Stage 2A: Fragment and precipitate theDNA ..................................... 253
Time required ............................................................ 253
Input and output plates .................................................... 253
Materials, labware, and reagents required .................................... 253
Perform the pre-runchecklist .............................................. 255
Run the fragmentation and precipitation step ................................. 256
Workflow for Stage 2: Fragmentation and precipitation ........................ 259
Stage 2B: Centrifuge and drypellets ............................................ 263
Time required ............................................................ 263
Input and output plates .................................................... 263
Equipment and consumables required ...................................... 263
Centrifuge and dry thepellets .............................................. 264
Stage 3: Prepare the resuspension and hybridization reagent mixture ................ 265
Time required ............................................................ 265
Input and output plates .................................................... 265
Materials, labware, and reagents required .................................... 265
Prepare pelletedDNA ..................................................... 267
Perform the pre-runchecklist .............................................. 267
Run the resuspension and hybridization preparation step ...................... 267
Complete resuspension by o deckshaking ................................. 271
Workflow for Stage 3: Resuspension and hybridization preparation ............. 272
Stage 4: Reassemble Hybridization Ready Plate and performsampleQC ............ 273
Time required ............................................................ 273
Input and output plates .................................................... 273
Materials, labware, and reagents required .................................... 274
Perform the pre-runchecklist .............................................. 275
Run the plate reassembly and QC step ...................................... 275
Workflows for Stage 4: Hybridization ready plate reassembly and sample QC .... 280
Stage 5: Denature sample and transfer to hybridization tray ........................ 283
Time required ............................................................ 283
Input and output plates .................................................... 283
Equipment and labware required ........................................... 283
Perform the pre-runchecklist .............................................. 284
Prepare the array plate and the Hyb Ready Sample Plate (if stored at–20°C) ..... 284
Prepare the GeneTitan™ MCInstrument ..................................... 285
Denature the Hyb Ready Sample Plate with an o deck thermalcycler .......... 286
Run the transfer denatured samples to hybridization tray step .................. 286
Load hybridization tray and array plate into the GeneTitan™ MCInstrument ...... 289
Workflow for Stage 5: Sample denaturation and transfer to hybridization tray ..... 290
Stage 6: Prepare GeneTitan™ reagents .......................................... 291
Time required ............................................................ 291
Materials, labware, and reagents required .................................... 291
Notes on handling reagents with precipitates ................................. 293
Perform the pre-runchecklist .............................................. 294
Axiom™ 2.0 Assay 384HT Array Format Automated Workflow User Guide—Biomek™i7 9