See section Mounting
the activation lever [}17].
Parts in a bag and where they are used
Picture Num-
Type Application
1DA 3800 bracket for the pull rod. Used in section, Mounting clamp for the
pull rod [}14].
2PT screw 5x16, flange, TX25.
Tightenedwith 2 Nm
1Tunnel inlet, bushing L= 17.5. Used in section, Mounting pull rod and reel
1DA 3800 reel ø12/18/28x12.4.
1DA 3800 clamp for the pull rod. Used in section, Spring unit on pull rod
1Tapping screw 4.8x32 TX25.
Tightened with 3Nm.
1Washer ø4.3/ø15x1.
1DA 3800 safety strip for flap Used in section, Mounting safety strip
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
Mounting Guide 15
Mount the holder for the pull rod using the two enclosed
screws (2 Nm).
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
16 Mounting Guide
3.4.3 Mounting inlet in wall
Make sure that the inlet flap is closed.
In the case of sloping walls, make sure not to tighten the
screws too much so that the inlet frame becomes
oblique, preventing the inlet flap from closing tightly. See
section Oblique walls [}18].
Place the inlet in the middle of the hole. Avoid pushing
the inlet into place during mounting.
Mount the inlet on the wall using screws.
Remember to use a spirit level.
Please make sure not to over-tighten the screws as they
are tightened directly against plastic.
To open the inlet, the differential switch on the flap must
be turned counterclockwise.
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
Mounting Guide 17
3.4.4 Mounting the activation lever
Open inlet.
1. Mount the activation lever on the guide bar on both
2. Turn the activation lever.
3. Press the activation lever into the slot.
3.4.5 Mounting safety strip
Open inlet.
1. Insert the safety strip around the center pillar.
2. Insert the safety strip into the two slots on the flap.
3. Press the safety strip into the two slots.
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
18 Mounting Guide
3.4.6 Oblique walls
If the inside wall is sloping, you may have to mount a
heavy-duty plate or wedges between the inlet and the
wall to avoid distortion of the inlet.
It is essential to adjust for the distortion when mounting
in sloping walls. Otherwise, the inlet flap does not close
tightly after the inlet is inserted.
The inlet frame is adjusted using wedges,from section
Mounting clamp for the pull rod [}14].
Check that the inlet flap still closes tightly every time a
screw is tightened. Otherwise, you have to adjust the
wedges until the inlet flap closes tightly again.
Remove the redundant part of the wedge when all the
screws have been tightened.
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
Mounting Guide 19
3.4.7 Foaming
SKOV A/S recommends using single-component polyurethane foam or similar.
Check before foaming how much the foam expands.
Wet the faces with water from a mist sprayer before
proceeding with the foaming.
Foam around the inlet, as shown in the drawing. Foam
the entire depth of the wall in the corners of the inlet
and approx. 10 cm to each side.
In the middle part of the inlet, it is essential only to
foam along the edge, as the foam may otherwise
cause the inlet to warp.
Push the foam in against the inlet (5-10 mm) after the
foam has dried a little to allow adequate space for
Wet the foam again with water from a mist sprayer.
DA 3800 Flange Inlet
20 Mounting Guide
3.4.8 Pointing
SKOV A/S recommends Sikaflex AT Connection or MS polymer single-component or similar.
If the wall gasket is chosen, it can in most cases re-
place the manual point process. See section Wall gas-
ket [}33].
Complete by applying a sealing edge both internally
and externally when the foam is dry.
Point flat the surface of the pointing.
If the distance between the wall and the edge of the in-
let exceeds 6 mm, you can use a sealant tape to seal
up with before placing the pointing.