Pos: 2 /D ok ument ati on al lg em ein/E inb and /Ei nban d F ro ntsei te - Han dbuc h; C I 20 17; mit Do cVar ia ble n (St an dard) @ 28\mod_1486477502910_0.docx @ 405388 @ @ 1
Electronic Circuit Breaker
24 VDC, 0.5 ... 8 A
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 3 /A lle Ser ien ( All ge mein e M odul e)/ Rec htlic h es, A llg emei nes /Im pre ssu m f ür St and ard han dbüc her - al lg. Ang aben, A nschr iften, Telefo nnum mern un d E-Mail- Adres sen @ 3\mod_1219151118203_21.docx @ 21060 @ @ 1
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
© 2019 WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
All rights reserved.
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Hansastraße 27
D-32423 Minden
Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 0
Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 1 69
Web: www.wago.com
Technical Support
Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 4 45 55
Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 84 45 55
Every conceivable measure has been taken to ensure the accuracy and
completeness of this documentation. However, as errors can never be fully
excluded, we always appreciate any information or suggestions for improving the
We wish to point out that the software and hardware terms as well as the
trademarks of companies used and/or mentioned in the present manual are
generally protected by trademark or patent.
WAGO is a registered trademark of WAGO Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH.
=== Ende der Lis te f ür T e xtmar ke Ei nb and _vor ne = ==
Table of Contents 3
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 5 /D ok ument ati on al lg em ein/V erz eic hni sse /Inh alts ver zei chni s - Ü bersc hrift oG und Ver zeich nis @ 3\mod_1219151230875_21.docx @ 21063 @ @ 1
Table of Contents
1 Notes about this Documentation ............................................................. 5
1.1 Validity of this Documentation................................................................. 5
1.2 Copyright ................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Symbols ................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Number Notation .................................................................................... 9
1.5 Font Conventions ................................................................................... 9
2 Important Notes ...................................................................................... 10
2.1 Legal Bases .......................................................................................... 10
2.1.1 Subject to Changes .......................................................................... 10
2.1.2 Personnel Qualifications .................................................................. 10
2.1.3 Use of the 787 Series in Compliance with Underlying Provisions ..... 10
2.1.4 Technical Condition of Specified Devices......................................... 11
2.2 Safety Advice (Precautions) ................................................................. 12
3 Device Description .................................................................................. 15
3.1 View ..................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Connectors ........................................................................................... 18
3.3 Display Elements .................................................................................. 19
3.4 Operating Elements .............................................................................. 20
3.5 Technical Data ..................................................................................... 21
3.6 Approvals ............................................................................................. 24
3.7 Standards and Guidelines .................................................................... 25
4 Function Description .............................................................................. 26
4.1 Tripping Characteristics ........................................................................ 26
4.2 Undervoltage and Overvoltage Detection ............................................. 28
4.3 Activating Capacitive Loads .................................................................. 29
4.4 ON delay .............................................................................................. 29
4.5 Control Input S1.................................................................................... 30
4.6 Signal Output S2 .................................................................................. 31
5 Mounting .................................................................................................. 33
5.1 DIN-35 Rail ........................................................................................... 33
5.1.1 Mounting on DIN-Rail ....................................................................... 33
5.1.2 Removal from the DIN-Rail .............................................................. 34
6 Connect Devices ..................................................................................... 35
6.1 Connection Example ............................................................................ 35
6.1.1 Connection Example 787-2861/0xx0-0000 ....................................... 35
6.1.2 Connection Example 787-2861/0108-0020 ...................................... 36
6.2 Distribute Potential ............................................................................... 38
6.3 Bridging Voltage or Signal .................................................................... 39
7 Configuration (787-2861/0108-0020 only) .............................................. 40
8 Diagnostics.............................................................................................. 41
8.1 General Operating Statuses ................................................................. 41
List of Figures .................................................................................................. 44
4 Table of Contents
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
List of Tables .................................................................................................... 45
=== Ende der Lis te f ür T e xtmar ke V erz eic hnis _vor ne == =
Notes about this Documentation 5
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 7 /A lle Ser ien ( All ge mein e M odul e)/ Über sc hrif ten/ Ebe ne 1/Hi nwei s e zu dies er D o kume ntati on - Über schr ift 1 @ 4\mod_1237987661750_21.docx @ 29029 @ 1 @ 1
1 Notes about this Documentation
Pos: 8 /A lle Ser ien ( All ge mein e M odul e)/ Sic her heit s- und sonstige Hinweise/Hinweis/Hinweis: Dokumentation aufbe wahr e n @ 4 \mod_1237987339812_21.docx @ 29026 @ @ 1
Always retain this documentation!
