8 VI.72.R1.02 Danfoss 1/94 BC-HM
Automatic changeover between
normal and reduced temperature
according to time switch settings.
Constant normal temperature. Time
switch is overridden.
Manual control. Controller function
off. Valve motor receives no control
signals, use button b) for manual
valve control.
d) Indications
ON - alight, when controller has been
connected and functions properly
- off, if controller is defect or if S1
sensor is interrupted, short-
circuted or missing
- flashes, when frost protection is
active. Frost protection is active
- S1, S2, or S4 are lower
than +6 °C
- S3 is lower than +2 °C.
- flashes together with
function switch is set in position
. Number of interruptions
show number of connected
- alight at reduced temperature
- flashes together with ON when
function switch is in position
Number of interruptions show
number of connected sensors.
▲ alight as long as gear motor
receives signal to open the valve
(to increase temperature).
Shortest signal is 0.5 sec.
▼ alight as long as gear motor
receives signal to close the valve
(to reduce temperature). Shortest
signal is 0.5 sec.
Controller settings
User settings
a) Programmable time switch
b) Temperature setting
c) Funktion switch
d) Indications
e) User guide
a) Time switch
Analog time switch is set in the required
normal and reduced temperature periods
in pushing riders for reduced temperature
settings towards the center of the time
Set actual time and week day vis-a-vis
the mark in turning the dial in arrow
Digital time switch ECA 9016, see
enclosed user guide.
b) Temperature setting
Use the temperature knop for setting
required storage or flow temperature
(reference temperature for S1). Setting
range 30 - 70 °C.
c) Function switch
Valve closes and circulation pump
stops, frost protection at 6 °C.
Constant reduced temperature.
Time switch override