Apollo S10 SoM
October 14,
Figure 2-9 Menu of Demo Program
In board info test, the program will display local temperature, remote temperature, 12V
input power monitor and fan rotation speed. The remote temperature is the FPGA
temperature, and the local temperature is the board temperature where the
temperature sensor located. A power monitor IC (LTC2945) embedded on the board
can monitor real-time current and power. This IC can work out current/power value as
multiplier and divider are embedded in it. There is a sense resistor R4 (0.003 Ω) for
LTC2945 in the circuit, when power on the Apollo S10, there will be a voltage drop
(named ∆SENSE Voltage) on R4. Based on sense resistors, the program of power
monitor can calculate the associated voltage, current and power consumption.
In the external PLL programming test, the program will program the PLL first, and
subsequently use TERASIC custom Platform Designer CLOCK_COUNTER IP to count
the clock count in a specified period to check whether the output frequency as changed
as configured. For Si5341A programming, please note the device I2C address is 0xEE.
The program can control the Si5341A to configure the output frequency of