This documentation is part of the product. Therefore, retain the documentation
during the entire service life of the product. Pass on the documentation to any
subsequent user. In addition, ensure that any supplement to this documentation
is included, if necessary.
Pos: 9 /A lle Ser ien ( All ge mein e M odul e)/ Über sc hrif ten/ Ebe ne 2/G ültig kei tsb ereic h - Über schr ift 2 @ 12\mod_1338912448776_21.doc x @ 96469 @ 2 @ 1
1.1 Validity of this Documentation
Pos: 10 /S eri e 7 87 ( EPS ITR ON)/H i nwei se zur D o kume ntati on /Gül tig keit sb ereic h/ Gül tig keit D o kume ntati on El ektr onisc h er S chutz sc halt er 7 87- 16xx/2861 @ 13\mod_1342442188427_21.doc x @ 100350 @ @ 1
This documentation applies to the electronic circuit breaker 787-2861 and the
versions listed in the following table.
Pos: 11 /Serie 787 (EPS ITRON) /Hi nweis e zur Do kument ation /Vari antenl iste n/Vari ante nlist e Elektr onisc her Sch utzsc halt er 787-2861/787-2861/0108-0020 @ 23\mod_1436271316353_21.docx @ 185476 @ @ 1
Table 1: Versions
Item No./Version
Electronic Circuit Breaker,
24 VDC, 0.5 A
Electronic Circuit Breaker,
24 VDC, 1 A
Electronic Circuit Breaker,
24 VDC, 2 A
Electronic Circuit Breaker,
24 VDC, 4 A
Electronic Circuit Breaker,
24 VDC, 6 A
Electronic Circuit Breaker,
24 VDC, 8 A
Electronic Circuit Breaker, adjustable
24 VDC, 1 … 8 A
Pos: 12 /A ll e Ser ien (Al lg emei ne M od ule)/ Sic her heit s- u nd s ons tig e Hi nwei se/H i nweis /Hi nw eis: Gül tig keit der Ang ab en f ür a ufg eli stete V aria nten @ 9\mod_1281520778141_21.docx @ 63085 @ @ 1
Documentation Validity for Variants
Unless otherwise indicated, the information given in this documentation applies
to listed variants.
Pos: 13.1 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/Ü bers chr ift en/ Ebe ne 2/ Ur heb ersc hut z - Ü bersc hr ift 2 @ 23\ mod_1435647042188_21. docx @ 18 4808 @ 2 @ 1
1.2 Copyright
Pos: 13.2 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/R ec htli ches , All ge mei nes /Ur heb ersc hut z au sf ührli ch @ 4\mod_1235565145234_21.docx @ 27691 @ @ 1
This Manual, including all figures and illustrations, is copyright-protected. Any
further use of this Manual by third parties that violate pertinent copyright
provisions is prohibited. Reproduction, translation, electronic and phototechnical
filing/archiving (e.g., photocopying) as well as any amendments require the
written consent of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Minden, Germany.
Non-observance will involve the right to assert damage claims.
6 Notes about this Documentation
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 13.3 /Dokumentation allgemei n/Gliederungselemente/---Sei te nwe chsel --- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 21810 @ @ 1
Notes about this Documentation 7
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 13.4 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/Ü bers chr ift en/ Ebe ne 2/ S ymbol e - Ü ber schr if t 2 @ 13\ mod_1351068042408_21.docx @ 105270 @ 2 @ 1
1.3 Symbols
Pos: 13 .5.1 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule)/ Sicher heits- und so nsti ge H in weis e/G efa hr/G efa hr: _War nu ng vor P ers on ensc hä den allgemein_ - Erl äuter ung @ 13\ mod_1343309450020_21.docx @ 101029 @ @ 1
Personal Injury!
Indicates a high-risk, imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
Pos: 13 .5.2 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule) /Sic herh eits - und sonst ige Hi nweise/ Gefa hr/Gef ahr: _ Warnu ng vor Per son ensch äden d urch el ektrisc hen Str om_ - Erläuterung @ 13\mod_1343309694914_21.doc x @ 101030 @ @ 1
Personal Injury Caused by Electric Current!
Indicates a high-risk, imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
Pos: 13 .5.3 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule)/ Sicher heits- und so nsti ge H in weis e/W arn ung/ War nung : _ War nu ng vor P ers one nsch äde n al lg emei n_ - Erläut erung @ 13\mo d_1343309877041_21.docx @ 101035 @ @ 1
Personal Injury!
Indicates a moderate-risk, potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
Pos: 13 .5.4 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule)/ Sicher heits- und sonstige Hin weise/ Vorsic ht/V orsich t: _War nung v or Pers onensc häd en allge mein _ - Erläuterung @ 13\mod_1343310028762_21.docx @ 101038 @ @ 1
Personal Injury!
Indicates a low-risk, potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury.
Pos: 13 .5.5 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule)/ Sicher heits- und so nsti ge H in weis e/A chtu ng/ Ach tung : _ War nung v or Sac hsc h äden allg em ein _ - Erläuterung @ 13\mod_1343310134623_21.docx @ 101041 @ @ 1
Damage to Property!
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
damage to property.
Pos: 13 .5.6 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule)/ Sicher heits- und sonsti ge Hin weise/ Achtu ng/A chtung : _War nung v or Sachsc häd en durc h elektr ostati sch e Aufla dung_ - Erläut erung @ 13\mod_1343310227702_21.docx @ 101044 @ @ 1
Damage to Property Caused by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)!
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
damage to property.
Pos: 13 .5.7 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule) /Sic herh eits - und sonstige Hinweise/Hinweis/Hinweis: _Wichtiger Hinweis allgemein_ - Erläuterung @ 13\mod_1343310326906_21.docx @ 101047 @ @ 1
Important Note!
Indicates a potential malfunction which, if not avoided, however, will not result in
damage to property.
Pos: 13 .5.8 /Al le Seri en (All gemei ne Mod ule)/ Sicher heits- und so nsti ge H in weis e/I nfor mat ion/ Inf or mati on: _W eiter e I nfor mat ion all ge mein_ - Erl äuter ung @ 13 \mod_1343310439814_21.docx @ 101051 @ @ 1
8 Notes about this Documentation
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Additional Information:
Refers to additional information which is not an integral part of this
documentation (e.g., the Internet).
Pos: 13.6 /Dokumentation allgemei n/Gliederungselemente/---Sei te nwe chsel --- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 21810 @ @ 1
Notes about this Documentation 9
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 13 .7 /All e Seri en (Allg emei ne M od ule) /Ü bers chri fte n/Eb ene 2/D ars tell ung der Za hle ns yste me - Ü bers chr ift 2 @ 23\ mod_1435647128078_21.docx @ 184811 @ 2 @ 1
1.4 Number Notation
Pos: 13.8 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/R ec htli ches , All ge mei nes /Za hlens ys te me @ 3\mod_1221059454015_21.docx @ 21711 @ @ 1
Table 2: Number Notation
Number Code
Normal notation
C notation
In quotation marks, nibble separated
with dots (.)
Pos: 13.9 /All e Seri en ( Allg emei ne Mo dule) /Ü bers chr ift en/ Ebe ne 2/ Sc hrift ko nve ntion en - Über sc hrift 2 @ 2 3\mod_1435647186005_21.docx @ 184814 @ 2 @ 1
1.5 Font Conventions
Pos: 13.1 0 / Alle Ser ie n (All ge mein e M odul e) /Re chtl ich es, Allg em ein es/Sc hr ift konv enti onen @ 3\mod_1221059521437_21.doc x @ 21714 @ @ 1
Table 3: Font Conventions
Font Type
Names of paths and data files are marked in italic-type.
e.g.: C:\Program Files\WAGO Software
Menu items are marked in bold letters.
e.g.: Save
A greater-than sign between two names means the selection of a
menu item from a menu.
Designation of input or optional fields are marked in bold letters,
Start of measurement range
Input or selective values are marked in inverted commas.
e.g.: Enter the value “4 mA” under Start of measurement range.
Pushbuttons in dialog boxes are marked with bold letters in square
e.g.: [Input]
Keys are marked with bold letters in square brackets.
Pos: 14 /Doku ment ation all gemei n/Gli eder ungsel eme nte/---Seit en wechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1
10 Important Notes
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 15 /A ll e Ser ien (Al lg emei ne M od ule)/ Üb ers chrif te n/Eb ene 1/Wi cht ige Erl äu ter unge n - Ü bersc hrift 1 @ 4\mod_1241428899156_21.docx @ 32170 @ 1 @ 1
2 Important Notes
Pos: 16.1 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/R ec htli ches , All ge mei nes /Wi chtig e Er l äuter ung en - Ei nleit ung @ 3\mod_1221059818031_21.docx @ 21717 @ @ 1
This section includes an overall summary of the most important safety
requirements and notes that are mentioned in each individual section. To protect
your health and prevent damage to devices as well, it is imperative to read and
carefully follow the safety guidelines.
Pos: 16.2 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/Ü bers chr ift en/ Ebe ne 2/ Rec htl ic he Gr un dlag en - Über schri ft 2 @ 3\mod_1221060626343_21.docx @ 21726 @ 2 @ 1
2.1 Legal Bases
Pos: 16.3 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/R ec htli ches , All ge mei nes /Änd er ungs vor beh alt - Üb ersc hrift 3 und I nhalt @ 3\mod_1221060036484_21.docx @ 21720 @ 3 @ 1
2.1.1 Subject to Changes
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to provide for any
alterations or modifications. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG owns all
rights arising from the granting of patents or from the legal protection of utility
patents. Third-party products are always mentioned without any reference to
patent rights. Thus, the existence of such rights cannot be excluded.
Pos: 16.4 /Serie 787 (EPSITRON)/Wichtige Erläut erung en/Per sonal quali fikat ion 787- xxxx @ 11\mod_1317113061338_21.docx @ 79692 @ 3 @ 1
2.1.2 Personnel Qualifications
All sequences implemented on 787 Series devices may only be carried out by
electrical specialists with sufficient knowledge in automation. The specialists must
be familiar with the current norms and guidelines for the devices and automated
Pos: 16.5 /Serie 787 (EPSITRON)/Wichtige Erläuterungen/Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung 0787-xxxx @ 11\mod_1317113060572_21.doc x @ 79688 @ 3 @ 1
2.1.3 Use of the 787 Series in Compliance with Underlying
The 787 Series power supply system provides DC voltage to electric or electronic
devices, such as industrial control systems or display, communication and
measuring devices.
The devices have been developed for use in an environment that meets the IP20
protection class criteria. Protection against finger injury and solid impurities up to
12.5 mm diameter is assured; protection against water damage is not ensured.
Unless otherwise specified, operation of the components in wet or dusty
environments is prohibited.
The devices are designed for installation in an enclosure. Under no
circumstances may they be used in control systems for planes or in nuclear
facilities, as any malfunction in these applications could result in severe injuries
or risk of death.
Pos: 16.6 /Dokumentation allgemei n/Gliederungselemente/---Sei te nwe chsel --- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 21810 @ @ 1
Important Notes 11
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 16.7 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/R ec htli ches , All ge mei nes /Te chni sc her Z us tand der Ger ät e - Ü bersc hri ft 3 und Inh alt @ 3\mod_1221060446109_21.docx @ 21723 @ 3 @ 1
2.1.4 Technical Condition of Specified Devices
The devices to be supplied ex works are equipped with hardware and software
configurations, which meet the individual application requirements. These
modules contain no parts that can be serviced or repaired by the user. The
following actions will result in the exclusion of liability on the part of WAGO
Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG:
Changes to the hardware or software that are not described in the
operating instructions,
Improper use of the components.
Further details are given in the contractual agreements. Please send your
request for modified and new hardware or software configurations directly to
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG.
Pos: 16.8 /Dokumentation allgemei n/Gliederungselemente/---Sei te nwe chsel --- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 21810 @ @ 1
12 Important Notes
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 16.9 /All e Seri en ( All ge meine Mo dul e)/Ü bers chr ift en/ Ebe ne 2/ Sic her hei tshi n weise - Üb ersc hrift 2 @ 6\ mod_1260180299987_21.docx @ 46724 @ 2 @ 1
2.2 Safety Advice (Precautions)
Pos: 16.1 0 / Alle Ser ie n (All ge mein e M odul e) /Sic her hei ts- un d sonsti ge H inw eis e/Ei nlei tu ng Si ch erh eits hin weis e Har d war e @ 6\mod_1260180170493_21.docx @ 46720 @ @ 1
For installing and operating purposes of the relevant device to your system the
following safety precautions shall be observed:
Pos: 16.1 1 / Alle Ser ie n (All ge mein e M odul e) /Sic her hei ts- un d s onsti ge Hin wei se/G ef ahr /Gef ahr: Ni cht an G erät e n un ter Spa nnu ng ar bei ten! @ 6\mod_1260180365327_21.doc x @ 46727 @ @ 1
Do not work on devices while energized!
All power sources to the device shall be switched off prior to performing any
installation, repair or maintenance work.
Pos: 16.1 2 / Alle Ser ie n (All ge mein e M odul e) /Sic her hei ts- un d s onsti ge Hin wei se/G ef ahr /Gef ahr: Ber ühr bar e s pann ung sf ühr ende Teil e! @ 1 5\mod_1366793178366_21.docx @ 117864 @ @ 1
Live parts are likely to be touched!
The party setting up the device is responsible for providing appropriate touch
guards. The installation regulations must be observed for each individual
Pos: 16.1 3 / Ser ie 7 87 ( EPSI TR ON)/ Wic hti ge Erlä uter ung en/Si ch erhei ts- und s onsti ge Hin wei se/G ef ahr /Gef ahr: Ei nba u 78 7-x xxx n ur i n G ehä usen , Schr änke n od er ele ktri sch en B etri ebsr ä ume n! @ 11\ mod_1317113246230_21.docx @ 79696 @ @ 1
Installation only in appropriate housings, cabinets or in electrical operation
Always install devices of the 787 Series in enclosures, cabinets or electrical
equipment rooms which can be closed and locked. Ensure that access to this
equipment/these rooms is possible only by authorized specialists with the
appropriate key or tools.
Pos: 16.1 4 / Ser ie 787 ( EPSITR ON)/ Wich tige Er läuter unge n/Sic herhei ts- un d so nsti ge Hin weis e/G efa hr/G ef ahr: Ger äte nic ht in St eu erung s anlag en ver wend en! @ 13\ mod_1346400862576_21.doc x @ 102180 @ @ 1
Do not use these devices in control systems for planes, trains or nuclear
Never use these devices in control systems for planes, trains or nuclear facilities,
as any malfunction in these applications can result in severe injuries or risk of
Pos: 16 .15 /All e S eri en (A llg em eine M o dul e)/Si ch erh eits- und so nstig e H inw eis e/Gef a hr/G efahr : U nfal lv erh ütu ngsv orsc hri ften be ach ten! @ 6\mod_1260180657000_21.docx @ 46735 @ @ 1
Pos: 16.1 6 / Alle Ser ie n (All ge mein e M odul e) /Sic her hei ts- un d s onsti ge Hin wei se/G ef ahr /Gef ahr: Auf n ormg erec ht en Ansc hlus s ac ht en! @ 6 \mod_1260180753479_21.docx @ 46739 @ @ 1
Ensure a standard connection!
To minimize any hazardous situations resulting in personal injury or to avoid
failures in your system, the data and power supply lines shall be installed
according to standards, with careful attention given to ensuring the correct
terminal assignment. Always adhere to the EMC directives applicable to your
Pos: 16 .17 /S erie 787 ( EPSITR ON)/ Wich tige Er läuter unge n/Sic herhei ts- und so nstige Hinwei se/A chtung /Acht ung: Versor gungss pan nung bei defe ktem Ger ät absc halte n! @ 13\mod_1346401405605_21.docx @ 102187 @ @ 1
Important Notes 13
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Switch off power supply to defective device!
Switch off power supply to the device immediately if the device malfunctions or is
damaged! Control systems connected to the device may also be damaged!
Return the defective device directly to WAGO.
Pos: 16 .18 /S erie 787 ( EPSITR ON)/ Wich tige Er läuter unge n/Sic herhei ts- und sonstige Hinweise/Achtung/Achtung: Freischwingende Leiterenden durc h ein e ge eig net e Z ugen tlas tung ab fa nge n! ( ohn e Fed erl eis te) @ 23 \mod_1435643960160_21.docx @ 184791 @ @ 1
Use strain relief!
Electronic contacts can be damaged by high vibration levels or shock impacts!
Provide appropriate strain relief means to attach and cap any free ends of the
Pos: 16.1 9 / Alle Ser ie n (All ge mein e M odul e) /Sic her hei ts- un d s onsti ge Hin wei se/V ors ic ht/Vor sic ht : H eiße Ober fl äc he nic ht ber ühre n! (all ge mein) @ 6\mod_1264428115588_21.doc x @ 48610 @ @ 1
Do not touch hot surfaces!
The surface of the housing can become hot during operation. If the device was
operated at high ambient temperatures, allow it to cool off before touching it.
Pos: 16.2 0 / Alle Ser ie n (All ge mein e M odul e) /Sic her hei ts- und sonstige Hinweise/Achtung/Achtung: G eräte vor kriec hen den und is oli ere nde n Sto ffen sc hüt zen! @ 6\mod_1260181036216_21.docx @ 46747 @ @ 1
Protect the components against materials having seeping and insulating
The components are not resistant to materials having seeping and insulating
properties such as: aerosols, silicones and triglycerides (found in some hand
creams). If you cannot exclude that such materials will appear in the component
environment, then install the components in an enclosure being resistant to the
above-mentioned materials. Clean tools and materials are imperative for
handling devices/modules.
Pos: 16.2 1 / Alle Ser ie n (All ge mein e M odul e) /Sic her hei ts- un d s onsti ge Hin wei se/A ch tung /Ac htu ng: R ei nigu ng n ur mit zul ässi ge n Mat eri alie n! @ 6\ mod_1260181203293_21.docx @ 46751 @ @ 1
Clean only with permitted materials!
Clean housing and soiled contacts with propanol.
Pos: 16.2 2 / Alle Ser ie n (All ge mein e M odul e) /Sic her hei ts- und sonstige Hinweise/Achtung/Ac htung: Kein Kontaktspray ver wenden! @ 6\mod_1260181290808_21.docx @ 46755 @ @ 1
Do not use any contact spray!
Do not use any contact spray. The spray may impair contact area functionality in
connection with contamination.
Pos: 16.2 3 / Alle Ser ie n (All ge mein e M odul e) /Sic her hei ts- un d s onsti ge Hin wei se/A ch tung /Ac htu ng: Ver pol ung en d er D at en- u nd Versor gung sleit unge n vermei den! @ 6\mod_1260184045744_21.docx @ 46767 @ @ 1
14 Important Notes
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Do not reverse the polarity of connection lines!
Avoid reverse polarity of data and power supply lines, as this may damage the
devices involved.
Pos: 16.2 4 / Alle Ser ie n (All ge mein e M odul e) /Sic her hei ts- un d sonsti ge Hin weis e/Ach tung/A chtu ng: Ele ktrost atis che Ent ladung vermei den! - DIN EN 61340-5-1/-3 @ 6\ mod_1260181364729_21.docx @ 46759 @ @ 1
Avoid electrostatic discharge!
The devices are equipped with electronic components that may be destroyed by
electrostatic discharge when touched. Please observe the safety precautions
against electrostatic discharge per DIN EN 61340-5-1/-3. When handling the
devices, please ensure that environmental factors (personnel, work space and
packaging) are properly grounded.
Pos: 17 /Doku ment ation all gemei n/Gli eder ungsel eme nte/---Seit en wechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1
Device Description 15
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 18 /A ll e Ser ien (Al lg emei ne M od ule)/ Üb ers chrif te n/Eb ene 1/G erät e besc hrei bung - Ü ber schri ft 1 @ 3\mod_1233756084656_21.docx @ 27096 @ 1 @ 1
3 Device Description
Pos: 19.1 /S erie 78 7 (E PSI TRON )/ Ger äteb esc hrei bung / Besc hrei bung /Anwendung/Anwendung 787-2861 @ 23\mod_1435323488284_21.docx @ 184666 @ @ 1
The 787-2861/0xx0-0000 electronic circuit breaker reliably protects load circuits
against short circuiting and overloading. The 24 VDC input voltage can be
provided with fuse protection for the following current values:
Table 4: Output Fuse Protection
Fuse Protection
Color Coding
0.5 A
1 A
2 A
4 A
6 A
8 A
1 A ... 8 A
The electronics can accommodate brief current peaks.
Pos: 19.2 /Serie 787 (EPSIT RON) /Ger ät ebesc hrei bung /B eschr eib ung/ LED -Anz eig e/LED -Anz eige 7 87-2861 @ 23\mod_1436342089493_21.docx @ 185670 @ @ 1
LEDs indicate the respective status of the output and current setting.
Pos: 19.3 /S erie 78 7 (E PSI TRON )/ Ger äteb esc hrei bung / Besc hrei bung/Funktion/Funktion 787-2861: Kurz sc hlu ss un d Ü ber last @ 23\mod_1436342179935_21.docx @ 185687 @ @ 1
In the event of a short circuit or overloading, the individual channel is de-
energized after a defined trip time.
Pos: 19.4 /Serie 787 (EPSIT RON) /Ger ät ebes chr ei bung /Bes chr ei bung /A nwe ndu ng/Hi nw eis e/Hin wei s: T her mis che Ents pa nnu ng abw art en 7 87-16xx @ 12\mod_1342431732847_21.docx @ 100298 @ @ 1
Wait for temperature to return to normal!
If a channel has been de-activated due to short-circuiting or overloading, wait
until the temperature returns to its normal range (cooling period) before re-
activating the channel.
Pos: 19.5 /S erie 78 7 (E PSI TRON )/ Ger äteb esc hrei bung / Besc hrei bung /F un ktion /Fu nkt ion 787- 2861: Sig nalkontakte @ 23\mod_1435572867601_21.docx @ 184762 @ @ 1
The device has a control input and a signal output.
Control input: The channel can be switched ON and OFF from here.
Signal output: The operating status can be read from here.
Pos: 19.6 /Serie 787 (EPSIT RON)/ Gerät ebesc hrei bung/ Beschr eib ung/A nwen dung/A nwen dung 78 7-2861/0108-0020 @ 28\mod_1484046480599_21.docx @ 402718 @ @ 1
The 787-2861/0108-0020 electronic circuit breaker variably protects load circuits
with current levels from 1 A … 8 A. The trip current and behavior of the signal
output can be configured using the push and slide switch. LEDs indicate the
respective status of the channel and current setting.
Pos: 19.7 /Dokumentation allgemei n/Gliederungselemente/---Sei te nwe chsel --- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 21810 @ @ 1
16 Device Description
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 19.8 /S erie 78 7 (E PSI TRON )/ Ger äteb esc hrei bung / Besc hrei bung /F un ktion /Fu nkt ion 787- 2861 : B egri ffs defi niti one n @ 30 \mod_1501165191261_21.docx @ 456661 @ @ 1
The terms “switched ON and “switched OFF”, as well as “tripped” are used in
this manual. To clearly delineate these terms, they are explained as follows:
Table 5: Definition of Terms
Switched ON
The user has activated the electronic circuit breaker
manually from the push and slide switch or via a
corresponding signal at the control input. The load
circuit is closed, the current flows.
Switched OFF
The user has deactivated the electronic circuit
breaker manually from the push and slide switch or
via a corresponding signal at the control input. The
load circuit is open, the current flow is interrupted.
The electronics of the electronic circuit breaker has
been tripped due to overcurrent, undervoltage or
overvoltage. The load circuit is open, the current
flow is interrupted.
Pos: 20 /Doku ment ation all gemei n/Gli eder ungsel eme nte/---Seit en wechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1
Device Description 17
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 21 /A ll e Ser ien (Al lg emei ne M od ule)/ Üb ers chrif te n/Eb ene 2/A nsi cht - Üb ersc hrif t 2 @ 4 \mod_1240984217343_21.docx @ 31958 @ 2 @ 1
3.1 View
Pos: 22 /S eri e 7 87 ( EPS ITR ON)/ Ger ät ebesc hrei b ung/ Ans ich t/A nsic ht 7 87- 2861 @ 23\mod_1435588017099_21.docx @ 184765 @ @ 1
Figure 1: View
Table 6: Legend for „View“ Figure
Connections (see section “Connections”)
787-2861/0xx0-0000: Transparent cover with labeling area and color
coding stripes.
The LEDs (d) and (e) and the push and slide switch (see “Operating
Elements”) are located under the transparent cover.
787-2861/0108-0020: Transparent cover with labeling area.
The LEDs (d) and (e) and the push and slide switch (see “Operating
Elements”) are located under the transparent cover.
Technical data
Snap-in mounting foot
Status LED
Configuration LED
Pos: 23 /Doku ment ation all gemei n/Gli eder ungsel eme nte/---Seit en wechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1
18 Device Description
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 24 /Alle Seri en ( All ge mein e Mo dul e)/Ü ber schr if ten/ Ebe ne 2/ A nschl üss e - Ü bersc hrift 2 @ 4\mod_1240984262656_21.docx @ 31961 @ 2 @ 1
3.2 Connectors
Pos: 25.1 /S erie 78 7 (E PSI TRON )/ Wic htig e Er läut eru nge n/S ich erhei ts- und sons tig e Hi n weis e/Ge fahr /Gef a hr: Ansc hlüs se nich t unter Last ver draht en! @ 23\ mod_1435643665495_21.docx @ 184788 @ @ 1
Do not wire connections under load!
The connections can be damaged or electric arcing can be caused by wiring the
device under tension!
Only wire the electrical connections when the device is disconnected from the
power supply!
Pos: 25.2 /S erie 78 7 (E PSI TRON )/ Wic htig e Er läut eru nge n/S ich erhei ts- und sons tig e Hi n weis e/Ac ht ung/ Acht ung : Fr eisc h winge nde Lei ter end en durc h ei ne g eeig net e Z uge ntl ast ung abf ange n! ( ohn e Fe derl ei ste) @ 23\mod_1435643960160_21.docx @ 184791 @ @ 1
Use strain relief!
Electronic contacts can be damaged by high vibration levels or shock impacts!
Provide appropriate strain relief means to attach and cap any free ends of the
Pos: 25 .3 /Ser ie 7 87 ( EPS ITR ON)/ Ger ät ebesc hr eib ung/ Ans chl üss e/Ans chl üss e 787-2861 @ 23\mod_1436337107341_21.docx @ 185598 @ @ 1
Figure 2: Connections
Table 7: Legend for “Connections” Figure
S2 (signal output)
S1 (control input)
Pos: 26 /Doku ment ation all gemei n/Gli eder ungsel eme nte/---Seit en wechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1
Device Description 19
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 27 /A ll e Ser ien (Al lg emei ne M od ule)/ Üb ers chrif te n/Eb ene 2/A nzeig eel e mente - Üb erschr if t 2 @ 4 \mod_1240984390875_21.docx @ 31964 @ 2 @ 1
3.3 Display Elements
Pos: 28 /S eri e 7 87 ( EPS ITR ON)/ Ger ät ebesc hrei b ung/ Anz eig eele me nte/A nz eig eele men te 7 87- 2861 @ 23\mod_1435670199178_21.docx @ 184977 @ @ 1
The electronic circuit breaker has a status LED (d) and a configuration LED (e).
Status LED: The LED indicates the current operating status of the channel
(see Section “General Operating Statuses”).
Configuration LED: The LED indicates the respective configuration status
(see Section “Configuration (787-2861/0108-0020 only)”).
787-2861/0xx0-0000: Non-adjustable configuration!
The configuration of the 787-2861/0xx0-0000 electronic circuit breaker is non-
adjustable and cannot be changed. The configuration LED indicates only the
device-specific configuration.
Figure 3: Display Elements
Table :8 Legend for the “Display Elements” Figure
Status LED
Configuration LED
Pos: 29 /Doku ment ation all gemei n/Gli eder ungsel eme nte/---Seit en wechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc x @ 21810 @ @ 1
20 Device Description
787-2861 Electronic Circuit Breaker
Version 1.3.1
Pos: 30 /Alle Ser ien (Al lg emei ne M od ule)/ Üb ers chrif te n/Eb ene 2/B edi enel e ment e - Ü bers chri ft 2 @ 4\mod_1239191655456_21.docx @ 30439 @ 2 @ 1
3.4 Operating Elements
Pos: 31 /S eri e 7 87 ( EPS ITR ON)/ Ger ät ebesc hrei b ung/ Bedi en ele men te/B edi enel eme nte 787- 2861 @ 23\mod_1435670272611_21.doc x @ 18498 0 @ @ 1
The device can be operated and configured with the push and slide switch. The
push and slide switch is located under the transparent cover (a); see Section
“View” in this connection.
The push and slide switch has the following basic functions:
Table 9: Basic Functions of the Push and Slide Switch
Push and slide switch
LED indication
During operation:
Switch channel ON and OFF
In case of error:
Reset channel
Slide up
(towards the configuration LED)
During operation:
Set current value is displayed once.
Slide down
(towards the status LED)
During operation:
Set configuration of the signal output is
displayed once.
The 787-2861/0108-0020 device can also be configured. More information is
available in Section “Configuration (787-2861/0108-0020 only)”.
Pos: 32 /Doku ment ation all gemei n/Gli eder ungsel eme nte/---Seit en wechs el--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 2 181 0 @ @ 1
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